View Full Version : What did you do with your dog today?

10-26-2004, 08:14 PM
I thought it would be fun to see what people did with their dogs. :)

Today I took Heidi and I went to my piano lessions, and then afterwards I went and took her to the Humane Society to get her microchipped, and then when I got home, we played fetch outside for awhile, then off to agility. :) She piddled there...:rolleyes: She also did a mini mad dash around the room. :o And I even exercised her before we went! :eek: So what did you do with your dog today?

10-26-2004, 08:19 PM
Let's see.. he got plenty of hugs n' kisses when I got home, took him to play in the leaves for a while, fed him, more hugs n' kisses, played chase around the house, gave him a greenie, had him sit on me while I surfed the net. Bed time shortly so there will be more hugs n' kisses goodnight, then we cuddle till morning.

10-26-2004, 08:28 PM
DH and I had fun with squawkers in the back yard! We stand at opposite ends of the yard and take turns squawking! It drives the dogs nuts as they run back and forth trying to find the "animal" making the noise! Now they are all pooped out and snoozin :D

Never heard a squawker? Click HERE (http://www.networksplus.net/nga/gif/predator.wav) and see what your pup does! I just tested the link and 5 sleeping hounds jumped about 3 feet in the air and are running around to all the rooms looking for "it".

10-26-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by lovemygreys7
DH and I had fun with squawkers in the back yard! We stand at opposite ends of the yard and take turns squawking! It drives the dogs nuts as they run back and forth trying to find the "animal" making the noise! Now they are all pooped out and snoozin :D

Never heard a squawker? Click HERE (http://www.networksplus.net/nga/gif/predator.wav) and see what your pup does! I just tested the link and 5 sleeping hounds jumped about 3 feet in the air and are running around to all the rooms looking for "it".

The link didn't work for me. :( Sounds fun though. :D

10-26-2004, 08:43 PM
We went to the park so they could both play in the snow for awhile.

10-26-2004, 08:48 PM
This morning I let them all out to potty, let them in and fed them.

Kissed Simba and Nala goodbye and Kiara drove with us to school like always. Said bye to Kiara.

Then when I got home, we went outside and played fetch for a bit... came inside and played a bit more.

Took a nap with Nala on the couch, then moved to my room with the girls.
Fed them their dinner after their nap. Went outside again after eating, played.
And, now they're all sleeping again!

10-26-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by lovemygreys7
DH and I had fun with squawkers in the back yard! We stand at opposite ends of the yard and take turns squawking! It drives the dogs nuts as they run back and forth trying to find the "animal" making the noise! Now they are all pooped out and snoozin :D

Never heard a squawker? Click HERE (http://www.networksplus.net/nga/gif/predator.wav) and see what your pup does! I just tested the link and 5 sleeping hounds jumped about 3 feet in the air and are running around to all the rooms looking for "it".
OMG.. My Greys are still trying to find where the noise came from. I gots to get me one of those!:p

10-26-2004, 09:02 PM
Today was another cold lazy day!

Fed Jasper, played fetch in the house, took some naps...

Originally posted by lovemygreys7
Never heard a squawker? Click HERE (http://www.networksplus.net/nga/gif/predator.wav) and see what your pup does! I just tested the link and 5 sleeping hounds jumped about 3 feet in the air and are running around to all the rooms looking for "it".

LOL I just clicked that and Jasper was asleep on my bed and he just lifed his head and stared.

10-26-2004, 09:10 PM
Now it worked for me. :D Heidi would love that. It probably would sound too much like a game bird though. :)

10-26-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by lovemygreys7
Never heard a squawker? Click HERE (http://www.networksplus.net/nga/gif/predator.wav) and see what your pup does! I just tested the link and 5 sleeping hounds jumped about 3 feet in the air and are running around to all the rooms looking for "it".

May have to get a new laptop after that! It just got attacked by two terriers! What are those, and where can I get two? LOL :D

We mostly ate, chewed, played fetch, and played kissey face! :) I was too tired to walk tonight, so we fetched an extra long time! :)

10-26-2004, 09:34 PM
Hardly anything. It was raining most of the day, so we just lounged around. Dusty and Roxy got to mutilate my halloween pinata, but I wasn't involved in that activity. This evening, it cleared up, so the dogs hung out in the front yard with me while I washed out all the dog crates and houses.

10-26-2004, 09:36 PM
Not much. Played a bit when I got home from school, and just relaxed in the house.

It's POURING rain here now.. and really, really, cold (49 degrees!) and we're still in the house, obviously, just chillin' and keeping warm. ;)

10-26-2004, 10:45 PM
Played outside with the dogs then took Bon to his 2nd obedience puppy class.

10-26-2004, 10:49 PM
Fed him, chased him around the yard:rolleyes:

Then after school, I took pictures of him with his bandanas, played with him. Then I occasionally pet him and gave him a couple treats while my brother and I raked leaves. I'm gonna take him for a walk soon too :)

10-26-2004, 10:56 PM
Bathed Tia and took her for a walk, Walked Tango and Took Echo to the vet.

10-26-2004, 11:05 PM
This morning, before work, I let the young boys (Pacer, Chum & Franklin) outside for awhile. I sat with Preacher and just snuggled with him. Then I gave Preacher his assortment of medications. Gave Goldie her meds. Let Goldie outside. Let the rest of them back in and reminded sleeping husband to water the dogs and let the old timers out & back in (Sleet & Preacher) before he left.

After work, I let Bandit, Hobo, & Heyoka off their tie-outs. Let Sleet out to play with Hobo, her boyfriend. Then I went to the back pen and let Mac, Raven, Founder, and Antare out. So there about 14 dogs loose in the yard. Played with them for a couple hours.

Hacked up a bunch of moose meat for their dinner. Fed everyone. Took around more water. Fixed the latch on one pen. Played with Kayleigh for a bit. Did some Tellington Touch work with Ozzy. Came in the house. About 8 dogs are still in the yard. Bandit is keeping my feet warm. Pingo has set up camp on the couch again. Preacher is relaxing in the porch.

Soon, I have to go get everyone in for the night, give out more medications, let some out for pee breaks and then distribute their nighttime chewies and then off to bed!

10-27-2004, 06:23 AM
I bathed and clipped Bella and Ripley. After that I was too tired to do too much with them or anyone for that matter! LOL!

10-27-2004, 06:35 AM
Played frisbee in the back yard...brushed her and put a fresh bow in her hair...took a couple of pics...found a tooth!! (her first to lose!)

Went thru the sit, lay down and speak routine (like we do every night)

I played on puter and she sat by my chair...til bed time..

10-27-2004, 08:05 AM
Not much today! We have (The Hoomans) have been busy house hunting.

Clover, Elvis and i slept in as late as possible. When i let them out it was so cold,there was a very strong wind blowing and it was raining Clover was not impressed and went out for a quick pee run and came back inside. Elvis on the other hand was scared of the wind but realy needed to get to his favourite pee spot and made a mad dash for it LOL.

I was out all day, but the dogs had both inside and outside access. It was too cold to walk them today so i just played fetch and did a bit of obedience with them. Most recently i fed them and now they are asleep infront of the heater in the kitchen and will probably stay there until bedtime.

10-27-2004, 08:26 AM
Not much yet (It's 9:30 am) here right now. Today they are all getting a bath, and later we'll probably go for a walk.

Samantha Puppy
10-27-2004, 08:54 AM
Yesterday when I got home, I fed her. Then she came outside with me while I cut the grass. We went inside to greet Daddy. She got some leftover chicken from me and then we played with her ducky for awhile. Daddy wrestled with her. She chased kitties. Then we went to seepies... Woke up, let her out, gave her a stick, cuddled with her on the floor longer than I should have. That's all, 'til I get home today.

12-09-2004, 10:06 PM
Today me and Heidi went outside and played in the show. I got a few pictures, but I have to finish the roll of film and take it in. She gets snow everywhere, all over her face, lol. She's so silly. :p

12-09-2004, 10:17 PM
I played tug of war with Buster and Jenny and Rocky wanted to play too lol they did and then I sat and watched tv with Buster laying on the couch with me and then Jenny came in my room and layed on the bed when I was holding my guinea pig, Dodger and she licked him gave him a bath actually;) and now I am on here and gave all the dogs plenty of hugs and kisses today and will more when I go to bed:)

12-09-2004, 11:08 PM
First I bathed Tia and Tango and got them ready for their Christmas photo shoot. After that I went out to play with Echo and Tango in the snow and then came in and warmed up with Tia:D

12-09-2004, 11:11 PM
I worked from home today, so I took treats out severral times and got kisses. Took them to the dog park around 4 - had a ball watching them racing around - then I chased 'em just to be sure they got enough running in. About to leave when 3 more dogs arrived, stayed another 5 minutes but it started to rain hard, so we left. Gave them good stuff for supper, then went back out with tasty leftovers and treats and played with them in their greenhouse for a while. Trying to teach Sherman to shake paws. Star kept showing him how. Hahaha - they're so fun! Then tucked them into bed and came in to do some more work, (except that I got on the internet -oops!)