View Full Version : Knarla

08-14-2001, 11:50 AM
Hi Knarla! What a cutie!! :) And you have one fantastic webpage!! So much to read and learn about you special critters! Although you are still a wee one, it sounds as though you are well on your way to becoming a first class athlete!! (Shot put, hurdles :D :D :D)What a joy it must be for your family to have you there to entertain and love them! Congratulations to you sweet, sweet Knarla! You are an absolutely precious and engaging little Pet of the Day! Hope your day is filled with lots of extra love and yummy treats!

08-14-2001, 11:56 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm Knarla Pog's mom and am so proud that she is pet of the day ... thanks to everyone who's sent nice notes and visited her web site.

She is currently sleeping off a very active night ... lots of wheeling and cricket-eating. :)

Knarla's web site http://knarla.tripod.com

Heather :)

08-14-2001, 04:43 PM
Sleep tight precious! And again, congratulations!!

08-14-2001, 04:46 PM
Knarla has such a precious little face. Unfortunately, I don't know much about hedgehogs, but I will definitely check out Knarla's website and learn more about these cuties.
Congratulations to sweet little Knarla, our beautiful POTD.