View Full Version : Arthritis/Hip Problems...Help!!

10-24-2004, 03:52 PM
This is actually my first post...sorry it has to be on a not-so-pleasant topic.

First of all, this is Aries, our lab mix...

We adopted him when he's 3 (he's a stray, so...age was just an estimate), and now he's about 5.5 yrs old. 2 days ago, he started walking "funny," and whining/crying pretty much nonstop, esp. when he's laying down on his side. We took him to the vet and they took some x-rays of his hip. They concluded that Aries had shallow sockets and probably early stage of arthritis. We were sent home with some Rimadyl and instructions to lose some weight.

However, Aries is still whining and he's in obvious discomfort...I'm just wondering if there's anything we can do to make him more comfortable. And should I seek a 2nd opinion or is it a pretty straight forward problem?

Thanks in advance!

10-24-2004, 04:02 PM
I would ask for something else to help relieve the pain if the Rimadyl isn't helping. or maybe a second opinion is in order. I don;t have experience with it, but I know others here do. Maybe it takes a while to take effect?

Poor baby, give him a hug from me. He's a handsome guy, by the way!

10-24-2004, 05:02 PM
Glucosamine with msm could really help.

Helps to rebuild the sinovial (sp) within the joints. With arthrities the bones start to rub together because of the lack of sinovial fluid and cartiliage.

It doesn't work over night but has shown improvements in all my dogs that had joint problems.

Also sometimes Rimadil can cause an upset tummy. Check with your vet but with my GSD we used Ascription. It's basically an asprin that is coated in mylox to not upset the tummy.

10-24-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by greysandmoregreys
Glucosamine with msm could really help.


10-24-2004, 05:39 PM
MSM= Methylsulfonylmethane,

Here is just a quick page that was first on the list for Gluco with MSM
Gluco & msm (http://www.wholehealthproducts.com/wholehealthproducts/index.cfm?fuseaction=customer.product&product_code=GL5&category_code=GCM%5FSH&gtse=GOOG&gtkw=Glucosamine%20chondroitin%20msm)

I've never ordered here before but it will give you some information so you can look other places for a better price

10-24-2004, 06:25 PM
*whisper*...Aries is actually sleeping soundly next to be w/o whining or crying...*whisper*...yay! hope this lasts...:)

10-24-2004, 07:02 PM
My Sheba has bad arthritis.
On her bad days I give her a perscription medication.

Their is a supplement called Synovi G3 in Granules.
(glusosamine and MSM) I sometimes add to
her food.
(It should be given daily, but sometimes she will not
eat her dinner if she tastes it)
What ever supplements you decide to use, you
should ask your vet.
You might want to consider a second opinion from an orthopedic specialist.

I hope your pup feels better soon. :(

10-26-2004, 09:00 AM
Maybe a good massage would help. I hear they can be therapeutic & relaxing. Even if it helps for just a little while it might be worth checking into. There are professional pet massage practitioners/therapists out there and also books on canine massage.

Good luck to you & Aries!

10-26-2004, 11:47 AM
My 12 years old girl has arthritis and I give her Synovi MSM every day plus a teaspoon of organic Flax Seed oil to lubricate her joints. But, as somebody else said, try to get a second opinion.
Best wishes for Aries to get rid of the pain.