View Full Version : Oinky

01-11-2002, 07:47 AM
Bless your little heart! I didn't know guinea pigs could have a weight problem, but join the crowd!! I hope your diet is working so you can continue to have a long and healthy life. I think you are beautiful and hope you get lots of love and good healthy things to eat on your special day.
Congratulations on being the Pet of the Day!! :D

01-11-2002, 08:56 AM
Oinky, what a cutie you are and now you have joined all of us who are on some sort of diet. Your coloring is so pretty and it sounds like you have a wonderful family who loves you so much. Congradulatons Oinky our very sweet, loving, hungry Very Best Pet of the Day.

01-11-2002, 11:45 AM
Hi there beautiful Oinky!! What a pretty piggie you are!! :) I especially love your "Shy Di" expression. How sweet!! And, being the mother of a fellow piggie pudge, we feel your pain!! ;) But Oinky, today is not the day to watch those calories. Today is the day to celebrate your great honor as Pet Talk's Pet of the Day! Have a very happy treat filled day. And have your mom give you the biggest kiss on top of that precious little head of yours from me and Mr. Squeekers!!

01-11-2002, 07:56 PM
Dear Oinky,
You are the Cutest little bundle of fluff
and sweetness I've ever seen !!! I'm so
happy to meet you today and congradulate
you for being honored as PET OF THE DAY !!!