View Full Version : My very brain damaged (and ohh so handsome) Eli LOVES money too!

10-21-2004, 09:49 PM
Though no one can tell from photos, Eli is very brain damaged from his mother being abandoned, and not having any vaccinations. She came down with panluekopenia while pregnant (also know as distemper), and all her babies were affected to different degrees. Many times they don't survive at all, but Eli's mom was lucky as she was rescued seven years ago by a fellow rescuer, and the three kittens were born inside a safe home. Their mom was black, and when I got the call that the mom was having babies, and they were all white, I know they were Siamese crosses! The two less affected kittens, and sweet mama got homes, but Eli was so bad off, he was due to be killed, I took him and worked with him for a long time, and he's doing so incredibly well! It's like having a cat with cerebral palsy...similar movements etc. Well anyway, Eli loves the sound dollar bills make..flap, flap...bird noises LOL! Here's a few pics of my handsome rubber boy. :)




Having so much fun!


WHOA!!!! Too much fun for one wobbly dude!

10-21-2004, 09:52 PM
Eli is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Oh, what a lucky boy to have such a caring mom!!!:)

10-21-2004, 09:56 PM
Aww... what a handsome dude. My dad has CP, so I know that even though you have a little brain damage, it doesn't mean you can't do great! though Eli is much cuter than my dad (no offense dad!)

PS: my dad loves money too... how coincidental is that? :D

Laura's Babies
10-21-2004, 10:22 PM
Ohhhhhhh! QSL, Eli is gorgeous! He is really a VERY handsome boy! He sure look darn healthy too... what does he eat for goodness sake? That fur is so pretty that I just want to bury my nose in it and shower him with kisses!!! Funny, he likes $$$$...He and I would get along GREAT!

Thank God there are people that KNOW special need kitties are worth having for the joy they bring into their lives. He is a kitty first, handicap second, and I know he has feeling, can feel love and knows he has a good home!

10-21-2004, 10:30 PM
It's funny how my most special needs kitties like money more than the adoptable 'normal' ones! LOL! They adore the noise money makes when you flutter it around them! ME TOO!!! But make it hundred dollar bills....not measly ones LOL! :D :D Eli is the most drunken looking sailor here! But he's so smart in that he never misses the potty, and gets from point 'A' to point 'B' when he wants....and ther's NO stopping him! He's like a frieght train when he wants something!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D

10-21-2004, 10:41 PM
Ahhhh, Eli is so adorable! Hey I love playing with money too! Even those little dollar bills!! Eli, you are a cat after my own heart!


10-21-2004, 10:59 PM
What a sweet little boy!! Smart too...he knows he can get yummies and fun things to play with with that $$. :)

He's very sweet, I'm so glad he's home with you.

10-21-2004, 11:02 PM
Oh Jan, Eli is absolutely beautiful.
I was wondering if he sits there and gives you a look that says, "SHOW ME THE MONEY." :)

10-21-2004, 11:10 PM
He's actually downright dangerous LOL! I can't trim his claws as he needs them to balance, and when he climbs. Eli climbing is a miracle in itself! BUT when he's in the bedroom, I have to be concious all night long as to where he is and what he's doing next! His claws are literally like daggers, and I can't trim them. He could easily fall over and break his neck if it weren't for his claws. :( He's a very special cat, and I adore him! :)

10-21-2004, 11:51 PM
Gotta love a Meezer, no matter how wobbly!

So, he loves dollar bills....ever throw down a credit card and see what happens?:eek:

10-22-2004, 06:07 AM
Eli you are one stunning and handsome boy!! What a gorgeous fur coat! You are one smart kitty to want that money! You go Eli!!!

Jan, its funny when you said he is like a frieght train when he wants something. I always call Magoo "Thomas the Tank" when he is on a mission!

Big KISSIES to you Eli!!!:D :D :D

10-22-2004, 08:52 AM
JJJ3,and Eli,are probably would be trying,to figure out,how many Whiskas Temptations,that they could buy,for that money!

Laura's Babies
10-22-2004, 08:54 AM
Had to come back and look at this handsome boy again this morning. I just can not get over how BEAUTIFUL he is!! ****Kissie****KISSIE***KISSIE**** ELI!!

10-22-2004, 08:59 AM
Sweet Eli!!! You have a wonderful Meowmie!!:D

10-22-2004, 09:02 AM
Oh Jan he is gorgous. I could just love him right up.

10-22-2004, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
Gotta love a Meezer, no matter how wobbly!

So, he loves dollar bills....ever throw down a credit card and see what happens?:eek: :D :D It would probably go flying LOL! I'll pass on kissing Eli too, as often he's fresh! I kiss him when he's dozing otherwise I'm liable to have a dagger (claw) implanted in my forehead! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D He gets lots of loving when he's relaxed, which isn't often! Wild man LOL! :rolleyes: