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View Full Version : Goldie update & Pic

10-20-2004, 10:08 PM
Just a little update on Goldie. She seems to be doing much better. She is eating normally and wants treats again. She is taking her pills like a good dog. Some hidden in soft food and some popped into her mouth. She hates that cone collar. She won't move much when it's on. I'm looking for a clear one since I think the problem is she can't see through this one. I've been giving her closely supervised cone free time a couple times through the day. The lump under her front leg has definately shrunk. She's walking better, not limping nearly as much. The lump on her belly still looks about the same size, but it's not nearly as red and sore looking. She is tolerating the twice daily flushing of the drains, although she is not exactly happy to see me coming with the syringe!

She looks much better--her eyes look alive again and sometimes she even smiles. Her tail is back up and she tried to play a little tonight with her boyfriend, Chase. Was she happy to see him!?? But it's hard to play with a cone on. Chase did give her a couple little licks on the cheek though. They are quite cute together.

I snapped this pic of her tonight just as she was finishing up a treat. When she lays down, you can't tell she's hurt at all!


10-20-2004, 10:39 PM
I'm so glad Goldie's doing better! :) She's such a pretty girl.

10-20-2004, 11:09 PM
Get well soon sweetheart

10-21-2004, 12:55 PM
Great to know you're doing better, beautiful Goldie!
Your mommy is taking such good care of you that any day now you'll be able to play with Chase again to your heart's content.:)

10-21-2004, 03:43 PM
What a welcome bit of news!!! Thank you so much for the detailed update! Goldie, you're looking SO fine! I'm sure Chase feels just the same way:D And I'll bet that cone of yours won't keep him from finding some way to plant some smoochies on you:) Continued recovery to you sweetheart:)