View Full Version : Thumper!

08-08-2001, 06:49 AM
Thumper you are SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! Oh my gosh, you look so fluffy and adorable, munching on you carrot treat! I loved reading your story, about how you used to run wild with "streetwise" bunnies! I'm glad your human brought you in to care for you. I think you must be much happier and safer where you are now. :) Congratulations on being our "Pet of the Day", sweet Thumper!!

08-08-2001, 10:11 AM

You look so happy and content, munching on your carrot treat! I'm so glad your two-legger rescued you from the "mean streets" and gave you a loving forver home. Congrats on being POTD ... celebrate with another carrot!


08-08-2001, 11:06 AM
Dear Thumper. No matter your breed, no matter your age. By anyone's standards you are adorable and precious! What a happy story! Sccoped up from the heat and grim of those cruel and hostile streets, and into the loving and safe arms of your proud guardian! Oh, how I wish I could hug and kiss your sweet face! Congratulations Thumper! I am so happy to call you our most precious, cuddly, soft and loving little bunster Pet of the Day!! Yea Thumper!! :)

08-08-2001, 01:01 PM
WHAT A CUTIE!!!! That face is just too much!
Kisses to you, Thumper, our adorable little POTD!

08-08-2001, 02:12 PM

What a cutie you are! I'm so happy that you let someone rescue you. It sounds like you have a really good home! Congrats to you on being Pet of the Day!