View Full Version : I have no 'hangups'!!

10-19-2004, 11:46 AM

Los Angeles rests under a blanket of clouds, the first rains of autumn have come...

It's time to get out the heavy jackets and prepare for the cold weather that is on it's way.

I get to my office and try to hang it up when I remember that the little loop, sewn into the neck, right above the tag, doesn't exist any more...

It's part of some land fill/dump!

My old GF's cats loved my down jackets. I'd plop them down on the couch and in two minutes I'd have a cat nestled on it-purring contentedly!

I didn't mind the hair that Bear or Cole left on the liner...

I DID MIND that one of them ate the nylon loop that I used to hang the dang jacket up.

For a while I worried that I'd get a phone call telling me that the cat was sick-some kind of nylon poisioning....

It didn't happen and the cats lived to run, break and chew other things up.

Every time I take that jacket off I know there are two cats, peering over the side of the Rainbow Bridge, laughing their tails off, when I hang up that coat....

I stop, think for a second, and I laugh too. :D

10-19-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

I stop, think for a second, and I laugh too. :D
Yup, Cole and Bear are probably laughing as you say:) Funny how the change in weather brings out the memories, isn't it?:)

10-19-2004, 12:01 PM
{{{RICHARD}}} Thanks for the "walk down memory lane" with you. It's a purrfect fall story. sirrahbed is absolutely right...the change in weather always brings up fond memories. Fall is my favorite time of year, even thought everyone freaks out because of the rain! :rolleyes: My commute was 2 hours today...ugh! I should have worked from home, bundled up in my warm blanket and purring kitties!


10-19-2004, 04:52 PM
Well, then I guess you are "off the hook". :rolleyes: :D

10-19-2004, 04:57 PM
I know it might spoil the memories, but it isn't hard to replace that little loop. ;) And it sure beats that hunkback look to clothing. :D

10-20-2004, 09:49 AM
I think,that in this colder weather,The Found Cats resent,that they acn no longer sleep,on the Heavy Coat,that I use,for winter! I know,what you mean,as Cats,always chew,what you need,the most,when you most need it!