View Full Version : Trixie

08-06-2001, 11:52 AM
Hi precious Trixie!!! What an adorable pic.!! You are such a lovely little bunny! And, I believe, our first "contraband" Pet of the Day! I can just picture you quietly hiding in that cracker box! And how lucky to have been scooped off the hot dusty streets of Mexico and plopped right into the lap of luxury! I agree! Bunnies are wonderful indoor pets, so sweet, soft, cuddly and affectionate! And you, Trixie, are all that and more. :) Congratulations to Trixie, our most adorable Pet of the Day! Maybe just one little carrot to celebrate, mom??

08-06-2001, 12:06 PM

What a handsome bun you are! Congrats on being pet of the day!! Bunnies are great indoor pets and you, Sir Trixie, are a wonderful ambassador for the gentle species!

Take a victory hop around the living room and demand a well-deserved carrot! (Please, Mom?!)