View Full Version : NOT a good weekend for two of the eight

10-18-2004, 02:08 AM
:( First, we had to take Livvy to the vet on Saturday. With the weather changing, she caught a cold. While examining her, her vet felt the area where she found her lump/growth on her liver about a year ago and says is nearly doubled in size. We're going to ultrasound her this week and aspirate it to see what it is. :eek: I'm pretty worried about that.

Livvy was put on Orbax and she still seems the same. She may be returning to the vet tomorrow morning. :(

Basie threw up some plastic and part of a mouse (leather toy). He then vomited after I gave him a tiny corner of my pop-tart (just the bready part, so sugary filling). I called his vet, but she's not answering, so I called CiCi (a vet tech) and she told me to feed him something yummy and see what he does. She said to feel his tummy and squeeze a bit to see if he's painful.

Luckily, its been 2 hours and he hasn't vomited and he isn't painful to the touch, but he's very clingy. I'm going to watch him for a bit, I'm worried.

Please say some prayers for my little sickies.

10-18-2004, 04:49 AM
Livvy we keep all our fingers and paws crossed for you.

And Basil, we hope strictly that it was just the little bit of plastic mouse that gave you an upset tummy. You should be careful and only eat the good food your meowmie gives you;)

Laura's Babies
10-18-2004, 08:04 AM
Prayers sent for both your babies.. It is SO upsetting when they are sick as we all know!!

Livvy, special prayers for you sweetheart!

10-18-2004, 08:59 AM
Livvy,and Basil,the Fopund Cats,and I will include you,in our Prayers,that you are happy,and healthy Cats,once again.

10-18-2004, 11:34 AM
Poor Livvy and Basie. Prayers on the way!!

10-18-2004, 12:39 PM
I'm sad to hear about Livvy. I'll be praying for her.

10-18-2004, 01:00 PM
Oh Kelly - I am sorry to hear you have sick babies! That is always such a worry. Has Basil done any more vomiting? Hope that Livvy will be OK:( That growth must be very scary! (((HUGS)))

10-18-2004, 01:01 PM
Keeping fingers crossed for Livvy - poorly girl hope she's OK and the visit to the vets tomorrow goes well!!!

Basie - remember - eat only food, eat only food - plastic not good - plastic not good:eek: :eek: Silly Boy:)

{{Hugs}}} to you Kelly.


Felicia's Mom
10-18-2004, 01:34 PM
I'm sorry Livvy and Basie aren't feeling well.:(

10-18-2004, 01:42 PM
Sending purrayers your way Livvy & Basie. Feel better kitties. :( ;)

10-18-2004, 02:39 PM
Any updates on your sick duo? You all are in our prayers...

10-18-2004, 09:01 PM
He vomited again around 1AM and I found three more spots at 8AM. I called his vet again and she told me to watch him till 12pm. We both took a nap and awoke at 1PM and no vomiting. He hasn't eaten, but is drinking a bit. His vet is coming over after work to examine him and will be armed with medicine. He seems a bit better attitude wise, he's been pretty playful this afternoon and even tried to chew on the grocery bags. ;) I'll update after his exam.

I'm having my friend/vet check on her tonight too. She's been on Orbax since Saturday night and there's no change for the better. In fact, she has no appetite, which is unheard of for Livvy. :(

I'll update later tonight. Thanks for your kind words. :)

10-18-2004, 09:06 PM
Kelly, I have the two sweeties in my prayers. I hpe you will get a good report tonight, or at least some answers.


10-18-2004, 10:43 PM
hoping for an update!
Will keep your crew in my thoughts and prayers, Kelly!

10-18-2004, 11:44 PM
Prayers ongoing and fingers and paws crossed that both are feeling better now... At least Basie seems to be feeling better per what you say.

10-19-2004, 12:04 AM

He threw up right after I typed that update, but it was a little amount. His vet came by around 7:00 and felt his tummy. She said it felt like he was real sore and gave him a shot of Reglan and a shot of Pepsid to calm it. He's clingy right now, but does seem more relaxed. He's hanging out with me on the couch. Poor guy. I'll keep an eye on him tonight and if he's still vomiting tomorrow, we'll bring him in for xrays.

She's still not eating and my vet says she's still real conjested. We spent about 45 minutes in the bathroom (where Livvy is for now) with her. She got lots and lots of love from her auntie Susie (her vet) and then thanked us both with lots of wet sneezes. ;) (It was totally funny. I sat in the bathtub, Livvy on the toilet and Susie was on the floor against the door.)

I got her a new fleece blankie to snuggle up to and will entice her appetite with some wet food.

We're going to switch her from Orbax to Clavamox or Baytril tomorrow.

Wanna hear some good news? Susie, may take Livvy to live with her! It would be much better living with just one other kitty, who is non-confrontational. Its not in stone, but she offered.

We're going to ultrasound and biospy her growth the week after Halloween. So, please cross your fingers for that.

Thanks for worrying with me. :) I'll give an update tomorrow, hopefully it wont include any xrays.

10-19-2004, 05:22 AM
Kelly {{{Hugs}}} sweetheart - those two furries seem to be going through a rough time don't they? Keeping them both in my thoughts and prayers. All fingers and paws crossed xxxx


10-19-2004, 06:02 AM
Kelly I'm so sorry to be late in reading this. Poor babies and poor you! Two to worry about at the same time!! Prayers are on the way that everyone gets well quickly. Hang in there and keep us posted.

I will be saying an extra special prayer that things go well with the "possible" adoption of Livvy. It sounds like it would be a wonderful home for her.

10-19-2004, 08:29 PM
Oh boy, fingers crossed for a new home for Livvy -- sounds like a stress reliever for you, hubby, the other cats, and Livvy particularly... Fingers crossed both cats are feeling better tonight.

10-19-2004, 09:14 PM
Oh Kelly, I'm sorry the kitties are not feeling well. I hope they are better soon.

10-19-2004, 11:42 PM

I found one spot on the carpet this morning. But he seemed much better. I offered him some turkey and he ate that, then went to the crunchy bowl and had a few. When I got home, there weren't any spots on the carpet. Yay! He's actually eating right now. Thank goodness. :)

She's also doing well too! She ate all of her wet food this morning and now she's crying in the bathroom as I type this. Not too sniffly and her dry food bowl is half full.

I'm so glad they are both on their way back to healthy.

Thanks so much for all your concern. :)

10-20-2004, 12:05 AM
Kelly, I haven't had internet access for a day or two, so I missed this whole thread.

Gosh, can't we worry about our babies? But the last post from you sounded more upbeat. Let's just pray that they really are better and totally on the mend.

What a good Mommie you are!

Hugs from Gini

10-20-2004, 12:37 AM
Glad to hear Basie and Livvy are doing better.

That would be great if she took Livvy with only one other cat at home. Fingers crossed that works out. I know you would miss her.