View Full Version : Beautiful bunnies Taz & Samantha

10-15-2004, 11:12 AM
What an adooorable pair you two are!! You have such beauuutiful fur and twinkling little eyes! How sweet that Taz won over Savannah! Congrats for being Our Sweet Little Bunnies of the Day!! :) :D :)

10-15-2004, 11:19 AM
What sweet Bunnies you both are! Congrats on POTD! Enjoy your day!:)

10-15-2004, 12:21 PM
Taz & Samantha
What an adorable pair you are!
Taz, I'm so glad you didn't give up on Samantha. Faint heart ne'er won fair bunny girl, you know!
It was such a treat to meet you both today.
Congratulations, on being our special Pets of the Day!:D

10-15-2004, 03:31 PM
Oh what a precious pair you make, darling Savanna and Taz:) Now I KNOW I had a pair of bunny slippers as a child that looked identical to you two:D What a great rescue story your humans share with us! It's so reassuring to read that there are shelters and adopters that go out of their way to assure a true and lasting love match! Taz, kudos to you sweetheart for your patience and perserverence! You, like your parents, were rewarded royally for you kindness with a most precious, loving furpal and furkid:) I hope today your mom gives you guys free reign to eat the house down;) Congratuations to the two cuties, Savanna and Taz, that most precious bunster pair, our Pets of the Day! I hope many, many more happy years of love and friendship lay ahead for you and your family:)