View Full Version : Mister and Missy

10-13-2001, 08:47 AM
Good Morning you precious little munchkin babies! Or are you two noctural kids sleeping in?? :D Your picture is too precious for words! Those little pink noses just beg to be kissed, which I am sure they are quite regularly :) With all that good loving, and good food you cutie pies get there at the house, I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you have decided to stay right where you are! Congratulations to you adorable little Mister and Missy, our Saturday Pets of the Day!!! What a wonderful rescue tale. Time for celebrating and a lot of lip smackin'! Break out the liver and grapes!! :D

10-13-2001, 11:42 AM
Hurray for Mister and Missy! I'm so glad someone took the time to see you can be loving and loved. Where I live, we have some of your wild cousins, and people treat them very badly. I've even had a couple of your family visit in my house, which was scary for me AND them! :eek:

Enjoy your special day, and congratulations on having a caring family to give you treats and love!