View Full Version : Bandit and Ghost

07-14-2001, 12:58 AM
Ferrits are soooooooooooo cute! Need I say more?

07-14-2001, 03:45 AM
What a pair! Great hats too! Congratulations on being Pets of the Day. How great that you have so many friends, and someone to make a custom condo for you!

07-14-2001, 07:28 AM
Precious, precious, precious!!!!!!!!!! Did you two crazy kids pick out your own birthday attire??? :D You two look so stunning in your adorable little hats. I'll bet it was quite the birthday bash!! As for the linatone...Does that make the mini-mallows go down easier?? ;) What a happy, loving home you have, sweet, sweet Bandit and Ghost! I can just picture you two all snuggled in your tea cosy! Congratulations to you both! You are the sweetest, most adorable little Ferret Pets of the Day! Kisses to our special girls!!

07-14-2001, 09:23 AM
Erm... not really related to those cuties of ferrets... but what on earth is linatone? I've never come across it before.

07-14-2001, 11:25 PM
Bandit and Ghost! What terrific pets of the day you are! We don't get to have ferrets, due to too many other furry ones in this house that would endanger them! But, your picture is great, and it sounds like you both have quite perfect personalities!! Congratulations!!! :)