View Full Version : FLIES!! in my bedroom!!!!

10-04-2004, 11:09 PM
EEEEEeeeewwww i'm squirming just reliving this:( there are flies in my bedroom:( a lot of them, I saw two on my lamp before I went to bed last night, which is bad enough, but then when I was over by our fire escape with Boomer I saw about 10 of the nasty critters hanging out int he corner:( I feel so dirty and nasty :( How do I get rid of them?? Flies carry all sorts of nasty diseases! I don't know how they got in or what they are using as food:( We don't leave ANY food or drink in the bedroom:(

10-04-2004, 11:22 PM
OH my freaking goodness!!!!!!
There is a dead bird out on my balcony in the corner by the fire escape! I don't know how the flies are getting in, but I'll bet I know where they are multiplying!
now I really feel dirty!
I'm too pregnant to be messing around with bird carcases.....
Maybe when Paul gets home he'll throw it over the balcony- I don't know how he's going to pick the thing up though:eek: :eek: :( :( :( :( :(

10-04-2004, 11:26 PM
Ohhh....poor bird. :( I remember finding a dead sparrow in our balcony years ago. It was the saddest thing to see. :( My mom wrapped a plastic bag around her hand, picked it up with that and buried it in the garden.

Hope you solve the problem soon.

10-04-2004, 11:27 PM
Okay Missy, deep breaths girl, relax. Yes it is obvious that the flies are the result of the dead bird.
When the hubby gets home, have him get a bunch of paper towels and 2 plastic bags. Pick up the bird with the paper towels and place it in the plastic bags. Tie it up good and put it in a garbage can if you can or deposit it somewhere far from the house.
As for the flies, go to your nearest hardware store and get some fly strips to hang in your house or the biggest fly swatter you can find.;)

10-04-2004, 11:36 PM
ewww u poor thing!!

glad u found the source.

I found a dead bird in my moms house years ago.. it had been dead along time. But there were no bugs on it. it was just dried up.

A day earlier I found a bird in our house flying around & then another stuck inbetween the double plated windows. I still don't know how it got in there, it was a big bird & the crack was sooo tiny. I had to destroy the window to get him out alive. & then a month later I found another bird in the bathroom!!

We finally foud out how they were getting in the house!!.. U'll never guess. Through the open door :eek:

I opened the back door to let the dog out & in flew a bird!!!
But after we got a cat, no more birds, or bugs

10-04-2004, 11:37 PM
it's so disgusting, I don't even want to go in my bedroom:( My hubby will take care of the bird when he gets home from work, and I'll pick up some bug stuff tonight. DO you think if I turned to air conditioner to HIGH they would get cold and leave? I hate bugs/.....:( :( :( :( :(

10-05-2004, 05:43 AM
No, I don't think that'll work. I live in a cold basement & ther r bugs here 24/7 all year round..

But trying something never hurts anyways. Ur bugs could diffrent the the ones here, that r usse to cool weather.

10-05-2004, 10:26 AM
Fly swatter? lol..appearintly before a fly dies a fungi takes over their body causing them to fly as high as they can (like the ceiling) then they die up there...I guess the higher the better for the fungus for when it's time to reproduce? XDlol I'm sure you didn't need to know that but anyway..our flys always seem to die in our windows..

10-05-2004, 01:53 PM
Speaking of flies, here at work we have a case of fruit flies. People are eating their fruits and not properly disposing the peels/rinds/cores etc so if you tap the garbage bin a bunch of the flies come out and sit on the wall. :o Pretty gross, so I tried to get as many as I could, annoying as heck!

10-05-2004, 01:56 PM
I had flies in my room awhile ago due to an old banana my friend gave me(dont ask).Once i got rid of the banana they just kinda died out, so getting rid of the bird should do it.

10-05-2004, 09:58 PM
*sigh* well, my husband took care of the bird last night:) The flies are still around, but hopefully they'll go away soon. I sprayed lysol everywhere and went homicidal just a few minutes ago with a rolled up magazine:rolleyes: 5 or 6 flies bit the dust:D I looked at our sliding glass door where the flies were congregating and discovered that they can freely wander in under the door!! I guess I'll stuff a towel down there or something to keep furthur intruders out. After that I might have to stop by our self-help store (like a hardware store, but free) and see if they have some weather stripping. thanks for your support. It may be the hormones talking, but this was a MAJOR catastrophe in my book..

10-05-2004, 10:04 PM
Yuck.....they are so pesty! Don't worry though, you're definitely not alone! I get them all the time when someone leaves the patio door open for even a second. They are such a pain. I was swatting at them today in fact, that & hornets!!!:eek:

10-05-2004, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
Okay Missy, deep breaths girl, relax. Yes it is obvious that the flies are the result of the dead bird.
When the hubby gets home....
:D Thanks so much for doing the "mom" thing Lorraine! I am just now reading this.
Poor Missy! I know the hormones are going to make you even weirder than usual:D I hope that the flies are gone by now!!! I would have been grossed out too:rolleyes: ((((HUGS))))