View Full Version : Zeke's 3rd flyball class...

10-04-2004, 05:14 PM
...went really well! I'm so proud of him :) He was focusing on me and everything! The first class was horrible. He wouldn't focus on me AT ALL. 2nd was a little better, but he still wouldn't focus on me when we did the runs and ramps...but today, he was so good! He wasn't perfect, he still ran off a little in the runs but he was a lot better at coming when I called and all that. What a good boy! Turns out treats are his thing (The scooby snacks that Kay sent :p <333333 Kay for sending them!!) and not toys :)

I also thing I will be vollenteering as a line judge for shows. Not too sure what they do, but I have a basic idea. Seems fun :) Someone told me Zeke doesn't look like a flyball dog and won't be good at it cause he's not insane..They said flyball is dangerous and I probably shouldn't do it...I don't see how it's dangerous if you warm your dog up properly? It's a lot of fun!

10-04-2004, 06:32 PM

10-04-2004, 06:39 PM
whoever told you that does not now much about flyball lol, pysco dogs are NOT fun to run, and are harder to teach etc.. flyball dangerous? lol maybe to the people! I have seen 2 accidents with flyball, and non of then very serious, but there are people of the opinion that Flyball is a horrably dangerous dogsport etc.. I dont know where people get these ideas from :rolleyes:

line judge? lol that might be difficult. box judging is easy peasy, but I have been in flyball for 4 years and still cant line judge. not to scare you or anything.. lol

Im glad zeke is doing better! like I said it takes a few classes, that place was new to him, the sport was new to him..

10-04-2004, 06:39 PM
I'm glad Zeke's flyball class went well! Good luck with the rest!

10-04-2004, 06:43 PM
Glad that Zeke is doing good in his class. Treat was the thing for Gigi's agility too. Now that I gave her stuff she likes, it's working much better... she will sit and look at me or just jump and try to get her nose in the treat bag (Ask Lindsey and Margaret, they have seen Gigi "insert" her long mouth/nose into my treat bag). Isn't training fun? :D

10-04-2004, 07:38 PM
Yay Zeke! I'm sure he just had to adjust to the new environment and everything. Now that he feels more comfortable, he's letting go and having fun! :D

10-04-2004, 09:36 PM
Yay!! What a good boy, Zeke!! :D I'm glad he's doing a lot better now! :)

10-04-2004, 10:13 PM
I wish I had flyball back home when I had max.. Dang could that dog run & he always comes back, even in the middle of playing with other dogs. & his fave thinges were tennis balls... Not sure if thats a good thing, cause I darn well know he would kill all the tennis balls with 1 chomp. He loved hearing them pop in his mouth.. silly pup.

I think I might do that with the next pup I get.

10-05-2004, 10:01 AM
Way to go Zeke man and Mama :D. I knew you could do it and i am glad to hear the food treats are working.

If you can try and Box steward first as it is ALOT easier than line stewarding, i still get nervous box stewarding and have been doing it for 2 years now. If not have someone show you how to do it a few times.

:D. Please continue to keep us updated, i cannot wait for further updates as the weeks go by. Flyball dangerous? Nah if you actually teach the dogs to jump and not just run over the low jumps then the risk of crashing is reduced. I have seen a few dogs crash but nothing to serious and these have been nutty dogs that get so hyped up they forget to jump :eek:.

10-05-2004, 10:20 AM
They seemed pleased with Zeke this week. They said he has a very good stride..not sure what that has to do with flyball but anyway. They hold on to him, and I run calling him and he just tears outta there and chases me...then runs right past me :o

10-05-2004, 10:38 AM
LOL silly boy Zeke. Yeah good stride is great, some dogs are all over the place when jumping and it slows them down. Do they have Zeke jumping yet?

10-05-2004, 11:45 AM
LOL sounds like you are both having fun with it... Keep practicing Zeke you'll be the best flyball doggy ever!!