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View Full Version : To everyone who have posted photos and videos the last few days...

10-04-2004, 07:55 AM
I am slowly getting through them all. Unfortunatly my computer got a virus and i had to wipe everything and start over as my computer would not even start up. The photos i have seen so far are adorable and i am looking forward to checking out the rest of them soon.

Also to all the new kitten/ cat adoptions CONGRATULATIONS how exciting :D.

I also got a new Digital Cam for my Birthday and will post new photos soon and when i figure out how to do it VIDEOS.

*Hugs computer* ;) :)

Off to check out more pics and vids.

10-04-2004, 08:01 AM
ooooh a new camera eh?? You shouldn't have admitted it lol now your gonna have a list of who wants pics lol... Can't wait to see some:D