View Full Version : Saturday morning visit with Sirrahbed!!

10-02-2004, 12:11 PM
The Sirrah's have come and gone.:( We had a wonderful time and I wish they could have stayed longer.
They were able to see ten of the twelve kitties on their visit which I found amazing! Pepper Jack has never ever been seen by anyone other than hubby and I. He made a brief appearance for them. Magoo was madly in love with both Debbie and Dennis. He is always friendly but he seemed really taken with both of them and followed them everywhere. Sammy and Leroy were around the whole time. Rosco and Abigail were not real friendly but they were able to meet them both.
Debbie tried really hard to gain Pete's trust and I was amazed at his reaction. After only a few minutes he actually approached her and sniffed her hand! This is unheard of in our house!! It was very obvious that Dennis and Debbie are cat loving wonderful people and the kitties zoned in on this immediately. The only two that didn't show themselves were Pervy and Maggie Sue. They were able to spy Pervy through an upstairs window when they arrived but that is as close as they got to her.
Lori, they left here right at noon so you shuld be seeing them in a few hours. I'm sure your visit with them will be as enjoyable as ours was.
Now on to some pictures!

Debbie meets Magoo

Leroy comes to welcome her too

Debbie meets Abigail and along comes Magoo

Dennis and Magoo get aquainted

Debbie spots Peanut Butter and sits quetly to try to gain his trust and along comes Magoo

More pictures in next post

10-02-2004, 12:18 PM
YIPPEE, Pictures!!!! I can't wait til tomorrow!!!! :D
On to look for the next post!!!;)

10-02-2004, 12:19 PM
Debbie meets Rosco and in the next two pictures she tries desperately to hang on to the little stinkweed.


Meanwhile Dennis and Mgoo are becoming buddies

Debbie gets to meet Pete

Debbie tries to be as non-threatening to Pete as possible

And along comes Magoo! (anyone noticing a pattern here?)

Debbie and I have coffee with Magoo

The "Cat Dads" chit chat

Leroy makes sure Dennis gives him the attention that he feels he deserves

The pout from us both as our time draws to a close

The hug goodbye

It was a truly wonderful visit and I can't wait until we do it again. I'm anxiously looking forward to the next leg of their trip to Lori's and then on to Kim's.
Keep us posted on the visit!!

10-02-2004, 12:23 PM
OMG, I am sitting here with tears running down my face. Look at Magoo following Debbie around. I am so darn happy for her and yet at the same time soooooooooooooooo jealous.
I'm sorry Lisa, I just couldn't wait to post. Words cannot describe how I feel seeing these pictures.
I'm so happy that you had such a nice visit with Debbie and Dennis. They are such a loving and caring couple.
Okay I have to get out of here now and look at the next set of pictures.
First I have to get a new box of kleenex.:)

OOPPPSSS was posting at the same time you were downloading the pics.
Those pics of Debbie trying to hold on to Rosco are so funny.
Yes I see a pattern with Magoo. PRICELESS. It just warms my heart and brings tears to my eyes on how excepting he is with others now. What a sweetheart of a cat he has become. No wonder everyone has fallen in love with him.
Oh my, you can really see the sadness on your faces when it came time to say goodbye. I'm so happy that you guys got to meet each other.:)

10-02-2004, 12:27 PM
YAY! Looks like you guys had fun! :D I'm glad all your kitties came out and were social. And look at Magoo!! :eek: That boy is truly amazing. :D The only one in the house that can't see anything is the most outgoing one!! :)

Can't wait for more pictures and stories from this trip. :)

10-02-2004, 12:29 PM
Great pictures. Looks like you guys had a good visit! I can't wait to here all about it.

I better hurry up and get busy, still have some sweeping and mopping to do. I probably have about 2 hours before they arrive (if they don't get lost).

We will update with pictures later!

10-02-2004, 12:30 PM
It looks like you all had a wonderful (but too short) visit! :D I'm glad magoo was on his best behaviour for the guests, and was a perfect gentleman! I'm jealous too....but I might have driven off with Magoo LOL! Tempting little roly-poly boy...but he's so happy with you. :)

10-02-2004, 12:31 PM
Yippee!! Lori I can't wait! They are very nice people and easy to get along with. I think you will certainly enjoy your visit with them.
I'll be watching tonight for some new pictures!!:D :D :D And again tomorrow!!!:D :D :D And the next few days with the new babies!!!:D :D :D This is so much fun!

edit: Magoo was a perfect gentleman and very welcoming. He is an amazing little guy. He certainly was an attention hog!
Lizzie you are so right...blind but the most trusting of them all (except for goofy Leroy of course)

I think I need to have an open house for Magoo. He sure loves company!:D

10-02-2004, 12:39 PM
LOl Jan. I think if I ever had the pleasure of visiting Lisa, she definitely would have to do a head count of her cats when I was ready to leave.:D

This is so darn exciting and I can't wait to hear all the details from Lori and especially to see pictures.:)

10-02-2004, 12:42 PM
Lorraine and Jan I truly believe I would have to hold tight to Magoo if you guys were around!!;) :D

Any chance of visiting the good old U.S.A Lorraine?

10-02-2004, 12:44 PM
Those are great pictures :)

Magoo is simply a sweetheart!!!

10-02-2004, 12:46 PM
I wondered where the *Saturday morning note from CCL* was that I have come to expect!! I didn't know this was all in the planning. WOW! How lucky Debbie and her hubby are to get to stop in and meet all of these special PT kitties. These pictures are terrific and I will stay tuned for more! Color me GREEN WITH ENVY!

10-02-2004, 12:56 PM
OMG what great pictures.I'm weepy too.Loved Magoo following Debbie.All 4 of you are defenite catlovers.What a great world.:D

10-02-2004, 12:58 PM
Oh what priceless pictures, Lisa!!! You all are so blessed to meet eachother, and I get to be one of those lucky few as well, I cannot wait!!!:D :D Magoo is just a heartbreaker for sure, oh how I wish I could meet him some day ... and you too of course, Lisa!:eek: ;)

I will definitely post pictures of my leg of their venture, and I get to meet Lori too!!! Woo hoo!!!:D

10-02-2004, 01:22 PM
Quote from catcrazylady
Any chance of visiting the good old U.S.A Lorraine?

That would be a dream come true Lisa.

10-02-2004, 02:00 PM
Kim you get the to meet two in one visit! Lucky you!!

You and Lori better post pictures and share stories! I'll be checking in to keep up with the trip.

You know Lorraine I could check into shipping Magoo to you for a visit but I'm afraid he wouldn't be returned to sender!!;) :D :D

All are welcome to visit Magoo anytime. Just give me enough warning so I can vacuum!;) :D

10-02-2004, 02:05 PM
Looks like you all had a blast! Kitties included! That Magoo is something else! I can't believe how friendly he was to Deb & Dennis! I guess I shouldn't be surprised though, he's a wonder boy!!!

I can't wait to see more pics!!! I'm so anxious, I can only imagine how you all feel!!!

Kim, I hope you have your camera ready as soon as Deb sees her new babies!!! We gotta see that!

:D :D :D

10-02-2004, 02:06 PM
very cute!! It's so great when PT people get to finally meet each other.. Magoo looks like he enjoyed the visit most!:p

10-02-2004, 02:45 PM
Yay, they should be arriving soon. I'm sitting here patiently waiting. Debbie called about 2:20 and said they were 85 miles north of Knoxville so they should be here around 3:45 to 4:00, hopefully. Since there is a home UT football game the traffic may be a little heavier than they expect.

We are planning a trip into the mountains to show them the sites. I can't wait to meet them!

10-02-2004, 02:48 PM

Quote from catcrazylady
You know Lorraine I could check into shipping Magoo to you for a visit but I'm afraid he wouldn't be returned to sender!!

Lisa, that's not nice to tease me like that you know.;) and don't worry, he would be returned to sender, I just couldn't promise you when that would be.:D

K & L
10-02-2004, 02:51 PM
I'm SO jealous!;) I would love to meet some PT people in person. Looks like a wonderful visit!! Maybe one of these days I'll get a visit from some PT people!!:D Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it.

10-02-2004, 03:14 PM
You would defnitely have to guard Magoo, because I would try my best to sneak that boy out in the big old bag I would bring with me!

Great pictures, I am so jealous, Debbie could have come visited me, I just down next to the Alabama state line! Grover and Stubby will be very disappointed! Maybe next time?


10-02-2004, 03:20 PM
Magoo eveywhere :)

He's a lovely kitekat - a very special one. I'd love to meet him too one day. And Pete. And Peanut Butter. And Pepper Jack. And Sammy. And Leroy. And Pervy. And Maggie Sue. Well, all of them :)

10-02-2004, 03:26 PM
What a wonderful visit :D And what a camera hog that Magoo is. ;)

I am envious.

10-02-2004, 03:40 PM
Not just a camera hog- a people hog. Who would ever have thought this:)

10-02-2004, 04:43 PM
I'm so jealous on so many points -
First, I wanna meet you!
Then I wanna meet Debbie and Dennis!
Then I wanna meet the cat crew!


Sniff * Sniff.

Looks like it was a wonderful visit.

10-02-2004, 04:47 PM
Great photos!:D
Magoo made some new friends!
It is so nice that you got to meet each other.
I can't wait to hear about the rest of the weekend trip and see more photos.:)

Rg_girlca, you really have to come to the USA sometime, you could be in Vermont in an hour or two!

10-02-2004, 05:47 PM
Magoo seems to have taken over the role of host for your visitors. He sure is a sweetie!
Looks like a fun morning! :D

10-02-2004, 07:31 PM
Mom and Dad hasn't met a cat that hasn't fallen madly in love with them! Glad they are safe and the trip is going well. We miss them back at home. We were by their house and were going to stop in to visit when we realized they weren't here :( Hurry home with some kitties for me to snuggle! We can have a baby swap!

10-02-2004, 07:32 PM
Tapping feet and waiting patiently for update. tap tap tap!!

I wonder how Ripley will be with Debbie and Dennis. Since Magoo is Ripley's mini me I wonder if he will be as in love with them as Magoo was.

I guess we will just have to continue to wait...tap, tap, tap.
:D :D :D

10-02-2004, 07:51 PM
:D This makes me so happy to see!!!! I know how delighted I was to meet the Pet Talk friends that I have been able to meet in person. I have fun watching everyone else too!!! :)

10-02-2004, 07:52 PM
It was fun Logan and I sure would like to meet so many more!!

10-02-2004, 08:39 PM
I loved the pictures!!

I really liked the coffe with Magoo picture, and also this one:

It is SO cute that Magoo followed Debbie around! I bet she was thrilled :D

I can't wait to see pictures of her and her new babies ;) :D :D

10-02-2004, 11:01 PM
That is so awesome!
Debbie and Dennis are very nice people.
I am looking forward to seeing more about their visits. :)

Don Juan's mom
10-02-2004, 11:55 PM
Golly, Magoo is such a beautiful boy! And so friendly! It must take well-tuned whiskers to find really nice people! :D

I'm looking forward to more pics too, even with my dial-up connection. :rolleyes:


Killearn Kitties
10-03-2004, 04:17 AM
Looks like you all had a great time! To meet so many kitties in one go - priceless. I'll bet they enjoyed very minute of their visit.

Magoo is hysterical! The little attention hog. He must feel very comfortable to behave like that. :D :D

10-03-2004, 06:10 AM
What great pics., - by the end I was singing "And along came Magoo........"
That gorgeous furboy amazes me - how much faith and trust he has - wow!
I'm jealous too - I'd adore to meet Magoo - but sending lots and lots of cuddly {{{{Hugs}}}} across the miles to a very special boyxxxx


10-03-2004, 06:24 AM
It looks like you all had a wonderful visit!:)

10-03-2004, 08:08 AM
Aww, I’m soooo jealous!
I wanna meet Magoo and all the other Kitties!
Amazing how sweet and trusting Maggo is towards people he’s never met before.
I love this picture. He seems to be in cat heaven with all that attention.
Such a beautiful boy! He looks like a Norwegian Forest cat in this one:

smokey the elder
10-03-2004, 08:22 AM
What a nice, successful visit! It looks like Magoo was a bit of a buttinsky, though. :D

10-03-2004, 11:42 AM
It looks like it was a wonderful visit. I know Deb has been looking ofrward to this for a while. Aren't they wonderful people. I''m so thankful that both of my childern are their children in love.


10-03-2004, 12:28 PM
I dont know,when,or how,but I have somehow,meet Scrappy Magoo,and You,and Your Clowder! That would be an experiece,to see Your Beautiful Home.and Wonderful Cats!

10-03-2004, 06:09 PM
I'm so glad that you had such a good visit together. I'm also very envious and would love to meet all of your furkids too.:) Cats sure know if you're a cat person or not.;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-04-2004, 10:44 AM
I think it's hilarious that Magoo was the most sociable of the bunch! Maybe sometimes not having all your senses would be a good thing because then you rely on the rest of your senses more. He could evidently sense that Debbie & Dennis were cat loving people and he had nothing to fear whereas the others could see that they were "strangers" which is evidently something to be feared.

Great pictures and I'm soooo jealous - I want to meet Magoo and Peanut Butter and Pete and Pepper Jack and Stubby and....well....and ALL of them! Sounds like you guys had a wonderful wonderful time. :D

10-05-2004, 01:05 AM
I am so glad that you all had a chance to finally meet! They were great pictures and I am sure it is a experience that will never be forgotten. I hope you all had a wonderful visit, and I am sorry that it had to end. Have a good night :D *kiss kiss* to Magoo and you all;)

10-05-2004, 11:52 AM
excuses for why this is so late in coming: left Kim's pretty late- about 4:30pm or so and had a six hour drive home so just drove until we were tired - about 7:30pm or so and stayed the night in a motel. We got home this afternoon at about 1pm and then came unloading, cleaning up after the babies and settling them in, this and that and I had a study group this evening - returned Missy's call to Japan - have been trying to love on the three residents - Dylan is UPSET. Then the camera would not upload pictures!!!! ARGH. Finallly fixed software problem somewhere arounf 3 in the morning and made a few posts but reading them this morning is embarrassing when I see the typos!! So, I am rewritigna fe - including THIS one. I know.....full of EXCUSES :p

I felt like Lisa and I had known each other forever. Meeting PT folks is just the greatest experience!! I wish I could have stayed on and on. She and Joe met us at the motel where we stayed Friday night and (had visited with a friend) - they took us out for a nice breakfast at Shoney's where we talked and visited non-stop for a good long time and filled our bellies. Then we followed them to their house. Well, you have seen the pictures! Yes, Magoo is a delightful and gracious host - followed us everywhere we walked and to tell the truth - it is hard to believe he is blind and if he did not have eyes - I would NOT believe it. He is an adorable and loving fella:D I was THRILLED and honored to be able to meet each of the kitties that allowed me to greet them. My challenge was the gorgeous Pete and I was THIS close to having him let me touch him when...here comes Magoo. But that's OK!! I got to see my first CCL love Peanut Butter and THAT was just wonderful.
Lisa has beautiful kitties and meeting her, Joe and the crew was a real treat!! Thanks you to everyone for sharing it...now I am off to read about the next leg of the trip:D
Have a few pics to add:) Dennis and I started our trip with a picture!
Lisa rode with us to direct us to their house.
Look at Joe holding tiny Abigail!!
I got to see a famous Peanut Butter HUG!
Beautiful Pete!! So near and yet so far.
Lisa said they "lost" little Abigail but *discovered* her hiding place in this ficus buhind the couch:D
What a WONDERFUL visit!!

10-05-2004, 12:43 PM
So, Debbie, inquiring minds want to know if Peanut Butter is the exact twin to Dylan in person? :D

I'm JEALOUS of you all! I want to meet all you wonderful PTers and the PT kitties! So, are we going to start a PT world tour where we all visit each other? Who want to come to Pennsylvania? I'll be in Maryland tomorrow... who can I visit?

10-05-2004, 12:58 PM
OMG! When can I come and visit? ;) LOL I was just chuckling at all of the pictures and adorable Magoo! What a character! :D Isn't meeting PTers and their kitties the funnest experience ever?? Thanks for the pictures and a big smile for the day! :D
