View Full Version : MISTY... the local stray

09-23-2004, 10:34 PM
Hi everyone.

Was outside feeding the rabbits today when all of a sudden I heard a sweet delicate little "meow" coming from behind me. I turned around and saw a BEAUTIFUL medium haired grey with a little cream fur coloured tabby. Oh MY was she beautiful! I didn't recognize her at first... as I went to feel her I was SHOCKED to feel how thin she was. She litterally was skin and bones... she had absolutely NOTHING to her at all. I picked her up and couldn't believe how light she was... the poor dear. She in the mean time was busy head butting my hand and rubbing herself all over me. I ran to the house and yelled to my Mom to get some food for her... she at 3 dishes of dry food and 1 tin of wet food all within about 10-15 minutes... she was STARVING!!! :(

While she was eating I tried to look her over... she I think she has an injury to one of her back feet, I couldn't tell for sure but it didn't look right and one of her eyes is half shut and is all runny. I think she has a tatoo in her ear, not sure though, I didn't get a good look. The poor dear was sooooooo lonely! It just broke my heart. My Mom was yelling at me to get her away from the house, incase she had any disease or something... so I moved the food down to the front of the house in the ditch, and placed the food down there. After her tummy was filled she began licking me all over and cleaning herself and seemed much happier. Then my Mom told me to come inside... it was so hard to leave her out there. I tried several times to leave with out her noticing but she kept following me... :(
I eventually got in the house and had a shower. When I got out I cried and cried... I just felt so bad for her! :( The world is such a cruel place to some animals...

I talked to my Mom and Grandma and we're going to take her to the SPCA tomorrow. As I thought about it I realized I HAD seen her before! I remember I think it was Tuesday morning I saw her wandering a couple blocks away. ALSO I recognized her meow.... about 3-4 weeks ago one night Squeekers was sleeping on my bed and I heard a cat meowing outside and Squeekers started growling... I think that must have been her! :( And about a month or 2 ago I remember hearing the 2 children next door playing outside and yelling... I looked out my window and saw the 4 year old boy trying to kick a cat (I'm 99% sure it was her) and telling her to get lost! Luckily their Mom told them to leave her alone... all she wanted was some attention. If their Mom hadn't told them to stop I would have been out in a flash giving them a piece of my mind!!! So she's probably been a stray out here for at least 2 months..... and even after all that she's been threw she STILL loves and trusts people! OH! and my Mom said a few days ago there were some boys selling chocolates and she saw the cat following them... and assumed she was theres... but apparently she isn't!

I've named her Misty. She is such a beautiful girl...

If the SPCA finds her healthy and gets her in top shape... my Mom and Grandma MAY let me adopt her. Only problem is Squeekers HATES other cats...

I pray that she'll still be here tomorrow so we can take her down... she is such a sweet cat... she deserves better. I REALLY REALLY hope we can adopt her!

I'll keep you posted! (Took some pics, will post them later... not sure if they turned out)

09-23-2004, 10:47 PM
Heres the pics. Unfortunatly I only got one of her face. I'm also attaching a little video of her, you can really see how affectionate she is in it! (Sorry I moved around so much! :p)

Pretty girl (LOL... at least I think she's a girl!)

Poor girl... she was SO hungry! :(

*Crunch* *Crunch*

09-24-2004, 08:58 AM
That is so Good,of you,to feed that Por Cat,and Nutro,too,if I am right! We hope that you can adopt Misty,and that your Other Cat,will realise the benefit,of having a Pal! Bless You,For Caring!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-24-2004, 11:52 AM
Reminds me of Eddie when I first brought him in. He couldn't rub on me enough he was so starved for attention. :(

I hope you catch him/her and get him/her to the SPCA. Thanks for caring and watching out for this poor homeless sweety.

09-24-2004, 06:42 PM

When I got home from school today I was walking up the driveway thinking how nice it would be for Misty to come popping out! I was so worried about her last night, when low and behold there she was coming out from some bushes in the yard meowing at me!

My Mom and I took her to Vet clinic and they read her tatoo and found a record of her. We phoned the owners and left a message on their machine. :) I'm happy we've found them, but I sure will miss her :( ... and I hope she has a loving family.By the sounds of it she does, the vet people said she had just been spayed in February... and they did have the sence to have her tatooed.

She comes from a town which is about a 20 minute drive from here so she's travelled a long way!

Will keep you posted, I also took a few news pics which I'll post later.

Note: This is really neat but I was calling her "Misty" and it turns out her name is Missy... haha I was pretty close there! :D

09-24-2004, 08:22 PM
Here are the new pics of Missy... still no return call from her owner! :p









09-24-2004, 10:06 PM
She is so pretty!
I'm glad you are trying to find her family. Even though you will miss seeing her around your house, you did a great thing in getting her some medical attention and looking for her people.
You earned major brownie points for this, Sweetie.:D

09-24-2004, 10:13 PM
nibblets: Thanks so much! :)

Still no call from the owners...
I wish they would call soon, I'm getting VERY attached to her and its going to be so hard to let her go. I was just out playing with her and she had both front legs around my neck (hugging me) and she was licking my face... she is just the sweetest little girl...

09-25-2004, 02:10 AM
Keeping paws and fingers crossed that they call! She sounds like a love, so they should come running to claim her. If not, whats the next plan of action fr you?

09-25-2004, 03:18 AM
I hope they call soon, I know how easy it is to get attached. We had a kitty show up in our yard back in August and she stayed with us for four days before her owners saw our signs and called. I had gotten pretty attached to her but my husband really had. He was already making plans to keep her.

We called her Mattie (for Matilda) and her real name was Ellie, sounded kind of similar but not as much as Misty and Missy. That's kind of amazing.

09-25-2004, 06:07 AM
You did a great thing by helping Misty/Missy!! It will be wonderful that her owners can have her returned to them because you took the time to care. :)
She is a real beauty! She sure does sound sweet and I'm sure you will miss her.
Keep us posted!

09-25-2004, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
Keeping paws and fingers crossed that they call! She sounds like a love, so they should come running to claim her. If not, whats the next plan of action fr you?

Well... if they don't call and or don't want her back first my Mom is going to ask a few friends she knows if they'd take her. She knows 2 people who might interested. If they can't take her, then she'll go to the SPCA... :(

They still haven't called.