View Full Version : Omg - I Did It

09-23-2004, 12:39 PM
Sorry that I have not been around posting much- my computer at home got a killer virus and I have been way too busy at work.
I have been lurking a bit and my thoughts are with everyone here at PT as always!

So – I finally did it!!! – after a long, long while of pondering – I adopted a brother for Mishka!!!
He is a year and a half and he comes home with me tomorrow!!
OMG – I am so nervous!!
What if they don’t get along?
Will my baby Mishka hate me forever?
I live in a small loft – separating them will be a challenge….
I need major reassurance and suggestions please!!
AND – if anyone has any suggestions for a name too!!
Without further ado here is a picture of my new baby;

09-23-2004, 12:51 PM
Congrats on your new boy. He is gorgeous! I'll try to think of some name suggestions.

Its good to see you posting again.

09-23-2004, 01:01 PM
He is beautiful! Will also work on some name suggestions.

My only suggestion at this time is:PATIENCE!!!! And Mishka will get over it. It may seem like he is going to never speak to you again but it will pass. We have been thru this so many times. It always seems to last forever and then one day they are playing/sleeping together and life is good once again.

In fact we bring Scooter home from the vet tonight to begin integrating him to the herd so we can go thru it together! Good Luck!

09-23-2004, 01:09 PM
Congratulations! He's one handsome boy, and I'm sure Mishka will just love her new brother!

09-23-2004, 01:16 PM
Thanks guys - you know Catnapper - that video of Allen grooming Pouncer is what I kept seeing in my head and it's what helped me finally decide to get a seond kitty!!
Mishka is a spoiled mama's boy - I REALLY hope he will forgive me!!

09-23-2004, 02:32 PM
Congrats!! He is just gorgeous!!

Now, lemme tell you. I don't think you'll have much trouble. Over a year ago we got our siamese girl Lily as a sister for our tabby boy, Toby. Toby was an adult and lily a kitten. They are two totally different cats! They have NOTHING in common. Lily is social and hyper. Toby is shy and lazy. But if THEY can learn to tolerate each other, I'm sure yours will be fine!

We introduced them as soon as we got them and kept them around each other while we were around, and put Lily in the bedroom at night. Lily hissed a lot at Toby and occasionally swung at him, and this continued for weeks. But after they realized no one was going anywhere, they just did their own thing and tolerated each other. They eventually started having fun rompsing and fighting together, and OCCASIONALLY (keyword) cuddled. They are the same today.

I wouldn't worry about Miska hating you .. cats are very forgiving! :) Just make sure you give them both attention. If you pet one, go pet the other. I notice that if I'm petting say Lily, Toby will look at me and almost say "Umm .. hello? I'm here .. " So I have to go and rub his belly too .. :D

Good luck .. if you have any questions just ask

09-23-2004, 04:08 PM
Your new kitty is beautiful! The introduction will take some time but don't worry - they will work out the relationship! Who knows? They may become fast friends right away or they may take many months. Mishka will NOT hate you:) Just be sure and give Mishka LOTS of extra attention and pretend to ignore the newcomer for awhile - do some snuggling of your new baby in secret;) I bet Mishka will love having a buddy in time!:)

09-23-2004, 04:10 PM
I love the black spot on new kitty's head. I think Mishka is young enough to easily adjust to another younger brother:D

Edwina's Secretary
09-23-2004, 04:14 PM
How about Ditka for your new cutie. Like the football coach?

09-23-2004, 05:42 PM
OMG! He looks like Lacie!!! He is precious!! I think things will work out fine providing you introduce them GRADUALLY!!

Good luck!

09-23-2004, 05:53 PM
That's one fine looking guy! Glad to hear about people adopting older kitties too, as opposed to kittens. Two is always better than one, and in time they'll probably get along fine. ;) :) :D

09-24-2004, 12:17 AM
He is beautiful!!
If you need forgiving so do I!!
B/c I brought home a baby Kloe on Monday! Maybe we can encourage each other.

09-24-2004, 12:22 AM
Congrats and he is gorgeous!!!

Like the others have said just give it time. I introduced Scout to Ripley and Jazz last summer and it just took time. Actually Scout and Ripley still don't like each other but at least they are tolerant.

I'm sure things will go well for Mishka and your new kitty. They'll probably be best buds before you know it.

09-24-2004, 06:18 AM
Congrats! He is a very handsome boy! Let us know how the two take to each other!!!

Keep us posted!

09-24-2004, 08:42 AM
Trinity,has exactly,the Right Word! Patience,and I think,that they will realize,the benefit,of having a Cat Pal,to share things with,and 2 Cats,get more Toys,and treats,than 1!

09-24-2004, 04:24 PM
What a cutie!

I would suggest Vasea or Vasika (with a very short i) to keep with the Russian names.