View Full Version : Energizer Battery Commercial REVISED

09-22-2004, 09:33 PM
Thanks to all the people that wrote in to Energiser to complain about the boy putting the cat in the dryer.... they changed it!!!!

I was watching tv tonight and the commercial came on... only when she went to the dryer, she removed a basket of broken eggs, not a cat! Woohoo! Power to the people! See, we DO have a voice and it WILL be heard!

09-22-2004, 09:37 PM
Wonderful!! Dennis wrote to them and was also happy to see the commercial. He said it had a cat's meow but no cat in the dryer:D

09-22-2004, 10:03 PM

Still don't know why they think that commercial will make people buy Energizer batteries. And, by the way, they really don't know bunnies at all. For every bunny I know, naps are very important. Must be some kind of terrier in that bunny suit or something.

09-22-2004, 10:06 PM
I saw the revised commerical over the weekend and was glad they changed it. Now we need to work on the new M&M bar candy (I believe) that has this kid taking all wrappers off and laying them about floor and says "Mom the dog ate the candy again". In the smallest print ever across the screen they say "dont feed to dogs". Chocolate is lethal to aniamals. I shiver everytime I see that ad.

09-23-2004, 01:33 AM
I'm glad we helped change it... Now we do have to work on that M&M commercial.. that's a scary thought.

09-23-2004, 09:35 AM
That is Great News,but yoy ahve to wonder,who thought,that taht was approquiate,in the First Place!

09-23-2004, 01:21 PM
Whoo hoooo! What the heck were they thinking in the first place?!

09-23-2004, 01:30 PM
Just think of what we could do if we REALLY put our minds to it.

Somewhere there is a media consultant worrying about what the 'pet advocates' MIGHT say about making a bunny carry around a drum....;)

Don Juan's mom
09-24-2004, 01:43 AM
Ugh, eggs in the dryer. What an unholy mess! :confused:
