View Full Version : Elvis is having problems with his leg/knee...

09-17-2004, 10:01 AM
Again, i noticed a couple of months back that Elvis had started to carry his hind left leg but as soon as it apeared it seemed to come good again. Since then he has not been bending the knee/ leg very much (He still gets around and runs alot and does not seem to be in pain), latley he has been carrying the leg again especially when he first gets up from lying down on it.

I am going to catch up with a friend of mine who has Labradors later today and see which Vet they use for Xrays and have that Vet or the big Vet hospital down in Weribee (The best Vets around, they work on alot of sporting/ performance dogs and Horses) take a look at him, hopefully i can get him booked in for early next week.

For some reason i am realy feeling something is wrong, which would be devestating as i could not bear to keep a dog from a sheep/ working background from doing what he loves to do and that is Flyball and we are due to start Agilty aswell soon (Once we figure out whats wrong). Elvis would go nuts if he was not alowed to do either of these sports. :(

No matter what happens though i will stand by my little boy and love him no matter what.

Please keep us in your thoughts and i will keep you updated as to how things go.

Sorry for rambling ;) :o .

Cinder & Smoke
09-17-2004, 11:09 AM
Hope you Feel Better, SOON, Elvis!

Sounds very similar to what Smokey has -
a Luxating Patella or sometimes called a "trick knee"...

Smoke's left hind Knee Cap is "loose" and slips out of it's proper
position - which sometimes causes quite a bit of pain when
it "goes out"! :(

A Luxating Patella can usually be diagnosed by an experienced Vet
just by "palpating" (feeling and manipulating) the joint -
(X-rays don't really show much for this problem).

If this IS what Elvis suffers from -
it can usually be surgically repaired. Only down side to the
surgery is the LONG "recovery period" - 4-6 months -
during which the dog must be restricted from running and jumping! :(

Smokey has "learned" how to stretch and *shake* his leg to
*pop* the knee cap back into place by himself! ;)
If it really gets *STUCK* - he'll *yelp* :( and limp over to me
for Dad to help pop it back into place.
Ask the Vet to SHOW you how to assist with repositioning it.

And there could be a LOT of other possibilities -
ligament problems, hip problem, sore foot...
Sounds like you're taking him to some Expierenced Vets -
they should be able to locate his problem.

Good Luck!!

/s/ Phred

09-17-2004, 11:14 AM
Aww,, the poor baby,, keep us posted on any further developments!!

09-17-2004, 11:25 AM
Oh, I hope this is nothing serious. :(

I'll keep Elvis in my thoughts. Hopefully this is something easily correctable.

09-17-2004, 01:11 PM
Keep us posted!!!

I hope your little guy is okay!!

Miss Meow
09-17-2004, 05:51 PM
I don't have any advice but am sending lots of good wishes.

I've heard great things about the vet hospital at Werribee - the legs are very complex with bones, ligaments, tendons, patellas and all the rest, so you might need more than one diagnosis.

Good luck :)

09-17-2004, 07:12 PM
cloverfdx, I feel your pain! Or should I say Lacey feels Elvis' pain! I hope and pray it's not too serious. Downtime is NO fun. Lacey is a very hyper dog and I can't even imagine when she's all well and still telling her she has to settle and to stay on a leash :( .

09-17-2004, 09:07 PM
Hope Elvis will be ok.
Sending good thoughts your way.

09-17-2004, 11:42 PM
Thankyou for all of the well wishes everyone :).

Phred, that what i was thinking at first but now when i look at him run it does not seem to be the kneecap popping out more of a stiffness in the joint.

Smoke's left hind Knee Cap is "loose" and slips out of it's proper
position - which sometimes causes quite a bit of pain when
it "goes out"!
Poor Smokey, it is a problem that is coming out quite a bit these days unfortunatly. :( I see it ALOT, poor dogs.

My Mums little Jack Russell Terror mix has slight Luxating Patellas but the Vet who checked her out said it was not serious enough for SirJury, she gets around ok but has the little terrier hop when she runs (Which is not all that often ;) ).

Nicole, i too have heard GREAT things about the Weribee Vet hospital, i am hoping to get Elvis into there but may have another local Vet look at him first.

chocolatepuppy, How is Lacey doing? I thought of Lacey when i saw Elvis limping again :(. {{Hugs for Lacey}}

Once again thanks everyone, i will update soon.

Canis Amicus
09-18-2004, 11:44 AM
Hi Elvis boy, I hope you will get better soon.

and Rex

Cinder & Smoke
09-18-2004, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by cloverfdx

{Luxating Patella...}
... that is what i was thinking at first but now
when I look at him run
it does not seem to be the kneecap popping out -
more of a stiffness in the joint.


Just ask anyone who has "Seen Smokey RUN"! ;)

You'd NEVER guess he has a "bum knee"! :p

You can't "see" the problem nearly as well as you can "feel" it...

When SmokeMutt first arrived at da Ranch (at about 1 year of age) -
I sometimes noted that he "skipped a beat" running about -
he'd just not "step" or land on the bum leg every so many steps...
and if it REALLY bothered him, he'd just "tuck it up" and not
put it down unless he *needed* it to turn a sharp corner -
then he'd use it for a step or two, then re-tuck and continue on
with three legs!

And Smokey can do "the Terrier Hop", too! :D

I would suggest you have a "Regular" Vet take a look -
before you visit the possibly High-Priced Specialists.

/s/ Smokey's "Dad" ;)

09-19-2004, 10:36 AM
And Smokey can do "the Terrier Hop", too!

I would suggest you have a "Regular" Vet take a look -
before you visit the possibly High-Priced Specialists.

Yeah i have him booked into a Vet in town (Not our regular slightly Ditzy Vet) but the Vet who does all the hip/ elbow score for gods, on Tuesday.

Once again thanks for all advice given. I will keep you all posted. :)

09-23-2004, 06:04 PM
How's Elvis doing? Still have my fingers crossed and my girls have their paws crossed for ya Elvis!

09-23-2004, 11:56 PM
I hope it's nothing serious. Get well soon Elvis!!!

09-24-2004, 09:19 AM
Thanks guys.

Well we had the Vet appointment and as i thought they could not find anything wrong. I am starting to wonder the weather has been warmer the last few days and he has not been limping but as soon as it is cold again and when he has been lying on it he starts to limp again. I think i will wait untill after the weekend and talk to a few people at Flyball on sunday from different clubs and see what they think.

He is not yet 12 months old a bit young for Arthristis, although i have seen it in young dogs.

I will keep you updated on how he gets on.

Once again thankyou.

09-24-2004, 12:00 PM
:( aww Elvis! poor boy! I know he's been waiting soo long to be a flyball doggy. good luck with everything, I hope they can find out whats wrong and fix it easily

09-25-2004, 04:25 PM
cloverfdx, Great news they didn't find anything, I hope it stays that way! Lacey's vet did find some arthritis in Lacey's leg. She is only 4. Sign of bad things to come I'm sure. I hope that Elvis stays well. :)

09-27-2004, 10:15 AM
Thankyou to you both :).

Elvis has been fine all weekend (I was not home all day Sunday but was told he was fine) and he has been great since Clover and i got home last night.

bckrazy, yes the poor boy has been waiting so long, he can now do full runs (When not limping). But he is also showing signs of becoming an awesome Agility dog he is so much more focussed when i teach him agility commands than when we are at Flyball.

Once again thanks and i will keep you updated, hopefully this will be the end of it and he will be fine. We have flyball training tonight so i will give him a run and see how it goes.

09-27-2004, 11:11 PM
My dog is young (2 1/2 yrs) and has had knee/arthritis problems for about a year. it does seem young but you never know. Elvis could have thrown himself out of wack with one jump or mis-step. My pup has already been through one knee ligament replacement surgery... The recovery is NOT fun. but we do our best.

Good luck!!!! :)