View Full Version : Birdie? A CARNIVORE??

09-14-2004, 06:11 PM
I boiled up some fresh chicken livers for the little dirty(yup still :rolleyes: ) Birdie, and diced them up for him, and he LOVED them! He only ate two, but his appetite was really off yesterday. He ate quite well today thankfully. I was concerned when he didn't want much of his porridge in a bottle. :( He desperately needs a bath, but it's been very chilly here today, and he's still in a weakened state. I don't want to stress him out with another bath, but I think I'll have to shortly. If I warm towels in the dryer, and work fast washing and drying him, he'd feel better about himself. He'll be dirty all over again within the day though *sigh* :rolleyes: COME ON LITTLE TONGUE...WORK!

09-14-2004, 06:28 PM
Jan, what if you wrap a little towel around him or actually go out and buy a babies bib for when you feed him. Maybe this will help with the clean ups.

I'm glad to hear that he has his appetite back today. I worry when they are not eating also.

Give that sweet boy a kiss for me and prayers still coming that his tongue will start to work slow but surely.

09-14-2004, 06:44 PM
Oh, I know all about feeding messes! A previous bottle litter I had made me have to completely change clothes after every feeding! :rolleyes:

Thank you so much for catering to this baby Bird .... he is sure to flourish in your care!:D

09-14-2004, 06:45 PM
Birdie you sweet thing. You are trying so hard aren't you little one? I can't imagine trying to eat and swallow without using my tongue. Once again you are showing us the determination and will that special kitties continue to teach us.
You keep going little one and I know that all the love and PT prayers are going to make you well again.
You can put me at the top of your fan club list little Birdie!! I'm madly in love with you and I will keep on praying for you.

Special kisses little one for a very special boy!:) :) :)

Jan can you deliver those for me?

Laura's Babies
09-14-2004, 06:50 PM
Awww Birdie, I can't hear enough about you. So, you like chicken livers really good? We just gonna have to have Mommie fix them for you more often. Now, lets work on that cute little tongue baby, tell it to move, consentrate real hard and just get a small part to move at first. Work on it baby. (ppssssssttt, Mommie is talking about a b-a-t-h, get your swimming gear ready!)

09-14-2004, 07:11 PM
Little Birdie, you are a special boy! Your meowmie went to all the trouble to make chicken livers for you and everything! Please get that tongu in working order so that you can have lots more interesting things to eat!

K & L
09-14-2004, 07:16 PM
Come on over here, it's 108 out today! He'll dry real fast!:D

09-14-2004, 07:38 PM
He polished off two, and had a second helping of a whole bowl full! Ughhh is all I can say about the smell from cooking them, but if Birdie loves them how can I deny him? K&L..I think I'll stay in nice cool New England thanks! That's steamy. :eek: Or is it "a dry heat" like they say? :confused: :D

K & L
09-14-2004, 07:53 PM
Don't believe the dry heat thing!:D July & August are real humid and HOT! Sometimes reaching 115 w/humidity (and one summer it got to 122)! I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else though.:) Good to hear he's eating so well.

09-14-2004, 08:03 PM
Well, I wasn't kidding when I suggested a tiny chihuahua size shirt! That way he can "wash" after eating and not get all dirty! He truely WANTS to be clean! So after his next bath... for how ever long it takes after his meals, put something on him because otherwise he is miserable and the dirty wet fur makes him chillier! The fur is separated and can't keep him warm as much as it should! (Combing helps a bit). Give it a go?

09-14-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by leslie
Well, I wasn't kidding when I suggested a tiny chihuahua size shirt! That way he can "wash" after eating and not get all dirty! He truely WANTS to be clean! So after his next bath... for how ever long it takes after his meals, put something on him because otherwise he is miserable and the dirty wet fur makes him chillier! The fur is separated and can't keep him warm as much as it should! (Combing helps a bit). Give it a go? I wonder if some of Peanut's hated coats would fit him? They're close in size. I'll have to rummage through her stuff to find something that will fit him without tangling him in it. ;)

Laura's Babies
09-14-2004, 09:09 PM
leslie, that sounds like a good idea. Use one to feed him and one after until he is all cleaned up.. Poor baby..

09-15-2004, 09:29 AM
The Found Cats,are glad that Birdie has an appetite and JJJ3 wants to know if he will eat Whiskas Temptations!

09-15-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
The Found Cats,are glad that Birdie has an appetite and JJJ3 wants to know if he will eat Whiskas Temptations!

Gary, Let JJJ3 know that Birdie can't eat anything that's not very small, and soft. He would choke on things that are crunchy, or too big sized. :eek:

09-15-2004, 01:31 PM
God bless you little Birdie!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-15-2004, 02:26 PM
Poor little sweetie-pie. Glad to hear he enjoys his foodies! Sending prayers that his little tongue starts to work real soon!