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View Full Version : FINALLY a good picture of my very special Skippy!!!

09-13-2004, 09:59 AM
This dear all black boy was born with half a front leg that I call his "clobber club" LOL. He was rescued years back, and within days had come down with severe pneumonia and was hospitalized for a few days. His eye was badly affected and had to be removed, but the miracle is he survived at all! Six weeks of force feedings, and fluid and he somehow survived. He had extensive dentistry done last Spring, so has only his wonderful and very long fangs left in his mouth. They make him look like a goofy black vampire kitty LOL! :D He is one of my absolute all time favorite kitties. Very affectionate. He loves to rub heads with me, and skips along after me everywhere I go. He is such a cutie. :)


Can you believe these fangs?? :D :D :D He worries about me when I'm in the shower...thinks I'll go down the drain. He hangs outside the tub meowing until I get out. Sweet silly boy.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-13-2004, 10:11 AM
YIKES - those are some fangs he has!!! What a heartwarming story Jan - there is a special place in Heaven for You, I'm sure!!



09-13-2004, 10:42 AM
Awww, that is the sweetest thing! I've got to show this pic to my husband today when he gets home . . . he'll love it!

09-13-2004, 10:49 AM
:eek: Vampire kittie! :D:D But still as cute as can be :)

09-13-2004, 10:51 AM
Jen stole the words out of my mouth! I'll add that he is a handsome vampire kitty! Purrs and headbumpies to this super kitty!

09-13-2004, 11:41 AM
My GOSH, do those things hang out all the time .... well, DUH, I guess they would HAVE to!!!:rolleyes: :eek: :eek:

What a wonderful story he has to tell, thanks so much for sharing him with us!!!;)

09-13-2004, 02:03 PM
I have to admit, I crack up everytime I see him! He is just incredibly adorable with those long teeth hanging out all the time, and that one golden eye gazing up at me. I have been trying for months now to get a picture that shows his purrsonality, and teeth. :D And he cracks me up when he goes to smack another cat with that stump of his. Poor guy...wish he knew it just isn't effective. :rolleyes:

K & L
09-13-2004, 03:07 PM
Whenever I feel overwhelmed I will need to keep you in mind! Seems you come across all the "special" needs cats. We've been so fortunate, with the 100's of rescues we've done, we've never have come across a "special" needs cat. Skippy should've been called The Count!:D

09-13-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by K & L
Whenever I feel overwhelmed I will need to keep you in mind! Seems you come across all the "special" needs cats. We've been so fortunate, with the 100's of rescues we've done, we've never have come across a "special" needs cat. Skippy should've been called The Count!:D

VERY lucky! I live in a city, and surrounded by several others, and unfortunately too many irresponsible idiots who don't bother with spaying/neutering or even vaccinating their cats. I have managed to adopt out a few special needs kitties, but most everyone wants a perfect little kitten. So they end up turning me into mush with their perseverance, and determination...and I end up calling them keepers. :D How's "Count Skippula"? :confused: :D

K & L
09-13-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
VERY lucky! I live in a city, and surrounded by several others, and unfortunately too many irresponsible idiots who don't bother with spaying/neutering or even vaccinating their cats. I have managed to adopt out a few special needs kitties, but most everyone wants a perfect little kitten. So they end up turning me into mush with their perseverance, and determination...and I end up calling them keepers. :D How's "Count Skippula"? :confused: :D

That also goes for us! We have taken care of so many cats by getting them fixed, finding homes, giving meds, and a supplying food and water daily (going on 5 years now)you name it...but we've been fortunate that they've all been fairly healthy, no disabilities, etc.

I LOVE Count Skippula!:D

Laura's Babies
09-13-2004, 03:24 PM
I love the Count Skipular title and how approate with Holloween coming up. That is a really touching story too. It just amazes me what some of them go through and STILL survive. I would LOVE to meet him, he sounds like a real character, almost a clown. Makes the most of what he looks like, does he?....and afraid you will go down the drain, that is just the absolute cutiest thing I ever heard!

09-13-2004, 04:48 PM
What a trooper! Those fangs are scary....:eek: he he
He's a Survivor! It's nice to know he has a loving home after all he's been through! kudos to you!:D

09-13-2004, 06:36 PM
Awwww!!! Skippy is adorable and I love his fangs!!! :)

He sounds like a really sweet kitty. I'm happy you've found eachother. :D

09-13-2004, 07:58 PM
Good Golly Miss Molly, look at those fangs.:eek: I thought my sons cat Fred had big fangs, but they are nothing compared to Skippy's. Definitely from the "Sabertooth Tiger" family, I would say.

Jan, what a heartwarming story. Thank you for sharing this precious boy with us and especially for giving him such a caring and loving home.:)

09-13-2004, 08:04 PM
Holy cow... I've never seen big fangs like that from a little cat!!!

09-13-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by ActionCat007
Holy cow... I've never seen big fangs like that from a little cat!!!
He's actually quite a big boy! He shouldn't have so much weight on him due to his half a front leg, but he manages to stay...ummm fluffy! :rolleyes: He probably weighs 12 lbs anyway!:eek: His fangs are what give him so much charm LOL!

09-14-2004, 07:53 AM
I have a smile a mile wide on my face!!!! What a cutie! I love those fangs and that sweet one eyed face! Oh, Jan I can't get over how adorable your special needs kitties are.
I love the pictures and stories you are posting about them. Please keep them coming.
BIG kisses to you sweet Skippy!!:D :D :D

09-14-2004, 08:05 AM
He's adorable and I love those fangs.

09-14-2004, 08:23 AM
There is a Special Place,for you,at the rainbow Bridge,where you will be,with all the Cats,that you ahve helped,and the wether,is warm,and there is a Continous Buffet! Bless You,for helping Skippy,lead a Full Life!

carla and mike
09-14-2004, 03:28 PM
Well I just love Skippy!!I wonder why they didn't remove his fangs too.He'd probably eat better without them.But he sure looks beautiful.And he surly loves you.
My 2 black boy cats both have huge fangs too.

09-14-2004, 03:49 PM
If thet removed his fangs, so much of his charm would be gone too! His canine teeth were good and clean and solid, so no need to take them out too. I was secretly praying they wouldn't, and they didn't. ;) He does drool without the side teeth, and when he's rubbing heads against me, I end up with a nice spit shower LOL! :rolleyes:

09-14-2004, 06:43 PM
:eek: Wow! Look at those fangs! Very scary!:eek: ;)