View Full Version : Ophelia :)

09-13-2004, 01:25 AM
First, here's a link trail to who Ophelia is: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58176

Second...Ophelia is doing much better. I hadn't been over to see her since Thursday night because of work and school. CiCi said she still wasn't eating other than what she was force fed. :(

Saturday, CiCi put chicken in her mouth and Ophelia chewed it...happily, but waited to have it lovingly placed in her mouth! SUCH a princess already! ;)

CiCi moved Ophelia to the spare room that night after the chicken and she remained under the bed until the wee hours of the morning when CiCi's hubby heard a bit of moving around from the next room. This morning, she was still under the bed, but the litter box had two different deposits. :o

When I came over to visit, I knealed next to the bed and began talking to her and guess what!?!? She came out!! On her own! And asked to be pet!!! I feel a bit bad, because she didn't do this for CiCi, but its still excellent news!!

I gave her some "junk food" wet food and she even ate a few bites! She then played a bit with a new catnip toy I brought over and then spent the next hour getting pet from CiCi, her hubby and I!

I'm sooooo glad!!! I'm going to take a few pictures tomorrow afternoon and I'll finally post them here. (I fixed my camera) :)

YAY!!!! I'm soooo happy!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-13-2004, 01:54 AM
I just read her sad story. Poor baby! I'm SO glad she has ended up with you, and will be getting a fresh start at the life she deserves. Scritchies to Ophelia and (((HUGS))) to you!

09-13-2004, 08:31 AM
I'm glad she came out for you and is doing better. I can't wait to see pictures of her.

Thanks for the update.

09-13-2004, 08:44 AM
She sounds like a real sweetie. I hope she continues to come out of her shell and starts to come to CiCi on her own.
Can't wait for the photos!

09-13-2004, 08:55 AM
Thank you for rescuing this poor, sweet girl. I still can't believe how cruel some people can be - ignoring the basic health care issues of a pet and then abandoning it.... :mad:

Anyway, I can't wait to see the pictures!! Do you think her teeth are hurting her and that's why she's not eating much? Or could it be stress, or a combination of both? Poor thing. :( I am sure she'll start coming out of her shell very soon. Sounds like she's starting to already! :)

09-13-2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
Do you think her teeth are hurting her and that's why she's not eating much? Or could it be stress, or a combination of both?
It may be a comination of both. Her teeth aren't broken, just inflammed and dirty. She needs a dental cleaning soon.

I think its mainly stress that's making her not want to eat. Poor thing.

I'll post pictures tonight! :)