View Full Version : *Dirty Pictures*....time for a bath *grin*

09-12-2004, 11:10 AM
Dirty little Birdie is having a tough time staying clean as you can see. He eats well, and is gaining some strength, but still has a ways to go before he's feeling 100%. He's still too weak to endure constant bathing, so we do a wipe down with a warm cloth after he eats. Poor little guy tries so hard to keep himself clean, but all he manages to do is smear the food left in his mouth around his fur. I'm thinking that seeing as his tongue has yet to regain function, it must affect his salivary glands as well. I don't want him aspirating water, as he still cranes his neck like a baby bird, so he needs time to swallow. He adores his blanket! :D


It's not Sheik...it's CHIC!!!:D


Such a dirty little Birdie *sigh* It takes sooo much out of him doing a full bathing. In good time right? ;)

I'm hoping so much that my little tongue starts to work very soon.

09-12-2004, 11:12 AM
Por Little Birdie,Your Meowmie,is doing that,so you can be a Big Healthy Cat,and come to Our Partees!

09-12-2004, 11:13 AM
Oh Birdie you just tug at my heart. You look like such a little sweetheart - you are a real Trooper!!!!!

Hugs and smooches to you sweetie!!

09-12-2004, 12:03 PM
Poor, poor little Birdie. I hope you realize that what you are going through is for your own good sweetie. Jan had one miracle baby and now it is time to make it number two.
Please get well soon sweetie and get that tongue working.

Yes Jan, all in good time.

I would like to congratulate you on the fantastic job you are doing to help this poor little kitty.

09-12-2004, 12:14 PM
The sweet little boy never seems to stop purring. He's getting lots of much deserved kisses, and loves to be cuddled. :) It was just one week ago that he flew into my life, and it's been a long week! (But worth it).

09-12-2004, 02:28 PM
WOW!!! That little boy has really impressed me today! I gave him his bottle this morning along with his meds, and vitamins (which cause an awful lot of staining of his fur, but are so good for him) and I gave him a six oz. can of Whiskas with the gravy drained off. He ate almost the entire can! No wonder he wasn't very interested in his bottle for lunch. :eek: He's going to get a bath in the A.M as I can't stand seeing him. He'll look like the pictures shortly after all over again though *sigh*. :rolleyes: Within hours of his meal he looks dirty again poor little tyke. Come on little tongue Work! ;)

Laura's Babies
09-12-2004, 02:58 PM
AWWwwww! Birdie, you are to cute for words and have so many of us rootin for ya lil guy! Start working on getting that tongue working, just a little at a time baby boy! Even dirty, you are a cutiepie and have so many that already love you!!

09-12-2004, 06:45 PM
Jan, we should ask Dr. Bird about his salivary glands and also about, once his bite wounds are completely healed, if there are any medications to treat neuro probs- we didn't get into that the day of vet visit because right now it is unknown if this is muscular or neuro or both. First thing is to treat the anemia from severe blood loss and wounds. but I'm thinking, later, if there is no change in his ability to eat, we will be asking about the next step for this guy and it will get expensive- Dr. Bird mentioned what, ultrasound or MRI? I don't remember because I was focused on the right now of the holes in his head!!! Do you remember? sonic xray?

09-12-2004, 06:49 PM
I didn't hear what Dr. Bird suggested other than knocking him out and checking the works. He's not in any condition yet for such a procedure, and I think it will be quite a while before he's strong enough for stuff like that. He is eating well though. He went through a can and a half of wet food today! That's a lot for such a fragile little guy. :eek:

09-12-2004, 06:49 PM
How much more cute can I tolerate? He has stolen my heart! Sigh.....

09-12-2004, 06:58 PM
Obviously I am talking future- should his tongue not start working..

09-12-2004, 11:26 PM
Little Birdie has stolen my heart as well .... oh Jan, it is so great to see him thriving. I know you must be exhausted from caring for him along with the many others, but my isn't it rewarding to see him doing so well!!!?


09-12-2004, 11:59 PM
What a precious lil birdie he is! I am so glad that you are taking your time to take care of this handsome lil guy. He deserves it, and was lucky to fall into the perfect hands of someone willinging to love him when noone would. Did you ever find out what the mystery gook was? Anyways thank you so very much for loving him, and I wanna give him a snuggle when he gets better;) kisses to you both, Katie:D

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-13-2004, 02:01 AM
Thank goodness he ended up with you!!! He is a sweetie pie!

09-13-2004, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by kt_luvs_kitties
What a precious lil birdie he is! I am so glad that you are taking your time to take care of this handsome lil guy. He deserves it, and was lucky to fall into the perfect hands of someone willinging to love him when noone would. Did you ever find out what the mystery gook was? Anyways thank you so very much for loving him, and I wanna give him a snuggle when he gets better;) kisses to you both, Katie:D
The vet concluded that the mystery gunk under his tongue was his own dead tissue mixed with leaves or something like that. He had a noticable depression underneath his tongue which shouldn't have been there. He is just the dearest little boy! I'm waiting for the day I come downstairs in the A.M and find him sparkling clean!

09-14-2004, 09:14 AM
I can't get over this precious little Birdie! If I could possibly get through the monitor I would smother that little dirty Birdie with tons of kisses!!!
Look at that face!

Jan I am in love hook, line, and sinker! :D :D :D

I wish there was some way to tell you just how fantastic I think you are. That boy would have been put down by most anybody else. You have a crown that weighs a ton waiting for you!!! What a very special blessing you are to the kitties.:)

09-14-2004, 09:33 AM
I was very worried about the little peanut yesterday. He didn't want to eat much, and even turned his nose up at his bottle. He took a bit of weight off my shoulders by eating almost an entire can of Whiskas this morning. He's still quite punkish feeling though. :( He's still on antibiotics to keep killing any nasty germs left from those horrid bites. One day at a time with the lil' tyke. Needless to say...his bath was put off as he seemed weaker than he's been all week. :(

09-14-2004, 10:24 AM
Oh no Jan I'm so sorry to hear he is feeling down. I guess it's the one step forward two steps back thing. He still sounds wonderful in comparison to his first few days with you.
Give him extra hugs and kissies from me and I hope tomorrow is better. Maybe the little guy is finally getting full.:)