View Full Version : oh give me a break! all the dogs are "fine"

09-09-2004, 01:07 PM
ok a bunch of the dogs are still coughing, Ripley has pretty much stopped entirerly, just a small hack now and then, but he never had it bad in the first place. Misty however starting hacking last night, she was hacking up some liquide too, she kept stopping to swallow after hacking, and when I woke up this morning there were 2 small wet spots on my bed, I assume she hacked up. nitro is still hacking really bad, bobby is coughing now and she was not even at the tourny, at flyball practice yesterday one person who is not the nicest person on the planet....ok she is the reason our club is so small lol.... well she was asked how their dogs were doing, she said "fine" her husband said "coughing" uhhhh so they were asked which it was, and this woman says to her husband "shhhh" :eek: ok dogs are hacking, dogs are sick, and this women wants to keep it quiet, and spread the problem? :mad: then another memeber of the club who was not their last night asked how the dogs were this women responds "the tourny seems to be a go, all the dogs are fine now" :mad:

09-09-2004, 01:20 PM
Boy sounds like someone doesn't care too much. Hope you pups are feeling better soon. Is it kennel cough?

09-09-2004, 01:22 PM
:eek: Wow that women sounds quite odd, that is insane saying that the dogs are fine when they are not. I hope the poor pups are feeling better soon.

We had a simalar problem (Person) at our dog club also, their dog was coughing up mucus and when asked to take the dog home they replied "No, we are here to train" :eek:.

Some people.

09-09-2004, 01:26 PM
Is it kennel cough?

yep, we got an outbreak in our club from the last tourny, an aussie from another club was cought coughing at that tourny but we did not think it was KC at the time, evedently is was..

09-09-2004, 01:41 PM
I'm stunned that someone could be like that. Someone like that should not have the care of pups.

09-09-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by cali
yep, we got an outbreak in our club from the last tourny, an aussie from another club was cought coughing at that tourny but we did not think it was KC at the time, evedently is was..

I heard about that. Apparently it all started in Halifax and was spread to an Edmonton dog which then spread to other dogs out here, or something like that.

09-09-2004, 06:23 PM
oh really? that I did not know.. so now it will probibly end up spreading to saskatoon, considering it seems we are going, wheather we will run both teams or not we are still unsure though. we will have to keep a close eye on all the dogs while we are there too, because somebody has been planting poisend meat for dogs in saskatoon, 5 dogs I believe it ate some of it, a couple passed away, I think 1 or 2 is in intensive care, and 1 made a full recovery. :(