View Full Version : Riley

09-05-2004, 08:36 AM

You are a very beautiful little girl. I am very glad that you have found some one to love you very much. Hope you and your family will have a long and wonderful life together.Glad you made DOTD. I got to see you.:) :) :)

09-05-2004, 09:58 AM
Good Morning to you dear Riley! You're simply the most precious furball:D Yes, a beautiful blend of so many gorgeous breeds; a true All American!:) I hear you're thoroughly enjoying your puppyhood. What a scamp!:D Acutally, I'll bet you've grown into one beautiful young lady by now! Petfinder is such a great site, helping to facilitate so many happy rescue tales! Many thanks to all the people (especially your family!) who made your homecoming a reality! I know that many, many happy years of love and laughter await you and your proud people! It was a great pleasure meeting you dear Riley! Enjoy your well earned day in the spotlight as our most adorable Sunday Dog of the Day! Love and hugs and happy tail wags to you sweetheart from Sandra, Cody and Star:)

09-05-2004, 10:55 AM
Sweet Riley, what an absolutely darling little fluffball you are, and sounds like you have the brains to match those good looks! Wow, house trained and sit and come learned already! You are surely destined for greatness :D. You are certainly one blessed little girl that your wonderful family looked on Petfinder to find the perfect pup to adopt.

May you have many many more years filled with the joy and love of your adoring family. Congratulations Riley, our precious Dog of the Day!

09-05-2004, 11:38 AM
You are indeed a fluff ball. I would bet your family gave you a special bath for your picture along with a sweet smelling conditioner. You just look like you are sweet in many ways. Teska

09-05-2004, 01:30 PM
Riley, you are just adorable!!!! You look soooo soft and cuddly, and in that first picture you kind of look like a rug there. I'll bet you are alot of fun and oh well, those shoes:rolleyes: you are in puppyhood and exploring as you see fit. I can tell you will be well loved and spoiled rotten:D. You are certainly a scholar knowing some commands already. You must be a genius and will try to outsmart your parents:) . You will get alot of hugs kisses and treats everyday cause you are a special little girl ;)

09-05-2004, 07:12 PM
Riley is just adorable! :D
We had a very mixed dog when I was a kid and we named him Heinze 57 because he was red and we figured there were about 57 different breeds in him. :eek:

You could always tell people that Riley's Mom was a Chow and his Dad was a traveling salesman. :p

09-05-2004, 07:26 PM
simply adorable!!!!!

09-06-2004, 09:20 AM
Riley a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to such a sweet girl.