View Full Version : Colby

09-03-2004, 05:45 AM
Youre indeed a sweet lil babyface of a boy,,,

congrats on being our very special DOTD!

Sara luvs her Tinky
09-03-2004, 07:06 AM

WOW.. aren't you a super cute PUP!!! CONGRATULATIONS for being DOTD. Im so glad you have found yourself a happy furrever home. You sure are a good boy and i hope you have a really fun day today playing with your mommy and daddy! :)

09-03-2004, 07:58 AM
Oh Colby, it sounds as if you are very loved in you new home and I can totally see why! You are such a cutie pie:D

Maybe one of these days your mom & dad will bring you a little brother or sister to play with;)

Hope you have a wonderful day Colby our special
Dog of the Day!

09-03-2004, 08:31 AM

You do sound like you are loved very much. And on top of that you are a very pretty little boy. I would love to have you for myself. Hope you and your family have a very long and wonderful life together.:) :) :)

09-03-2004, 09:01 AM
Okay Colby, you are just too cute!!!!:) Do you ring those bells when you have to go outside I wonder;) !!! I can sure understand why you are spoiled rotten, I wouldnt be able to resist a cutie like you either:D !!!! Im sure you'll get alot of treats today, and in a couple of months or so, snow will be on the ground for you to romp in!!!

09-03-2004, 09:50 AM
Congratulations, Colby! What a lovely little boy you are, and it seems like life is certainly very good for you.;) My girl and I live in the same town you do, so we are sending you many kisses from very close by.

Daisy and Delilah
09-03-2004, 11:31 AM
Awwwwww!!! Such a pretty little guy you are!! That golden spotted coat is so beautiful!! Honey can we see you are already living the good life???? You betcha!! You are obviously one happy young man. We love that!!!! Keep up the good life Mr. C. Your Mom and Dad are really loving you aren't they??? Who wouldn't?? Enjoy your day today Sweet Colby and enjoy every day with your loving family!! Always love and live the good life.:D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Florida:cool: :cool:

p.s. From Daisy and Delilah and Our House to all Florida residents: We wish you all the best with Hurricane Frances. We hope everyone is prepared and all our Pet Talkers please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks!!

09-03-2004, 11:59 AM

I wanna steal you away!!! ;) ;)

Congrats Colby on being DOTD!!!

09-03-2004, 04:47 PM
Oh look!!! It's beautiful Beagle boy Colby:):):) How precious are YOU little Colby:) And wow, how very loved you are by your loving mom and dad! Sounds like all the family participated to move heaven and earth to bring you home:D And what a wonderful live they've given you. And I know you love them just as much, right back! Sounds like one heavenly match! I'll bet by now you're one big, handsome young man, Colby! And no doubt, your family's love for you grows daily, right along with you:) Thank you so much for writing to us dear Colby!!! I loved reading all about your happy life and fun adventures Colby:) And today, I hope you and your proud mom and dad and skin sister have a most wonderful and fun filled day, celebrating your much deserved Dog of the Day honors! Lots of hugs and kisses to you cutie Colby from me and mine:)

09-03-2004, 06:42 PM
What a gorgeous little beagle boy you are, Colby! You have got such a sweet little face. Sounds like you have such a wonderful home filled with lots of love.

Congrats for being our Dog Of The Day!

Enjoy, Colby!

Robin :)

09-03-2004, 10:00 PM
What a darling dear boy you are Colby! You are soooo cute and blonde - we love Colby!!! :) :D :)