View Full Version : Tito -n- Sophie

08-28-2004, 02:20 PM
I haven't been posting as much lately. I have been super busy. But I finally have some time today to update you all on Tito and Sophie's latest adventures.I am posting this on the weekend, I know, but I can't keep up with the threads during the week anymore!! My strategy used to be to post pictures on weekday mornings, but seems lately the threads fly a lot faster during the week! So, I have now given up on trying to plot when the best time is to post pictures of my babies, and I will just post whenever I get the chance to!!

The adventure of the week was when I put a new bedskirt on my bed. I leaned the matress up against the wall - and Sophie LOVED that! She ran up and down, up and down, and just had a ball.

By the way, the stain on the matress is NOT what it looks like. That happened during one of my many moves - long story. I'm not even sure what it is - water I think.



They also liked checking out the box springs.

A calm moment, mid-wrestling match :rolleyes:


Got some close-ups of Sophie. I love her black bottom lip, and her cute little face.


Pretty stripey girl. Can you tell she's gaining weight? ;) :D

And a good one of Tito - I LOVE this cat!!! He's just so cool.

That's all for now! Maybe I can try to upload some videos later - but for now I need to vacuum my apartment! *FUN*

08-28-2004, 02:28 PM
What cute pictures!! I just moved last week, so I had the "matress world" going on in the guest bedroom, and Vegas and Reno loved it too!
Your babies are so cute!! I love how Tito's grey is so dark, and Sophie's little bunnie butt is absolutely irresistable!!!!!:D

08-28-2004, 02:29 PM
Aw, what a pair of beauties they are! and such a big HELP around the house too! ;)
Thanks for sharing them with us.:D

Laura's Babies
08-28-2004, 04:44 PM
Since I just changed beds myself a few days ago, I konow how they love new things to explore. Gis even threw the propped up box spring on the floor, not once but several times!

I can see how Sophie is growing, she is getting BIG!! Still cute as a button too! **KISSIE***KISSIE**

08-28-2004, 05:23 PM
What GREAT pictures! I just LOVE Tito and Sophie!!! They are so adorable!!!
That little sophie makes a game of everything doesn't she? I love the photo of her hanging over the top of the mattress.
Tito you are such a handsome boy!! You ahve been a great big brother and I just love your pictures!

I would just love to plant a GIANT kiss on both of you!!!:D :D :D :D

08-28-2004, 05:52 PM
Those are too cute! I just want to kiss sweet Sophie hanging out on top of the mattress!

Pouncer loves to help me change the sheets. I once TRIED to take pictures of sheet changing day, but I was laughng too hard and the pictures came out like a bunch of shaky blurs.

08-28-2004, 08:31 PM
Goodness, Sophie is getting big! Great pictures!:)

08-28-2004, 09:14 PM

This one is of Tito walking around on top of our (rather large) TV. He loves it, and Sophie gets so jealous because she's not big enough to jump up there yet. One thing Tito always does while he's up there is "climb" up the wall and meow at the ceiling air vent. Always the same vent, every time he gets up there. You can see him do it in this video.

One more coming after this...

08-28-2004, 09:18 PM
Lizzielou, your babies are absolute sweethearts!!! They look like they're having so much fun exploring and playing on the mattress/box springs!!! Definitely a pair of COOL CATS!!! And yes, such adorable little faces!!!

08-28-2004, 09:22 PM
Sophie being too curious for her own good! :D

08-28-2004, 09:24 PM
Tito and Sophie are two very handsome tabbies! :)

08-28-2004, 09:39 PM
You know, as much as LOVE my babies, I do wish I had younger kitties. Max and Speckles don't find much entertainment in anything these days. Nap, eat, nap, eat, nap eat; that's their day, God bless them. Then again, I guess I should count my blessings; no crashes at 2am, no playing with my feet at 4am and no waking me up at 6am for breakfast.

What a riot it must have been to see them scurry up and down the mattress.:D

Kisses to you Tito and Sohpie.

08-28-2004, 11:05 PM
Oh LizzieLou those video's were too funny!:D :D :D

Tito you have the sweetest little meow! What's up with that vent buddy? You are too cute climbing the wall.:D
Sophie you little stinker! You made me crack up!! Hubby thinks I'm nuts sitting here on the computer all by myself and laughing like a maniac!!:o :D You are such a funny girl! I was smiling at your cute little bunny butt and then KERPLUNK! Down you went!

Lizzie you have two of the cutest babies!

08-28-2004, 11:11 PM
Thanks for your kind words, everyone!

I just watched the first video again, and I wanted to share how Tito gets up there in the first place. He jumps from the top of the scratching post (which you see Sophie sitting on, bottom left-hand corner of the screen when it pans over to the left) onto the top of the TV. He usually makes quite a racket when his 10-pound body lands up there. Sophie is just too little to make that leap up there - it's only a matter of time though! As you can see, she's waiting patiently until she gets big enough to join her brother in the high places. :)

08-29-2004, 11:00 AM
Allen,aqnd Pouncer,certainly appreciate the Bed,taht you bought,for them,and The found Cats,what a Bed Too,of thier very own.Actaully the Cast Sitters,have a double bed,that is going,into the Sun Room,so the Found Cats,will be even more Spoiled!