View Full Version : Would you buy catnip beanbags?

08-28-2004, 06:46 AM
Hi there. I was wondering how many of you cat lovers would buy catnip beanbags for your cats?

My mom makes these bean bags and fills them up with beans and cat nip and her cats love it!


08-28-2004, 08:41 AM
That sounds intersting,as The Cats already get the Animal Welfare Mice,and Balls! Maybe they would like something new,at that!

08-28-2004, 09:52 AM
I've bought catnip filled beanbags before. My cats go crazy over them!! They don't last very long though. Between the cat spit and the teeth marks, along with their determination to get AT the catnip, they usually tear them up within a week. I just give them fresh dried catnip straight. Talk about addicts!!

08-29-2004, 11:21 AM
I was just curious to see how many people would buy such a thing.

My mom made the bean bags for her cats for Christmas. It lasted a long time.

She had really strong material too.

She filled the bags with beans and cat nip. The beans of course would rub against the cat nip, making the scent come out more. Her cats would go crazy over it. It was fun watching them roll on it. LOL..


08-29-2004, 11:16 PM

I've made catnip toys as well. What I've done is 3 take knee-high socks or stockings and filled them with catnip then tied them in a knot. It's a pretty inexpensive way to create toys for your cats. My cats love them. Anything that has to do with catnip they go crazy over, the little addicts!!