View Full Version : Skunk Again!

My Peanuts
08-27-2004, 02:42 PM
Well it's that time of the year! Last night my cousin took Harley and Sylvia out around 10pm. I was supposed to go to this bar/club but changed my mind at the last minute. I'm so glad I didn't go! My cousin runs in the house and says, "Grab something!" Uh, something? Like what? And then she screams skunk and I ran outside. Sylvia and Harley were boxing it out with a skunk and you guessed it; they already got sprayed! This is what happened... My cousin said Harley was by her and Sylvia went all the way in the back by the garden. Then she heard Sylvia crying and she said Harley ran to check it out. He's such a good big brother :) . My cousin said it was a terrible scream. My cousin said she let Harley go to check it out because she thought something was hurting Sylvia. Then she ran to get me and as she was she smelled the skunk and knew what had happened.
Apparently Syl got sprayed in the mouth and face and Harley got sprayed defending her. I got them in the house and immediately put Harley in the sink. I naturally assumed he got most of the spray because he usually starts these kind of fights and he had what I thought was skunk blood on his nose. It wasn’t skunk blood it was Harley blood but it was just a scratch. Then I saw Sylvia and she was foaming at the mouth and her eyes were blood red. Poor thing looked soooo scared! I yelled to my cousin to get her in the bath tub. Several baths of dish soap, peroxide, baking soda, and mouth wash later they still smell, but it's getting better. We called the ER vet about Harley's scratch and they said to make sure it doesn't get infected, but it was ok to treat him at home.
Yep, so that is that! Now they have to go on leashes when they go out at night! As for the poor little skunk, I thought for sure he was dead, but it was dark and I couldn't see. After the pups were taken care of we went back to see about the skunk, but he was gone. Fun night, huh!?!

08-27-2004, 02:50 PM
PyewwwwEyyyyy Sounds like you had a wonderful night!!!

08-27-2004, 07:06 PM
Wow, what a night! It sounds like everyone had fun! :rolleyes:

You should really try some Skunk-Off. I got some at our veternarian office. I had to use it before, and it works miracles! :)

08-27-2004, 07:22 PM
My RB poodle, Ashley, got sprayed full in the face by a skunk through the slats in our back fence. Her eyes got so red and she didn't want to open them. I called the vet about that as well as for ideas on how to get the stink off her. He suggested "Summer's Eve Douche" (baking soda formula). :o :o

I find that around here very early in the morning (maybe 6:00 am or even earlier) or after 11:00 pm seems to be when the skunks are most active. I cringe when the dogs want to go out at those times. A few weeks ago I heard our next door neighbor's dog barking her head off. It was very unusual because she is a "senior" doggy and not a barker. Less than a minute later the horrid stench of *skunk* wafted through my open window! :eek: My neighbor told me the next day she got sprayed good. :eek:

I am so sorry to hear about Harley and Sylvia's ordeal but I am so proud of the way Harley tried to protect his sister! Whadda dog! :cool: Hope your scratch will be OK real soon. :)

08-27-2004, 07:27 PM
Wow,,, that was a bad evening indeed.... for all concerned,...

oh dear!:(

08-27-2004, 07:36 PM
Sounds like that was a just one great evening :rolleyes: When Moco ran into a a skunk about a year ago we got skunk off (i think it was skunk off cant quite remember but im almost positive) well if thats the stuff we used, it works wonders!

08-27-2004, 09:10 PM
What a brave big brother you are Harley!

I'm so sorry to hear of your terrible night (both for you and the dogs). I'm so lucky that ours have never been sprayed.

08-27-2004, 09:20 PM
OOOOOOOOOOHHH stiiinnnkaaaay! yukers! Sounds like that night was a BLAST! lol!

08-28-2004, 02:21 AM
Poop pups, hope the stink goes away fast.

RB Max was never sprayed by a skunk & we went camping ALL the time (up until he was 6). Their were always skunks in our campsite, but we taught Max that animal was bad & bad means run & stay away.

If we were walking at night & he spotted one, he would stop & give little snarls under his breath & he would stop in his tracks & back off. We knew what had to be there, so we would shin out flash lights in the direction Max said it was in & we always saw a skunk.

Now Racoons were a diff story. In Max's mind the only good racoon is a Racoon away from us or a DEAD one. This young Racoon learned the hard way not to scare me & my friend into a corner, we screamed bloddy murder cause we were trapped by fire & a Racoon that just wouldn't stop come closer & closer, no matter what we toss at it. Well Screaming bloody murder set Max off & he attacked the Racoon.

All we hear is Max snarling aggressivly (ever hear a killer Rotti? & a Killer Pitt?? Thats what Max sounded like). & then we heard the Racoon make a sound as if it had been squeezed to death (all the air being forced out of it all at once). We found RB Max about 20-30 feet into the bush under a tree & the Racoon was in the tree looking scared out of its pants & shaking. We guessed Max jumpped ontop of the Racoon & thats how the sound was made.

About a couple hours later the Racoon came down & BOLTED!!
The next day we told the Park Rangers what happened. He was pleased how Max handled himself & the situation. Max was the only dog allowed off leash at the camp site. He was non aggressive towards anything/body (except that 1 Racoon). & the Rangers walked by out site calling the dog & he would budge unless we told him to go see the rangers. The rangers made it a habbit to show up several times a day just to see Max. Everybody loved Max