View Full Version : diabetes

08-24-2004, 07:47 AM
Does anyone have a dog with diabetes? One of my doxies has diabetes and I was wondering what other people do for their pets with diabetes. Thanks Joannie

08-24-2004, 07:57 AM
I have a dog, Ted E. Bear, that has had diabetes for four years. He's doing very well on special food and two shots of insulin a day. How long has your doxie had diabetes?

I hope your dog is getting insulin shots too. Dogs cannot be regulated without them.


08-24-2004, 08:01 AM
Bailey was diagnosed at the first of the year, he is on Lente 5-6 units 2x a day. He as well as my other 2 doxies are on w/d weight reduction food from Hills diet, as well as I cook other things for them. Joannie

08-24-2004, 10:52 AM
My dog does not have diabeties but I hope all goes well for your dog. Good luck!

08-24-2004, 11:26 AM
Thank you so much for your kind words. Joannie

08-24-2004, 05:14 PM
I've never had a dog with diabetes, but a cat, yes. And even though I'm a nurse, there was still a lot to learn about diabetes in cats vs. humans and it was an adjustment to schedule my days around his needs, i.e. insulin injections, blood testing etc. Luckily for me and Mr. B, he converted to a non diabetic state after a couple of months and is now maintained on Rx food alone. (Purina Diabetic Management) He had been on humulin insulin, regular, varying from 4 units, when his BS was at it's high of 700 to 1 unit twice daily. Hope your sugar pup is doing well:) Sandra

08-25-2004, 12:38 PM
Joannie, have you been to the diabetetic website for pets at ezboard? The people there will help you with any questions you have. Just reading about their problems and solutions helped me with Bear when he was first diagnosed. They have a couple of threads right at the beginning that explain a lot of the basics and have a lot of standard hints. Go to [email protected].

Most of us with diabetic dogs don't give them any human food. They have to stay on a diet so their insulin will stay the same. Bear eats 1 cup (measured) of Hills W/D in the morning and 1 cup with a tablespoon of yogurt and 1/4 cup chopped brocolli at night. He's allowed one small biscuit in the morning and a baby carrot at night. I sometimes slip him some lettuce or cucumber, maybe a half slice of apple. He's been regulated on 10 and 6 units of Novolin N. The worst problem I have is when he doesn't want to eat in the morning.

What are your dog' names? Can we see pictures, please?


08-25-2004, 04:56 PM
Ok Mary I am a real dummy when it comes to sending pictures, so I got one of my discs with pictures and wrote a short note and sent it to oetof the day.com, but it didn't go there I guess, I can't find it any where:mad: wo is me, I just have a heck of a time w/pictures. Sorry Joannie

08-26-2004, 12:35 PM
Do you have pictures saved on your computer?

I have to follow written instuctions to do it. I'll see if someone can post the instructions for you.


08-26-2004, 08:56 PM
My pictures are on Kodak discs. Joannie

08-27-2004, 07:19 AM
I'm not familiar with the process of getting pictures from a disc to PetTalk. Hopefully someone more savvy than I can help.



08-27-2004, 07:22 AM
Thanks Mary, I hope someone knows how to do this,cuz I am a dummy about this. Joannie

08-27-2004, 07:29 AM
Me too! But there has to be someone who can help. I posted in Dog General too.

Phred posted some very detailed instructions for getting pictures from your computer to PetTalk. I printed them out and have to read them every time I post a picture. Of course I can't find the thread when I want it because I'm computer challenged.

We have some very smart kids (and adults) on here so I'm sure someone will be able to help.
