View Full Version : When did you get the internet?

08-22-2004, 10:17 AM
We got the internet in 1996. AOL dialup. my screenname was like penguin1 or something.

And remember how websites used to have really long addresses, usually part of some university network. And the only games were like text adventure games. *pick up bottle* lol. :p

08-22-2004, 10:24 AM
My first internet was with the local university and was called "freenet". Everything was text based gopher and my screen name was a chain of numbers. Then came the ultra modern compuserve:rolleyes: A new chain of numbers but it was pretty cool - then it had a *browser*! I can't remember what it was called but it had pictures and everything. I think it was a precursor to Netscape - Mozilla maybe? I remember the 2400 modem and how exciting was to get the super fast cadillac speed of 9600 WOW! ZOOM!

08-22-2004, 10:29 AM
Dial up in 1999, DSL since the middle of 2000.

08-22-2004, 10:42 AM
I think we got the internet in 1998..it was diap-up though. But then we have cable now.

08-22-2004, 11:30 AM
I think we got internet on 2001, bot sure but maybe 2000... I dont remember LOL :D

08-22-2004, 11:45 AM
It was either 1998 or 1999. We got high speed 2 years I ago (I think)

08-22-2004, 12:14 PM
I honestly don't remember. I *think* we got it around 1995........maybe even 1994, but I honestly can't remember for sure. I remember my dad introducing me to the internet when we first got it. I was pretty young and can't remember clearly what year it was, but it was a long time ago.

08-22-2004, 12:37 PM
Round' 1995, I think. My dad used it a lot, I remember, and I remember being on the computer when I was really young..

08-22-2004, 12:48 PM
Didn't get it until 2000. I'm still on dial up because my boss pays for it and I can use it free. One of these days I will get cable hookup and probably say, why didn't I do this sooner.

08-22-2004, 12:49 PM
We got ours about 95/96, can't quite remember - and we have enjoyed it daily ever since! :D

Next logical question: When did you first get a computer?

We started out with an ZX 81. LOL! Then in 85 we got an Amstrad running on CPM. One or two years later, the first Mac, an SE. After that an LC and then CX, Quadra, Power Mac 7600, G4, and now, it's a G5. :D We also have a Windows machine.

08-22-2004, 02:00 PM
I think I got mine around 95, I was a freshman in high school.

Toller 42
08-22-2004, 02:10 PM
I got it in may 2004.

08-22-2004, 02:17 PM
Randi to answer your question I think I got mine around 1988 or so give or take a year (I was really young!) It was an Apple II e, I remember how high tech our family thought it was! In reality it was pretty much a fancy word processer that could play simple games!

08-22-2004, 02:27 PM
On the internet - dial up with Earthlink- 1994.
Out of jail - to Comcast broadband 2001.

First PC - Compaq - 1983. Two 64k 5 1/4 floppy drives.

08-22-2004, 03:40 PM
Got the net in about 1998, got my first computer I guess around 1991 or 93.

08-22-2004, 04:09 PM
I think it was 1994..and it was an IBM 356. And, it was dial up..slow, slow, slow. The only thing I really did was go on AOL.

I got high speed in 2000, and wouldn't ever go back.

08-22-2004, 04:31 PM
I got online myself in 2000... I think we may have had it before then but I was sucha computer know-nothing that I refused to use it! :D Then a coworker said "Kim, you've GOTTA try computer dating services." So I signed up for one in the summer of 2001, and left the account unused for a few months before I decided that dating freeks would be better than not dating anybody. Met my hubby as the third person.... and never looked back!

Our first computer? A Texas Instruments that had DOS and a few really bad video games. It was a "family" christmas gift around '83 or '84. My brother still has the computer in a closet somewhere in his house! :D I wonder how much my parents paid for that back then??? I seem to remember that personal computers were really really costly.

08-22-2004, 07:49 PM
We got connected in 2001, had free internet for 2 years, I now have a cheapie service for 14.95 per mth for 150 hrs, works fine for me, never manage to use the hours.

When I first came online, I did not even know how to operate a mouse, and found that simple task difficult, it seemed to be all over the place, now I cannot imagine finding that so hard, I still have lots to learn, but I am quite happy with what I know so far.

08-22-2004, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Next logical question: When did you first get a computer?

Oh, I dont' know! Before I was born I think. It was exciting when we got Windows 3.1. My sister and I used to play games and use a paint program in MS-DOS before then.

08-22-2004, 09:59 PM
We finally got it here at the house in Jan. 1998 but my mom had it in 1997 and hubby had it at work since 94 or 95. I'd go play on his at work when he needed to go in late or on weekends. He'd set me up and I'd have a blast.

08-22-2004, 10:11 PM
Read my response here

I voted 2003 or later.:rolleyes:

08-22-2004, 11:58 PM
I said 1994 or earlier, cause I was using the net at school & at friends houses. We were just too poor to get a computer until the end 1998.. ok ok ok we didn't pay for the computer, it was a gift from out rich uncle who changes his work computer every couple of years & hands them out to family members & friends.... & then we got the net right away :) & shortly I met Rob on it hehehe Jan 30th 1999 :)

08-23-2004, 12:42 AM
I made my first website in 1994 and was TOTALLY jazzed to get it rated 4 stars out of 5. It was for my branch of engineering and no individual's site got rated 5 stars, but I outranks many businesses and several nation's websites. Sigh....

I don't remember my first computer but it seems like it was a Commadore 64. Sound feasible???

Hey, hey, hey, whippersnapper! Xyzzy to you, and a Plover's egg, too! I'll tell the pirate that you're in the quilt if you don't cut it out. :rolleyes: :D I LIKED that stupid game. Never did figure out how to get past the bear, though. My computer always crashed.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, all!

08-23-2004, 07:26 AM
I remember this day quite well as I had wanted a computer forever and just never seemed to get around to getting one.
We had the computer for about a month, then finally got around to getting the internet the next month. We've never had dial up so I wouldn't even know how to live without my cable internet:p

08-23-2004, 08:38 AM
I think we got dial-up in 2000. We just got DSL few months ago.

PJ's Mom
08-23-2004, 10:22 AM
1994 and my name was BigTwinkie. :rolleyes:

08-23-2004, 10:44 AM
I played dail up Doom 2 with my down the street neighbor for hours on our old 14.4's, well we played for about an hour and spent about three on the phone trying to get the dern modems to talk to each other lol! We didn't have a dial up access number for our neighborhood for a good long while, we didn't even get compuserve...then again my parents neighborhood was the last place on earth to get DSL access too...

Trying to convince my parents that the internet could be used for useful things was just about the biggest pain in the butt. They finally got MSN dailup in 1996, I was happy cause it was the fastest around! :rolleyes:

I was sssssoooo happy when DSL finally came to our area! Gah, disconnects really irritate the heck out of me!

My first computer was a good ol Comodore 64. The thing still works :eek:. I first learned how to program on the stupid thing, and got so addicted to the games that I now have a C64 emulator on my laptop lol. The first computer I managed to get "online" (Online games anyhow) was an old Packard Bell 386. That paperweight is going to be our firewal server on our home network eventually. Hey, Im not one for throwing out working hardware!