View Full Version : Poll; What would happen to your pets?

Laura's Babies
08-21-2004, 09:48 AM
Have you thought about this, What would happen to your pets if you were to become disabled or die suddenly tomorrow? What would you family do with them?

I live in the real world where things we don't plan on, can and do happen and loving my babies as much as I do, I wonder what would happen to them if something happened to me..

Laura's Babies
08-21-2004, 09:59 AM
This is something to think about for those of us with pets. Something that has been on my mind awhile. My bosses parents, Mom has been in a nursing home, Dad is dying and they have a cat at home. My boss wants to take the cat to the pound and not have to bother with it and I keep telling him "NO! Don't do that!!!"

Another man suddenly died and left behind his sweet little dog, his kids have all passed it from one to the other, trying to find it a good home. Luckys MawMaw's son got the sweet little dog that is a special needs baby so he was a lucky dog.

Many of us have multiple babies that we adore but I have seen that Mom and Dad's faithful companion, don't mean to much to their children.. This poll is just to make you THINK. . I hope it don't offend anyone.

08-21-2004, 10:03 AM
Our cats are in our wills, so they will be taken care of. I could not stand it if that problem was not solved. If something happens to my mom, my sister will take her dog.:)

08-21-2004, 10:09 AM
Well, I know without a doubt that if something happened to me, that my husband and kids would continue taking care of the monsters. IF something tragic happened to all 5 of us, then I know Nicki would be back with my mom, but that cats? hmmm... maybe my SIL would take them,. but I honestly don't know. :( I know my one SIL has already stated she'd NEVER take a cat in under any circumstance (her daughter wants a cat sooo bad.) Everyone who knows my boys knows what wonderful boys they are, so I would hope people would be fighting over them ;)

08-21-2004, 10:12 AM
My family and boyfriend would take my own animals and my best friend would take any fosters and either rehome them or try to keep them herself :) Makes me feel a lot better knowing that if something should happen, my babies will be safe and with people they know and love.

08-21-2004, 10:19 AM
My family and boyfriend would take my own animals and my best friend would take any fosters and either rehome them or try to keep them herself :) Makes me feel a lot better knowing that if something should happen, my babies will be safe and with people they know and love.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-21-2004, 10:28 AM
My MIL would take both my cats in a heartbeat. (We have actually discussed it, so I'm not just naking assumptions). My in-laws ae here on holiday at the moment, and MIL has fallen in love with Connor (she has met Ally before and considers her one of the grandkids)

08-21-2004, 10:30 AM
None of my family loves my pets the way I do, but I know that they would care for them in my honor. More then likely, my brother Danny, and my mom would keep them because they are animal lovers. Of course, if my husband and son are together when I pass (God forbid) they'd keep the animals.

08-21-2004, 11:33 AM
I voted for family since it was the closest choice, but I have a line of friends that would take. Alexa knows that I would want her to take my kitties if I die, if for some reason she can't take them then they would go to my ex-roommate Marrion. If for some reason Marrion is able to care for them they would go to my friend Emma.

08-21-2004, 11:40 AM
Funny, I was just thinking about this very thing last night!:eek:
I was thinking how stressful it would be for my hubby to work his long hours and then have to take care of "all of these cats"!!!:eek: I know that he would do well by them, as he loves them as much as I do ... but he might very well have to place some of them in new homes. He would hate it, but he would find good ones or turn them over to a reputable rescue.

Now ... if something happened to both of us? My girls would do their best, as well as my sister would help and my mom would try as well. Just don't ask my Dad to help!!!:rolleyes:

08-21-2004, 11:44 AM
My husband would take care of them but if both of us were gone I'm sure my sister would try to take in all she could. If not I'm not sure what would happen to them, maybe my sister in law would help out.

08-21-2004, 12:14 PM
We (Mark and I) have it written in our wills. If I were to die and he survives me, he of course keeps the cats, but if we were to both die together tehn it is written that my mom would get my cats.

My mom has it in her will that I would take her cats as well.

08-21-2004, 12:24 PM
Jason would keep our pets, I'm sure. If both of us had something happen I know that either of our parents would be willing to take Marshmallow. My brother would take my mice. I don't know about Muffin. My parents might take her. She would probably go to A C&C and find another home.

08-21-2004, 01:26 PM
Assuming something happened to both Charlie and me simultaneously, it is in our will for the cat rescue group to get 90% of our assets as long as they care for all our cats. Most of the cats come from organizations that would take them back but some are not covered by this. I do not know anyone personally who would take them (not even one :( ) So if anyone here wants to be in the Luckenbach will as a cat guardian, let me know ;)

08-21-2004, 03:08 PM
Without a doubt Squeekers would be staying here, with my Mom and Grandma. They both love her to pieces and could never part with her.

Laura's Babies
08-21-2004, 03:25 PM
When I lived in Florida, there was a old man who had no family. He was adopted from a orphanage and so was his wife who passed away before him. He had this beautiful old cat named Jenny and he knew he had cancer and was dying. He wrote in his will to have her put to sleep upon his death (she was aready 15 years old when he died) but luckly, a friend of mine talked him out of having that done, promising him that she and I would take care of Jenny. We never realized what he would do... he changed his will leaving EVERYTHING to the Humane Society in that town just a little bit (the man was a millionaire) TO, he left my friend his house and his cat, Jenny. So, we moved in his house and took care of his baby and she was the most adorable, prettiest thing you ever saw...

Ok this gets wierd now... I always took Jenny to bed with me and she slept with me every night. One night I felt her and it felt exactly like she was tucking me in, so I put my hand down there to pet her and asked her "Jenny, what are you doing?".. Jenny was NOT there! I sat up and looked around and she was not in the room at all... (Music from twilight zone runs in my head about this time) I didn't say anything to my friend the next day about that incident.

A few mornings later, she told me, " I appreciate you tucking me in last night, nobody has done that since I was a child."......... It was NOT ME!

Jenny lived about 2 more years after he passed away and she was buried in her back yard where she had lived.

08-22-2004, 11:04 AM
The Found Cats,are specifically mentioned,in my will,and the Animal Welfare Association,will gether then,up,and they will livein comfort,at the Pampered Feline,until we meet agian,at The Rainbow BridgeI think,that you should have something,in writing,then things will,be the way,you want,them,to be,for your beloved Companions!

08-22-2004, 01:42 PM
I used to be friends with a girl that said we'd take in each other's cats if one of us should die. We aren't friends anymore, so I'd better start looking. ;)

Actually, I think my close friends would offer to take one or two of the kitties. If not, I'd totally haunt them!!