View Full Version : Would you believe this????

08-21-2004, 12:48 AM
I had someone call me in desperation this morning. Can you guess?:rolleyes: She was looking for some place to take a mom and her 6 kittens ... before resorting to the pound!!! Seems her negligent neighbors moved out and left all of their "pets" behind!!!:mad: The young woman said that this kitty had given birth to several litters before this one! There were seven in her litter, but some other ignorant person took the tiniest one, and was going to bottle feed it! :eek: :mad: These babies are only two weeks old... eyes just barely starting to open!!! I sure hope that other person knows what she is doing with bottle feeding!:rolleyes:

Anyway, I now have another mother cat and her six babies. They are very healthy looking (thank God) and mom is a sweetheart. I will try and post pics tomorrow, for all the inquiring eyes!:eek: ;)

Now I know .... it doesn't ever end!:(

08-21-2004, 02:46 AM
Aww you're so good, devoting your time, energy, and kindness to helping homeless/abandoned kitties. :) I can't wait to see the pics!

I sometimes foster underage kittens for my local animal shelter. I'm hoping to foster some more again as soon as my parents return from Hawaii (vacation :rolleyes: ). I've already started school, but I only have to go to classes twice a week, so I'll be home a lot. :D

Kittens are a joy, but a lot of work!

08-21-2004, 06:32 AM
Oh no!!!!!!!! I hope these people are born again as cockroaches in their next life (I do not really believe it works like that but the thought helps me:mad: ).

And that stupid cow who takes a tiny baby from her mom where it would have got much better care than the most loving human can give!

Kim, you are so strong for doing all this. And I hope IF you are born again you are re-born as a spoiled Pet Talker's kitty which is the best life I could imagine:D

08-21-2004, 07:04 AM
It NEVER ends! I hope that kitten snagged from the mom is somehow returned before the person kills it. What's in the water in Tennessee? :confused: It seems seven is your number! :eek:

08-21-2004, 07:35 AM
OMG Kim! thank you so much for taking them in! How sad that people are so STUPID!
I hope you are able to find homes for all these wonderful babies and momma's. You are so sweet to offer them hope and to give them a safe place to raise their babies.
You are a very special lady Kim!!:) :) :)

I can't wait to see pictures of these little ones! Maybe you can talk Debbie into THREE???;) :D

08-21-2004, 07:37 AM
Kim, you are an angel to take that mama in! I hope that the one left behind continues to remain healthy while being bottle fed by someone else.

PS: Whats the kitten count up to in your home now?

Laura's Babies
08-21-2004, 07:57 AM
Awe! Kim!! You are an angel!! Those idiots didn't need that cat anyway if they kept letting her have babies. People like that need to be required to work at a shelter for a month and just see how many unwanted ones that are already out there and what kind of life so many of them have.

08-21-2004, 08:09 AM
:eek: It really doesn't ever end!

I can't believe people left them behind like that :(

And I agree, you are an angel, and a very special lady!!!

I hope they all get good homes, and can't wait to see them ;)

08-21-2004, 08:21 AM
Kim,you too are are our Hero,for helping out these poor Little Ones,and we hope,and pray,that they are allright,especially that poor tiny one!

K & L
08-21-2004, 08:40 AM
Bless you Kim for coming to the rescue! It never ends, especially once the word is out you rescue. Anxiously awaiting photos of the new family.

08-21-2004, 09:14 AM
oh KIM! I swear, you have a sign on your door:eek: Either that, or it is stamped across your forehead "this woman will NOT turn away kitties in need". There are several others here with the same sign!!

Is there a way that you can form some sort of an alliance with a foster group or rescue group so that you can have help with financial care of these babies and then help in placing them?? This has got to get expensive after awhile to expect you to feed, get medical care and the find homes for everyone. Will your vet offer you a discount and/or help with placement and care??

08-21-2004, 09:50 AM
Hi ,
You are wonderful for helping so many young ones.... Is there anyway you can find this person and try to explain to them that this may kill the baby and maybe tell them when it's older you can adopt it back to them or something??? Poor thing...

08-21-2004, 10:00 AM
You are a blessing!

I am happy to hear mom is healthy!! This way she can do her job! I'm sorry to hear about the little one being taken away.... I pray the baby makes it!

08-21-2004, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed

Is there a way that you can form some sort of an alliance with a foster group or rescue group so that you can have help with financial care of these babies and then help in placing them?? This has got to get expensive after awhile to expect you to feed, get medical care and the find homes for everyone. Will your vet offer you a discount and/or help with placement and care??

Deb ... I tried this many times before .... all the really organized shelters / rescues are so overfilled that they offer no help. :( One of the best doesn't even answer their phone! I have left message after message, and they never return my calls.:rolleyes:

As far as my vet, she just tries to keep my costs down on each visit. She sells me larger quantities of medicines ... so it will be at a cheaper rate, and doesn't charge for some procedures, etc. I never know though when I go in there, what it will cost. It is very hard to budget for ... as they always quote me the FULL price. :rolleyes: They will place photos of the kittens on their board ... or rather in their notebook ... yep ... they have a notebook full of pets for adoption. So... if anyone happens to flip through the book and want one, then I may be in luck!

Yes, it does get expensive ... and I can only do what I can ... when I have the means. Like yesterday, I went and purchased a bottle of Strongid dewormer, so I could deworm both of the new moms. Dr. LaValley said that is all I can do while they are nursing. I can't give tapeworm medicine or flea medication until the babies are at least 7 weeks old. So .... here they are with fleas crawling all over them. I could bathe them, but unless I bathe moms, then it won't help. I'm not sure if bathing moms would be a good idea right now or not? ====MORE---------

08-21-2004, 11:33 AM
I always ask for a donation of some sort ... but people just don't want to pay anything! The lady yesterday said ... "well, if I could it would be very little" ... so I just told her to bring some scoopable litter. She did at least bring 3 small boxes of Arm N Hammer scoopable ... which will last maybe a week! :rolleyes:

I am pretty stuck between a rock and a hard place here. I don't have sufficient funds to do everything in a timely manner .... but what do I do? These kitties are admittedly on their way to the pound if I say "no"!!! :( At this very moment .... I have 32 cats / kittens to feed and clean up after. Why? Because this is my life's work ... I don't do anything else. I don't have the time to do anything else, and because of several medical issues, I am unable to work outside of the home. So..... this is what I feel God has given me to do, as my purpose / role in life. I just wish I could do better. I still have several females that need to be spayed ... but something always comes along. Ummm, maybe more kittens? LOL! :rolleyes: :eek:

Oh well, didn't mean to ramble, but this is an issue, and we just take it day to day. My hubby is right here with me ... in fact he asked me to e-mail my SIG to his office, so he could show his friends! Has he ever asked for MY picture? Ummmm, NO!!!! :rolleyes: :D

08-21-2004, 11:48 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:
OMG Kim, your heart has got to be pure gold!

I want to help some way. Let me put my thinking cap on. If I can't adopt one (which isn't 100% ruled out) maybe I can help in some other way.

08-21-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
:eek: :eek: :eek:
OMG Kim, your heart has got to be pure gold!

I want to help some way. Let me put my thinking cap on. If I can't adopt one (which isn't 100% ruled out) maybe I can help in some other way.

"in some other way" ..... adopt five or six!!!:eek: :D :D

Just kidding, Lori ... thanks so much for your support!;)

08-21-2004, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
"in some other way" ..... adopt five or six!!!:eek: :D :D

Just kidding, Lori ... thanks so much for your support!;)
I've been trying Kim. I've shown Josephine's babies picture to my sister and a friend in hopes they might want to adopt. They are the only ones I feel would be good enough for these babies. Both have said no thanks but I'm trying.

08-21-2004, 12:21 PM
Well, maybe if Richard comes and actually sees these babies in person .... he might just melt like butter and want one himself!!!;)

08-21-2004, 01:08 PM
Kim, I just took in a mom cat and her two kittens last week (The Dairy Queen) and they were seething with fleas as well. I put one drop of Advantage on the kittens, and an adult dose on the mom cat. Many shelters (including the one that had been nearby for 30 something years, and closed doors with little warning) apply Advantage to tiny ones, but never any more than one drop. I've had no problems doing this, and it beats having a flea infestation, and anemic kittens. It must be incredibly frustrating to not have any support from area shelters. It makes it so hard to adopt out this avalanche of kittens! :(

08-21-2004, 02:20 PM
OH, I fear that baby will not make it :( How sad.

08-21-2004, 06:46 PM
I've given advantage to mothers (which according to jan one can buy over the counter now at some pet stores) and washed newbies with Ivory soap (jan- julia swears by Ivory and it did work back when I was doing all the foster care and dealt with fleas, ringworm etc). Of course I had to be diligent with treating my cats, all bedding, floors, baseboards etc for a couple months... KIM! AVOID Flea infestation at all costs! It will take over your house! And they carry those icky tape worms... the ones that have mouths you can see ya know! And lest I forget, Bravo for your bravery! Is Tabitha now seething with jealousy? Any way you can get that one kitten back?

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-22-2004, 01:44 AM
Kim, I don't know what to say, other than that I admire you so much, and you are in my prayers every day. Bless you for doing the wonderful work you do for these kitties. Your hubby sounds like an absolute angel too - you are so lucky to have someone so supportive of you!!