View Full Version : bite me lol

08-19-2004, 07:17 AM
Okay here goes again... I am also in a siamese chat group and I posted a thread on biteing they all tried to help but, nothing worked so lets see how you all can help...
Pixie 12 weeks old and bites like all the time.... Not just nips hard bites she is just playing its not aggression but, it hurts sooo bad she even breaks skin she kept us up till 3:30 am thismorning. i have a squirt bottle which she just either opens her mouth so the water squirts in or just licks it off and then runs at us again. I tried bitter stuff on my hands like lemon, vinegar she jsut licks it off and skin cream as well thought maybe a cat wouldn't like the smell... What would her cat mother do??? Please help I hope she grows out of this


08-19-2004, 07:22 AM
If she was taken from her mother too early, she probably didn't learn that she's biting too hard. I've read that when kittens bite their momma too hard when nursing, the momma cat will make some sort of low growl. Kitten siblings will do the same thing when they're playing. If one's getting too rough, the other will let them know and they learn that they're playing too rough.

We started doing that with Josie when she gets out of hand and she automatically stops. Nothing real loud or mean . . . we just make a low growling sound, with our mouths closed, and she'll settle down. It's worth a try.

Also, you never want to use your hands as toys. We did that when Josie was tiny because it was cute. But then she got bigger and stronger, and she would attack our hands . . . it hurt!

Good luck!

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-19-2004, 07:46 AM
If you can use noise as a deterrant, a small tin with a few coins or pebbles in it makes a noise that most cats detest! Good luck in getting Pixie to stop this bad habit - as Christa pointed out - what is cute in a kitten can be a real problem in an adult cat! (Ask me - I have an adult "biter"although her problem is an aggression issue!

08-19-2004, 08:30 AM
You could distract her,with a rugged Cat Toy,and direct her aggressive behavour,to the Toy! A Cat Nip Knotted Toy,would be just,the Thing!

08-19-2004, 08:42 AM
I have also heard to make a cry of pain. I did this when Dylan bit me and he has not done it again. I did not do it on purpose - I did it because it HURT!:eek: It sure startled Dylan though!