View Full Version : Im so mad/ upset

08-18-2004, 10:49 PM
One of my best friends used to live across the street from me...she had a little white dog named Shagg. He was adorable, but he wasnt trained at all so he ran out of the yard nearly every day. His owners wouldnt even go look for him!! Usually it would be me that would look for him!! He has some close calls with cars but nothng had happened...up untill today. I got a call from my friend saying Shagg died..:(:(:(:(:( he got run over by a car. He got loose and they thought he would just come back like he usually did....well he was left outside overnight becuase they 'couldnt find him'. He got run over by a big truck the driver didnt even stop! i mean if i ran over a dog i would at least stop and help it. anyway they lady behind te truck stopped and saw shagg. He was dragged by the truck and thrown under a tree. his stomach was cut open. He was later decided to be put of of his misery. I feel so bad for him. And i am really mad that my friend didnt look for him, but i dont want to mention it to her in a time like this. I loved that dog! As much as my friend loved her pup, i wish she would of thought about the Responsibilities of dogs before getting one..

08-19-2004, 08:58 AM
I feel for you. I had a neighbor who had a small dog named Mickey that she let run loose. The same thing happened; a truck hit Mickey and didn't stop. I felt angry and saddened too, especially when my neighbor didn't even seem that affected.

Sadly, some people just don't think about animals the way others of us do. Maybe after some time has passed, you can talk to your friend about how you are feeling.

08-19-2004, 09:04 AM
I'm sooo sorry
I had a dog that would always run away but the good part was we would go after her and she just thought it was sooo fun. I'm glad she never got hurt. I'm sorry but, don't blame it on your friend I'm sure even if she wanted to go look it gets dark fast and it would have been safer for her to stay indoors the parents should have been driving around looking.... I'm really sorry for you all and poor little shaggy not his fault at all...

08-19-2004, 09:28 AM
I'm so sorry to hear!

Do Shagg's owners even care that he's dead? It sounds to me like you care more about their dog than thay do. How sad....
Poor Shagg... RIP sweetie!!

08-19-2004, 12:17 PM
Poor baby! That is so awful. I'm sorry.... :(

08-19-2004, 12:21 PM
well if shaggs owners didnt care for him,, at least he had you,,,, He knows and is grinning from the RB.....

try to forgive your friends ignorance. Perhaps in time you can speak to her about how you felt when youre calmer and not hurting as much....


08-19-2004, 12:33 PM
I watched a biography of Linda Blair and she is a real animal lover, she said something that I thought was really true, she said "the way you treat animals is usually how you treat other people" I think that is really true, people that can't be kind to animals are usually not kind people.

08-19-2004, 07:34 PM
thanks guys:) Someone mentioned earlier her parents should of been drivng around, well her mom works in a hosptial, i dont even think she was home and the dad...hmmm well lets just say i would be surprised if he knew they had a dog;)....she can drive now though so she coul of looked as well!! sorry im really mad about this....they were so careless with him (leaving him out in plus 40 weather on there deck with no water ect.)

08-19-2004, 07:35 PM
Okay your right I thioght she was a lot younger... I'm soo sorry glad to see someone cared about him though