View Full Version : Love Letter To Your Dog(s)

08-17-2004, 08:55 PM
Dear Duke,
When I first picked you out of that group of five or six dogs(one your brother) I never dreamed the impact you'd have on my life. I put you in my truck and you loved to go riding, even though that was the way you were abandoned. I am glad someone threw you away. Because they sure didn't deserve the kind of happiness and love that you've given. You have been such a blessing in my life. I got you at a time that was supposed to be the happiest in my life. I had to board you until I could move to Texas but I made sure you knew I loved you. The woman that cared for you loved you, too. To this day, I know you remember her because she's the one that taught you how to shake hands. Remember the stuffed bear I brought you? You had the face torn off the first day.
When in Texas, I never dreamed we'd both endure what we had to endure. You were only six months old. I was married to a horrible person that doesn't deserve to be called a man. When he got home from work in the early morning, I would have to listen to your cries of pain. I don't know what he did to you because I was in bed with the covers over my head. I feel somehow I let you down, let us both down. His dog and you endured so much. Don't even want to think of what kind of damage all this did to his son. I was so beaten down that I had almost lost hope until one day I'd had enough. I thank God I had the courage to be ready to leave when he got home one night. I had had more than enough for both of us.
Every day since then, I've tried to make up for that horrible mistake and I know you love me as much as I love you. I love taking you for rides. You get so excited, even if it's for a ride around the block. I love taking you to the beach, the way you stretch out and spread your toes in the sand. I love brushing you to sleep at night, still making sure you feel my love. I fall asleep with my hand on your side. I love how you wait for me at your favorite spot at the window. I love how you play in your blanket, gently moving it with your mouth and digging with your feet to get it just right, before you do a few circles and curl up. I love how sweet you look, curled into a ball, sleeping. It breaks my heart to see all the gray hairs around your muzzle. I know that means that you're eventually going to have to leave me. I can hardly see now as I type through tears. I pray you're healthy and happy for many years to come. Any time is too soon to lose you. When you do leave, you'll rip my heart and soul apart. I don't know how I'll go on without you. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me. You're my sweet baby dog.

08-17-2004, 09:49 PM
Val that was a beautiful letter to your sweet Duke. I can tell how much you love that guy. And your right when you say:

Any time is too soon to lose you.
I feel the same way about my Angus boy.

08-17-2004, 09:56 PM
Thanks. Actually, I started this so others could do the same.

08-18-2004, 08:16 AM
Oh Val.... you have me in tears here at work!!!

I would love to write letters to my sweet angel pups.. but I wouldn't be able to stop crying long enough to get my work done!
I'll try to do it tonight when I get home...

Val.... you are my hero! I wish I was as strong as you are!
From now on.... I'm going to call you Super Val!!
And trust me.... Duke knows how much you love him!

08-18-2004, 08:34 AM
*Through the tears*

Val that is beautiful, i can see in every post about Duke how much you love that handsome guy.

I will attempt to write letters to my kids and post them later on.

{{Hugs to you and Duke}}

08-18-2004, 08:37 AM
You want us to write a love eter to our own dogs? ok, here goes....

Dear Nicki,
I got you when you were sooo incredibly tiny. Not even 8 pounds and we bottle fed you. To my amazement my little girl grew into a 99.7 pound sweetheart. When you were a puppy, you were so BAD! You chewed everything from shoes to furniture. You loved to run free and cause my heart to leap from my chest as I chased after you. Remember the Blizzard of '96? You had a blast leaping in the three foot deep snow! To this day, you turn into a puppy when you see snow.

Over the years, you mellowed out quite a bit. You went from an energetic little puppy to a sweet companion that follows me everywhere. It means the world to me that you love the man I married. You sure do LOVE your daddy! That means I married the right guy, to have you give your approval so strongly! The feeling is mutual because daddy thinks you're the best doggy in the world! We wonder if we are slightly prejudiced towards you... unitl we see how others react to your charms. I must say that my heart swells with pride when people comment on what a "wonderful" dog you are. Anyone who meets you threatens to steal you away with them. They all call you "wonderful" and they are right!

Your image is forever burned into my heart. I picture you sitting at the top of the steps with your favorite baby in your mouth waiting for us to come to bed. I hear you wimper to join us in the tiny bed, though you somehow manage to gain access to the empty real estate between our ankles.

It breaks my heart to see you getting older. I see your reaction time slowing down and question whether your hearing is as sharp as ever. I see you reluctant to hop into bed lately, and then you get up a lot slower than ever before. I don't know what I'll do the day we take you to the bridge. A part of me will be leaving with you, and I'll never have it back until you and I meet up again at the bridge.

I love you with all my heart and soul, my dear sweet Nicki

08-18-2004, 08:46 AM
Love to my girl Lucy.

I still recall the day I saw the advertisement,, dobie puppies for sale.. my heart skipped a beat and I knew right then and there,, this was one I had to answer. We arrived at your home and there you and your brothers and sisters were,, this wriggling happy mass of paws, tails and tongues and excited barks... You were all so cute,, it was hard to decide,,, until you came to my son, your face almost shining with playful happiness and promptly knocked him on his behind. your lil body jumped on him and he got the tongue washing of his life. It was like a wave of warmth washing over me watching you two play... the decsion was made.. you were our new baby. We took you home and we loved you even tho you threw up all over the place in the car... we loved you even tho you cried pitifully all night for 4 nights for your family left behind. We loved you when you had those lil accidents on our brand new hardwood flooring and loved you even more when you accidently scratched our ankles when you played. As you grew,, so did my love for you,, at times I thought I would burst with pride when you learned new tricks,, AND remembered them! The day you turned 1 andthen 2 yrs old,,, the first time you saw the snow, the first time you tasted a lemon... Everyday you make me laugh,,,, you make me cry,, you make me feel loved no matter what I say or do. I love that youre my dog,, my furless angel... thank you for loving me and all my sins,,,


08-18-2004, 08:47 AM
*More tears*

Mine are coming soon.

Samantha Puppy
08-18-2004, 09:02 AM
You guys! You are making me cry at work! Everything you all have said, I feel the same way about my Samantha, but I'll try to write something tonight or tomorrow. Sometime soon. She deserves it. :)

08-18-2004, 09:19 AM
Dear Meeka,

I remember the day you came to my house. I wanted a dog so bad you could not even imagine. I was only 8 at the time. You came to our house on Fathers day. Maybe thats why your daddy loves you so dearly! You were so scrawny and thin when I first saw you. I couldnt bear to look at you poor face lighting up when we brought you food. Lighting up when you saw our faces. I begged and begged that we could keep you. I prayed to god that you would stay over night. And you did.
Meeka, you mean the world to me. You are always there for me when I feel sad. Your happy face always licks away my tears. You were never once mean to any animal or other dog. Remember when Luci tried to attack you? You never fought back. Instead you befriended her. Remember our dear sweet Jed boy? I remember the first day you saw him, and he saw you. He barked once, and ran off. I could see it in your eyes that you fell in love. From then on, he was your best friend. You romped our field all day and night. You made him happy. You taught him how to love. And I wish with all my heart that we never had to take him away from you. I remember how heart broken you were to see that he was gone, forever. I cried and cried for days. But I know I was not feeling as much sorrow as you. Just remember Meeka, it is because of YOU, that he is in a safe, loving home.
Meeka, you are a wonderful girl. I love the way you wait until I reach the 5th stair and ask if its ok to go down. I love the way you kick your leg when I rub your belly. I love the way you play with apples on the golf course... even though we arent suppose to. Remember that time you got one of the apples stuck to your tooth? You looked so silly when you came to me to get it off! I love the way you make me laugh. I love the way you guard Rodneys cage to protect him when he's outside. I love the way you lay your head on my knee when you go to sleep. I love how you are so humble when you do somthing funny. I love that you love me. And most of all, I love you. Meeka, you mean the world to me, and I dont know what I would do without you. I know I will have many more dogs in my lifetime. But NO dog will ever leave footprints in the place of my heart, that you have. I wish that you never had to feel one ounce of pain. I love you forever Meeka. You are my prescious baby girl.

08-18-2004, 09:32 AM
sniff,,, sob sob,,,,, Kleenex,,,,,, does ANYONE have a blasted kleenex?????????

sigh,,,, lovely letters......

08-18-2004, 09:49 AM
Dear Clover

Oh how clearly i remember the day you choose me as you new Mama out of all of your Brothers and Sister (All 11 or 12 of you) you were the only one to respond to "Come here puppies" :D.

From the first afternoon and night you were officially "Mine" the first night you could not sleep and your Aunty Heather gave in and went and bought you into my bedroom to sleep, you curled up with her instead ;) but i did not mind.

You have taught me so much but the best lesson was about unconditional love and for that i thank you, you love with all your heart and i can see it in your eyes when you glance up at me and even the softest spoken words make your tail wag. We have been on many an adventure together and have made some great doggy and human friends along the way because they could not resist your charm.

Yes there have been times when i thought i could not handle a dog of your "Breeding" but with alot of help from a certain Mr John at "Doggy School" we made it, he even conned us into trialing in Obedience, that first trial you made me SO proud to be your human, but it all went down hill from there LOL. ;)

There is so much more i could say to you my love but through my tears i cannot go on, just know i love you with all my heart and you will be "Mine" up untill the very last breath.

08-18-2004, 10:05 AM
Ahhhhh I can't stop crying... but I also can't stop reading the letters!!!!

08-18-2004, 10:12 AM
Wonderful! I will do the same. I have stopped reading the letters because I don't want to get too teary at work--even now I'm happy I have a back cubicle! ;) This was a great idea.

08-18-2004, 10:18 AM
Ahhhhh I can't stop crying... but I also can't stop reading the letters!!!!

Same here.

Elvis' letter is coming soon, i have to get over the last one first. *Sigh*

08-18-2004, 11:03 AM

you were my first baby, one who I had always wanted, I went to see your litter when you were 10 weeks old, and while the other pups went about their buisness you came over and crawled in my lap. you were so very shy, just like me. but still a Happy pup so we kept your name. but then the dreaded happend after your shots you became very sick, you lost a lot of weight, I had to give you water with the turkey baster. we has to take you to the vet and they gave you medicine to counteract your shots, you soon became better, but your Rabies shot still affected you, my happy pup turned into a terrified pup, I thought you were just going through a fear stage, exept.. you never grew out it, soon in your fright you started to attack the things that scared you, people thought you were aggressive so they would scruff you, and yell at you, and slam your body to the floor to keep you from lunging, not suprisling you became far more afraid. finally we went to a differnt trainer, we found out you had fear aggressan, so I worked with you this time with clicker training, treats and love. that made the difference, and to this day it amazes me at how far you have come. we even retired you from flyball nobody thought you would ever run with your problems, that one day we brought you to the building just for your enjoyment, your buddy rigs happend to be there so you do a little fun race against him, amazingly you did it, no crossing over, no chasing no bobbling no nothing, thats when you started to astound everyone. judges at tournys have made comments amazed that you are even running, much less so well, instead of other dogs when people joke around about wanted dogs from others teams, its always you that they want, people come up to me just to tell me how great you are, like I need someone to tell me that. you love to show off what you can do, playing frisbee in the empty lot(unfortinatly not so empty anymore) impressing people with your catching, and leaping. Kids adore you, and you adore them, you have made best friends with kids who used to be terrified of dogs, you have brought runaway dogs back home. you always ask for permission to do anything, you make friends with nearly every kind of animal. then you hurt you foot on the new flyball box, and you amaze everyone again, seeming to know we are trying to help, you dont even cry a little at the pain of your nail twisted upside down at the root, when your nail is pulled, you dont even pull your paw away, and just one small yip when the nail came. You are an amazing and brave young girl, thats why I love you to bits.

08-18-2004, 11:26 AM
Dear Elvis (My king)

You have grown up so much in the past 8 months it is amazing, you have gone from the puppy that was deemed "Too smart for his own good" to the dog that people want to take home with them.

You were only 4 weeks old when i first met you and the moment i held you in my arms you became a part of me, you were so sweet and you still are. Although i wanted/ prefered a Female something about you apealed to me and we made the right choice or you did.

Elvis my boy, you came at a time when there were so many uncertaintys in my life you were a great ice breaker to talk to people and make a few new friends. I am sorry i made you wear that stupid Rainbow coloured bandana in summer but it was all in good fun. LOL ;) (And i am sorry i allowed your silly Nana name you Elvis) LOL.

I have learnt some interesting lessons in the past 8 months again unconditional love and loyalty, it is amazing how you follow me about and just want to be with ME :D, also you taught me not to leave a bin of dog food near an open window because nawtee BC pups climb bins of dog food and jump out the window ;).

I know we have a long way to go untill you will be my "Dream Flyball dog" "Obedience dog" and maybe "Aglity dog" but we will have so much fun getting there and never will i force you too do anything you dont want to do (In reason ;) ).

I love you Elvis you are my sweet little prince, i will love you forever.


08-18-2004, 12:01 PM
Ohh what beautiful letters!

What can I say? You're the best furbaby I could have ever asked for. I remember going up to Hedley to pick you up. I had been begging for a dog for at least 12 years. I was in disbelief and wouldn't tell myself I was getting a dog until you were in my arms. I just couldn't believe it.

You've taught me so much that I would have never learned from reading dog books. I was afraid I wouldn't be the best doggy mom because of my lack of experience but you've made me so proud. You and your brother are my motivation to become a trainer.. to make other owners as proud as you two have made me.

All I wanted was a companion. But look at you now! You've done therapy work, flyball intro, worked on some agility and you're now preparing for obedience! The dog that was once naughty and didn't respond to sit, is now learning to retrieve over jumps!

We've grown so much together. You were there when I had bad days. You always seemed to know when to behave like a good boy and give mommy kisses. You've forgiven me for my mistakes, even when I didn't deserve it. I can't imagine where life would have led me to if you hadn't stepped into my life. I was so depressed and never thought anything could have given me such happiness like you have given me.

You're my best friend, my constant companion, my box of tissues.. you're the best doggy-son I could have asked for. I love you, my precious boy.

Samantha Puppy
08-18-2004, 12:48 PM
Okay, I am in tears here after having just finished my letter to Sam. I should've waited until tonight but I couldn't. So here you go, my letter to Samantha.

My dearest Samantha,

I didn’t want a dog. I hadn’t even remotely thought of getting a dog. And then you walked into my life – or should I say, bounded into it. It was just a regular lazy August Sunday afternoon, until Martha knocked on our backdoor and asked if we knew anyone who wanted a puppy. I looked down and there you were, nipping at her heels and playing with your little puppy sister. Then you looked up at me, and my life changed forever.

It took a week of begging my parents to let me take you in. I had to promise them that you would go live with your daddy once he graduated college and got an apartment up here, that you would only live with us for six months – TOPS! I know things weren’t always easy in the beginning – I had never had a puppy before! Several times, I remember breaking down in tears and thinking that I may not have made the right decision… but then I’d get home and you’d greet me at the door and look up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and I’d fall in love with you all over again.

You didn’t go to live with your daddy after six months. You didn’t leave that house until your daddy and I bought one of our own, got married and we all moved in together this past June. That was 22 months after you came to live with me. The night my parents dropped you off at my new house, they cried. Not because their daughter was grown up and married, but because Samantha wouldn’t be living with them anymore.

You are an amazing, amazing puppy, Samantha. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a beautiful, sweet, loving best friend like you, but whatever it is, I’m glad I did it. Do you realize how many people you have wrapped around your paws? Me, Daddy, Granmommy, Grandaddy, Uncle Robbie, all Mommy’s friends, any one you meet. No one can believe that a dog could be as sweet and as loving as you are. No one can believe that a dog has such a personality, but they believe it when they see you.

Everyday I strive to be the person that you think I am, Sam. Everyday, I put your needs before mine and rearrange my life to suit yours. Do you know that sometimes, I say I came into work a little early just so I can leave a little early and come home and see you? Do you know that I’m more often late to work than not, just so I can cuddle a few extra minutes with you in the morning? Do you know how my heart melts every time I come home and open the door and you are at the door, tail wagging, just so happy to see me? Your happiness is one of the most important things in my life, Samantha. Words cannot describe the feeling I get when I look at you. You are a perfect, perfect pup.

Samantha, you are my best friend. When I’m sad, you do something silly to make me laugh. When I cry, you lick my face until I laugh. When I am sick, you let me cuddle with you like you understand that a caring touch does wonders. You’re my shadow and even though I tell you that you don’t need to follow me everywhere I go, I’m very glad you do. And I’ve never told you this before, but my biggest fear is losing you. Sometimes when I’m crying and you lick my face to make me stop, it’s because I’m imagining what my life will be like without you in it. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that one day, you won’t greet me at the door, that I won’t be able to blow raspberries into your soft fur, that I won’t hear your light snoring again or laugh at you when Daddy gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and before he’s done, you’ve jumped on the bed in his spot. When it’s time for you to move on, I want you to know that I will never, EVER forget you and a huge piece of my heart will die when you do. Funny, isn’t it? Mommy will never cry more than she will the day you leave her and that’s when she’ll need you and your face lickies the most.

I love you more than words can say, Samantha. You’re not “just” a dog, you are my precious little miracle angel baby girl. Nothing will ever change that. You will never know fear or sadness with me. I will only ever give you the absolute best of everything, and even that isn’t enough because you deserve far better than the best.

Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you for everything. But most of all, thank you for gracing my life with your presence. For that, I will be forever grateful.

Love always and forever and ever,

08-18-2004, 02:13 PM
Dear Casey,

I am not sure what your previous owners have done to you but I know they were unfair and unkind to you. You are the sweetest girl. I am so glad my daughter spotted you at the pound, you were quiet and unassuming and I may not have noticed you behind the two outgoing boys you were in a cage with.

We took you out in the yard and you were too scared to respond to us so I left and went to another shelter, my daughter, your new sister, could not stop thinking about you. We went back and got you and I am so glad. You were there in that awful place for 10 days because your previous owners dumped you for not getting along with their small dog, you were 3 1/2 did they decide they needed a cute little lap dog and when you felt insecure and unloved and acted out they just dumped you. I will never know what they did to you but you will always be safe with me.

I remember right from the start you seemed to know you were safe, remember your first night with us, you, me and your new human sisters sleeping on our bed and your new human daddy sleeping on the couch so we could all be together. Remember all the nightmares we woke you up from? I had to carry you from room to room because you were too scared, I hand fed you for a month.

Now I can hardly believe you are the same girl, I know you feel safe with us but sometimes your past haunts you. You are so insecure when I pet another dog, don't worry I will never abandon you. Love, Mommy

Aspen and Misty
08-18-2004, 02:32 PM

Words can’t describe what I feel for you. You are the thing that gets me up every morning. You came to me during a time when no one understood what I was going through. I honestly believe without you I would not be here today. You saved my life.

I remember when I first got you I thought you hated me. You never cuddled with me, you never licked me. You seemed to be very independent dog, one who didn’t need me. As the months pasted your personality came through. I remember the first day you came and sat on the couch with me, I remember the tears I cried, tears for joy. Now I know by the things and looks you do that you love me as much as I love you.

I’m not sure of your past, but that’s ok. I only want to make your future bright. I want the days we have together to go on forever, and even though they can’t I want you to know I will always love you and that you will always be in my heart, my sweet Nova, my shinning Star.

Love, Mom

Aspen and Misty
08-18-2004, 02:33 PM

I’m sorry. I should have known before the treatment you were getting. If I had known you were locked in a bathroom 24/7 with no one to love you I would have come sooner. I still remember calling my sister one afternoon to talk and hearing her swear and shout at you and push you in the bathroom cause you were exited she was home. You sweet boy never got to be a true puppy.

Now that you are here you have a love for life that makes me so proud to be able to say I’m your mom. I still remember when you first came to live with me you were so hyper from being locked up for so long you didn’t stop running for 4 days straight! I was worried you would never stop!

Although you can be bad and destroy some things that I love also, I want you to know my love for you will never die, no matter what you do. I hope you never feel un-loved while living here and I hope that you know that I will NEVER miss-treat you. So, go ahead sweet boy and let loose!

Love Mom!

08-18-2004, 06:37 PM
I am loving all these letters. I hope to see some more. Kay, where's yours? Sandra, I'd like to see yours, too. Anyone else that would like to write one, please do. I think they're all very special.

08-18-2004, 07:34 PM
Lacey I got you from that shelter you were at for a whole month in that little cage. Was the next day you're last? The girl had to trick you to get you out of the cage because you were so scared.One of the most fun things I ever did in my life was taking you to school. And of course you were the smartest in your class;) So what if you're incredibly hyper and bark a little too much and at 4 years old will still chew things up? Who notices?:rolleyes:
Mandy you only knew the shelter one day, the day someone rescued you and your littermates from a dumpster:mad: The next day I took you home as a birthday present for Lacey and myself!When at 4 months we found out you had a bad heart and at 5 months found out there was nothing we could do to fix it our hearts were broken. After being told you might only live a year we sought more help and got you on medication.Later when your spells got bad we resticted your exercise.
So by Mandy's first birthday we had to tell both of you you couldn't run and play together anymore.We hope we made the right desicion, we did the best we could, as we wanted to keep Mandy as long as we could and at least you could play in the house.You have both adjusted so well and although things can be hectic around here at times my life wouldn't be complete without both of you!:) Love ya , mom

08-18-2004, 07:58 PM
I am writing this about my dog who just past Kirby

Kirby, (the vaccum cleaner)
you lived with us for 12 wonderful years I remeber being 7 and coming home from school and seeing you for the first time you were beautiful (*sigh*), but you were not meant for me you were for my brother that didn't keep us apart we did everything together I even traded my brother my kitten for you. You were a handful I swear my mom tried to get rid of you like 10 times hahaha stealing food, running away, eating the garbage Bad girl I can still remember chasing you up the street with a loaf of bread coaxing you to come home it was a game to you though you would wait until I got really close then take off like a bullet with the piece of bread I might add hahaha.... You Slept with me, roller bladed everything with me. You were my baby... And still are. I thought you could do no wrong the last little while with you was sooo hard cuz I knew you were going fast first you started having seizures and I would sit with you and wait through it with you stayed home from school 3 days to be with you teachers weren't impressed but, I didn't care and my mom didn't say a word she knew. Then the last day you just couldn't stand up at all couldn't move you just laid there on your side, I don't even thing you were really there your eyes were blank we took you to the vet again there was nothing to be done you were old and very sick.. I couldn't even go with you I'm sorry I knew you wouldn't be coming home. You were euthanized to put you out of the pain I'm sorry............. I LOVE YOU! I miss you R.I.P
Jodie Goodbye Kirby Bucket

08-19-2004, 07:42 AM
Beautiful letters everyone :). Please keep them coming.

08-19-2004, 08:45 AM
My beautiful golden boy.
We got you about 4 yrs ago. My mom and I were looking for a golden retriever a male. But my mom being silly I thought. She only wanted to spend $200. Well we were at super pet when we saw the sign it was a sign male golden retrievers $200. Well what a coicidence mom had just taken 200$ exactly out of the bank wierd eh? and we came right then to get you. The breeder not a good one I might add had you waiting in the house you were already 5 months old... You and your brothers were not socialized very well and were very timid babies... But we brought you home a big huge bundle of fur... You weren't the most playful puppy I ever saw but you were my bundle of joy... You became more trusting with our family and more playful as well.. right before I wrote this we were having our morning wrestle on my bed where I was trying to get more sleep. But I loved it you were telling me it was time to get up it was daylight and once your up your not supposed to go back to bed... You've grown into a beautiful dog. You are soo calm and sweet your new baby sis kitty loves you and doesn't mean to bite your wagging tail, I know you don't like this and you take yourself into bed cuz she's bugging you, I only wish you were socialized more you would love all the other animals and all people. You are wonderful and I will save all my cheeseies (sp) for you.
(your favorite treat) Love you.:D :D

08-19-2004, 08:48 AM
Here you are hogging the couch

08-19-2004, 09:25 AM
(Ugh.. it has taken me almost an hour to write this... I had to keep stopping myself because I am at work and could not stop crying!!!!)

I just want to tell you how much I love you. You are my little Princess, my dear sweet sweet princess. How could I wake up in the morning with out you curled up at my feet? How could I ever go on with out your wonderful songs and your mesmerizing eyes? Who in the world would let a beautiful girl like you go?
We both have the German Shepherd Rescue to thank for getting you out of the shelter in the nick of time.
They got you out of there and got you to where you belong… in my arms and my heart forever. Your silly antics always put a smile on my face. When you and your brother ran away that cold day in December, I thought for sure my world had come to an end, without you two, I have nothing left. But I never gave up; I knew when I got so tired I could not walk anymore…. I knew God would hold you and Bud in his arms and keep you safe until morning when I could find you. And that’s what happened. My prayers were answered! (Just please don’t do it again!) I need to thank you for being a wonderful big sister to Buddy. We all know he’s a little on the goofy side, but that’s why neither of us can live with out him. I’m asking you again to talk to your brother, please let him know he does not need to be afraid of Daddy. Daddy is not going to hurt him. Please talk to him for me sweetie.
You will forever be my sweet princess… until the end of time.

Where do I start?? You are my everything…. It’s hard to even put it into words. You are my love, my light, my savior, protector, you are my guardian angel handed to me straight from God himself. I wake up every morning to you standing next to my bed, with your head resting on my pillow, and your beautiful brown eyes looking at me waiting for me to wake up. All you need to see is one eye open, then I get my morning share of kisses!! You are such a wonderful boy Buddy! I am very proud of you!
Buddy, I know saving you from the shelter just days before your time was up was enough to change your life forever, and I know how happy you are and how thankful you are. But I still can not help but to think of what the fist year of your life was like…. How long were you in the woods? Why would someone not go looking for a beautiful dog like you? I’m sure you were afraid… but Buddy my love, you never have to be afraid of anything for the rest of your sweet life with me. I am here, and as much as you love to protect me, I’m here to protect you as well! Daddy is too, you just have to let him!!
When you and sissy ran away, you didn’t want to go did you?? Because I KNOW you don’t leave the yard if the gate is left open… did you see her running away and knew you had to go with her to make sure she was safe? Or am I thinking too much into it, and you were just being a naughty boy? No matter, thank you for not leaving her side, and keeping her warm, that night it got down to 9 degrees!!! I was so afraid for you two, thinking that I would never get to hold you in my arms again… never get to look into those eyes… never get “Buddy Nudges” again…. But God was on our side that night!

Kids, something that I pray for… is that when it’s time for you to go, please let me know you are ready. I will hold you in my arms; you will have nothing to be afraid of. You’ll drift off to sleep in my arms, and wake up at RB. Don’t be sad because I’m not there, it’s only temporary, before you know it, I’ll be there looking for you, and then we’ll live happily ever after.

Never forget mommy and daddy loves you!

08-19-2004, 09:35 AM
pitc9, that was beautiful. *Tears*

08-19-2004, 09:42 AM
Now you've got me crying at work! I would have never been able to write mine at work. I hope Kay and some others eventually write their's, too.

08-19-2004, 02:48 PM
When i'm more awake and "in it" I will. I'm out of it today. School makes me that way.

One of the poems I wrote for Simba, my friend said if he didn't know better I was talking about a human that I was in love with. :)

08-20-2004, 09:17 AM
I look forward to reading them when you get the letters up Kay.

Come on everyone ;).

08-22-2004, 09:58 AM
No-one else ? :(.

08-22-2004, 10:30 AM
I'll write mine and put it on later today. Having trouble writing it. Can't keep all the emotions together.

08-23-2004, 12:46 AM
Dearest Simba~

To some you're "just a dog" to me, you're my everything.

I remember, 6 or so years ago, the very day we got you. You were 8 months old and the ONLY dog lying down, calm as a clam, just staring up at us with those stunning eyes. You were skiddish with new people, but took to dad and I right away.

In the adoption office at the SPCA, we sat there together while dad filled out papers to make you ours. I sat there going through names, and deciding a birthday for you. Your birthday was made Christmas, so your name was either Rudolph or Simba.
We brought you to Pets Mart on the way home, the whole time you walked closely by my side with your tail between your legs.

When we got home, I walked you inside and asked mom "What should we name him?" She quickly said "Outside damnit"
After a short intro to mom, I let you off your leash and went back to the truck to get your new things. You tried to follow me, but I said no. Boy did I regret that. I heard mom scream, and you bark. You bit mommy, you were scared, and it was my fault. I should have never left you alone and I apologize.

Later that day, mom tried to make friends with you by picking up your rawhide. You went after her and bit her again. She became terrified of you... and I became terrified as well. As quickly as I got my dream come true, my first dog, I thought it was going to be taken away.

I was wrong again. We worked things out with you.

For a while, daddy and mommy said "No dogs on the furniture"
I think we can laugh together now because it didn't take long for you to wrap us around your little paws and have us begging for you to jump up and share a seat with us.

Being my first dog, I wasn't sure just what to do, but obviously i've done something right. You never stop amazing me each and every day. Whether it's learning yet another trick or command or being highly patient and tolerable with new people.
I remember the days when you wouldn't even let someone walk past the house without it be known that you were there. But now, you welcome in friends and family but deny foe.

Sometimes I feel as if I betrayed you by getting you two baby sisters that pester you beyond belief. I wish you could talk to me and tell me how you honestly feel, because it would make me feel alot better. But, seeing you play and romp around with them makes me feel more proud than a mother with a newborn child.

You're getting up there in age boy, and ever so handsome. To think i've had you since you were 8 months old amazes me. Time really does fly when you're having fun.

As everyone knows, being a teenager isn't easy to say the least. You've made me the happiest any teenager could ever be, and because of you, I do not think any (responsible) child should be without a dog. I've often referred to you as my never-ending box of tissues, and besides "amazing" there's nothing more perfect to describe you as.

There's no man in this world who could make me happier, there's no amount of money which would make me feel richer, there's no person who could make me feel as important... as you do, Simba.

To say I Love You with all of my heart would be factual, but honestly not enough. I love you with all of my being, my soul, my life.

I never want to lose you, I never ever want to forget you.
You're truely the dog of a life time.. in which nothing, no one, not anything could compare.

In every bit of sincerity
-- Your teary-eyed slave.

08-23-2004, 01:13 AM
wow, Kay.. that was beautiful..

08-23-2004, 08:22 AM
Oh Kay you have got me all teary eyed aswell now, that is beautiful. :)

08-25-2004, 07:54 PM
...very beautiful :(:) *sobs* lol

06-29-2005, 07:11 PM
Alright, I'm bumping this up for all the new people. I thought you would enjoy reading our letters and maybe even write your own.

06-29-2005, 07:19 PM
Dearest Jenny,

When I first saw you it was love at first site. How small you were and you grew so fast ;) You are my everything. You are so beautiful even though some think you're not It doesn't matter what others think of you, I love you no matter what. It matters what I think of you and you are my shining star. I would be lost without you. When you get loose out in the street, how you love to run, I think I'll lose you and some idiot will hit you with their car. I always find you and I know we're meant to be. If you did get hurt, I don't know what I'd do. I don't think I could go on. I love you with ALL my heart, baby girl.


Mommy :)

06-29-2005, 07:56 PM
They are all beautiful.
I am crying at work

and Val,
There is NO WAY I could write mine at work. I am already a sniffing mess, and that is just reading everyone elses!!!!

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 08:23 PM
Dearest Finn -

I know how much you have to do, being a labrador and all, so, I'll try to keep this short. I remember that you were the only dark yellow in the bunch, and, the first I'd ever seen of that color. It was chilly, and, I held you close to me, pulling my sweatshirt up over your tiny body. You fell asleep in my arms, and, I fell in love. I knew you were right for me and that I was right for you. A stranger summed it up when she said that we looked alike! She must have just meant that we looked like we both were missing the same thing...eachother. And, she couldn't have been more right.

You have been my constant, ever laughing, strong companion since the day we met. You've already been with me through five homes (I promise one day I'll settle down!), and, have traveled far, without a complaint or hitch. I know that no other creature will ever replace my Bruno, as my heart still aches to see his sweet face. But, you have filled my soul and life with such energy, such love, such spirit, I know, even after only sixteen months, that no matter who I meet in my life or the next, no will ever compare to you. I love you, Huckleberry.



finn's mom
06-29-2005, 08:35 PM
everyone's letters are so sweet, I've gone and read most of them. :) i think this thread was a great idea, and, thank you val, for bumping it back up!

06-29-2005, 08:38 PM
I never dreamed of owning a dog as special as you, I remember the day that you were born, Aunt DeAnna called in the middle of the night and said that you would be arriving soon. I had no idea that 8 weeks later she would surprise me with you. I was gone at camp but suddenly had to come home, in the driveway you sat. I was very confused and it had not yet set in that you were mine, I had no idea but I am very very glad that she decided not to keep you. You were such a sweet little girl, mom did daycare and you put up with all the pulling of your ears and being used as a pillow. When you were little mom was afraid to buy you toys because she thought you would ruin all of our stuffed animals, well remember the day I brought home that purple dinosaur for you? You carried that thing everywhere and was so gentle with it. Soon you had a whole toy box of toys and never once touched one of ours. I would take you for walks and get funny looks from people, you had gotten so big and I was a 6 year old kid. People would slow down and ask whos walking who! You are now 10 years old, you have been a huge part of my life and I love you more than anything in the world. I know we kind of got carried away and added a few more members to the family within the last three years but you are so special and I try to show you everyday what you mean to me. I love how you dance around and go under peoples legs, we know that it is your way of giving us hugs but some people are affended by it. I love to wrap my arms around you, sometimes if we say "Aww" you will gently growl back, people sometimes think you are big and scary but I know that you would never hurt a fly (well maybe a fly, but unintenionally) Oh, and the big dog that wasn't allowed on the furniture, you busted that rule really quick. You always slept on the foot of my bed, you started to get bigger and bigger and so did I, but the bed seemed to shrink! You would just stay long enough for me to fall asleep then you would retire to the cool basement. Oh and so many good times we shared! Shadow, I love you more than anything and I hope we have many more wonderful years to come!
Love ya lots,

finn's mom
06-30-2005, 08:09 AM
has everyone written their letters? i just think this thread is too good to be pushed off the first page, at least for now. :) i love reading all of them!

06-30-2005, 09:31 AM
Dear Beenie,

Even though you were not my first little baby, I want you to know that you have brought your daddy and me such joy. You may not know this but I had been bugging your daddy for over a year that I wanted a little fur baby. I missed my Dee Dee that had passed on in Italy, where I used to live.

I still remember the day he said ok.

I jumped on the internet searching for you. After many months of searching for you in shelters and in the paper, I was getting very upset. I thought that I’d never find you. I was sitting home one day and got on-line. There was an ad for Boston terrier puppies. I knew that daddy really wanted one of your kind because he grew-up with one. I wanted a poodle mix because that was what Dee Dee was. I hope you’re not upset when you read this.

Well, I called the number and got an appointment for that evening to see you and your siblings. Daddy and I were sure we weren’t going to find what we were looking for.

When we arrived at your house, we were horrified that there were over 20 of your brothers and sisters roaming the house. Daddy picked you out from the bunch because I would have taken all of you home. We paid the lady and the next day reported her to the proper entity. We don’t know what happened to your siblings. We think they were taken away from the filthy place that they and you were in. Hopefully they were all adopted into good homes.

You were very sick for the first several months of your life. You had bad worms and fleas. I hope you don’t remember that awful time.

We were already so in love with your expressive eyes, your sweet smile and warm kisses that we couldn’t bear to lose you. The thought still haunts us.

Before getting you, daddy and I promised each other that you’d never sleep in the bed. Well you know that didn’t last one minute … if you aren’t snuggling with us, we can’t sleep.

We love you so much Beenie and can’t imagine our lives without you.

That evening, you were calling to us to save you.
I really want you to know that you have saved and given us more than we could have ever imagined.

Love mommy and daddy

06-30-2005, 09:36 AM
Dear Piper:

My world had fallen apart.

My husband decided I wasn’t good enough anymore-that he was throwing away ten years of marriage to be with someone he’d known only a few months. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and only got out of the house to go to work. My life, I thought, was as good as over.

You had already found a home when I answered the “Free to a good home” ad. I figured disappointment was par for the course, but left my number anyway in case it didn’t work out. Surprisingly, my phone rang two weeks later and your new home hadn’t worked because you wanted to lick the new baby in the face.

I loved you at first sight. You were so fat and furry, you looked like a little stuffed sheep. You hopped right up in the truck and licked me on the face as if to say, “Thanks Mom for coming to get me.”

Thank you, my sweet, quirky little boy, for the sight of your little paws on the side of the bed as you stood staring at me intently as if to say, “Quit feeling sorry for yourself Mom. It’s time to get up and play.” Or, on days when I was especially down and didn’t respond, you would poke me with your paw until I moved.

*Because of you, I got out of bed each day even when I didn’t want to because you wanted to play or go outside.
*Because of you, I went for walks in the park, because you needed the exercise.
*Because of you, my tears didn’t last long, because you licked them away as quickly as they fell.
*Because of you, I laughed again because you gave me no choice with your comical little ways.
*Because of you, I felt loved and needed again.
*Because of you, I am alive today because BEFORE you, I had lost the will to go on.

*Because of you, my fuzzy-faced little Pie-Pan, I stayed around long enough to meet and marry your new Daddy, who loves you every bit as much as I do. Our lives are blessed each and every day because we have you and I thank God for sending my little angel to me 3 years ago when I needed you the most.

I love you little boy,
Your Mom

06-30-2005, 09:47 AM
Dearest Buster,

When I asked my mom to go get you, I never thought she would. She brought you home and you were so small and oh so cute! :) I knew from right then you'd be part of the family. You were such a character. My parents brought you to wal-mart in a baby sling thingy. Everyone thought you were a big hit and you were little man. You didn't stay small for long and boy did you grow into those ears of yours ;) You're a year and some odd months now but I wouldn't change you for the world. It's so funny that you just kiss with your whole nose and not your mouth. That whine of yours is something else, it's cute :) I love how you just follow me and stare at me and just be my friend. I love you so much baby boy! :)


Mommy :D

Dearest Rocky,

You are such a sweet boy. I thought it was funny before Christmas when I got you a nylabone you opened the package. I knew you were smart. :) You love biting the water and swimming in the lake and just being a loyal companion. You are much loved by all of us and I know my dad would be lost with out you. We all would be. When you got hit by a car, I had to be postive for you even though it was hard, boy. You recovered and you're my miracle dog. I am so happy you're alive today and even though you're 8 years old you're still a puppy at heart. Don't ever change sweet boy! :) I love you!


Mommy :D

Dearest Ginger,

When my aunt brought you home, they were hiding you from me. How could they do that, girl? ;) You were my grandmother's and you were such a cutie and you are precious now :) I am so glad my mom inherited you when your own mommy passed away. You had to live here because my parents inherited my grandmother's house, also. You were supposed to go with my aunt but you didn't like her dogs, they were too much for you, huh ;) Even though you and Buster get into it sometimes, which is to be expected, I love you dearly. You're my mom's dog and all but you will always have a special place in my heart. I love you bunches, honey!


Mommy :D

06-30-2005, 09:48 AM
This is to my RB Colby:

Dearest Colby,

Oh how I miss your sweet face :( You were my heart and soul. I can't believe that you bit someone, he must have provoked you. I remember that kids would point their fingers at you and pretend to shoot you :mad: How could anyone do that is beyond me :( When my parents said you had to be put to sleep I couldn't take it. It felt like someone tore my heart out and stepped on it into a million pieces. It was either you or we got evicted. :( How come people have to choose between a loved one and a house. It's not fair! :( I just miss you so much and I will see you again someday. I love you my sweet border collie boy.


Mommy :(

This is also to another RB, Buddy:

Dearest Buddy,

I miss you so much :( I wish you never got away from us in Nevada. That took a toll on your life. :( Why did the kid feed you lunchmeat when he had his own dog ? :( That dog attacked you and you had to be rushed to the emergency vet and have so many stitches in your back :( I helped my dad wash you everyday so you'd get better. You did and you were a fighter. It hurt all of us when you went downhill before Christmas. You were such a sweetie. I miss that little bark of yours and that sweet face of yours. Until we meet again...I will love you always!


Mommy :(

06-30-2005, 11:03 AM

06-30-2005, 11:59 AM
Oh Jack dog,
The time was not right, we never dreamed of owning five dogs it just kind of happened. It has been almost 4 months since you became a part of my life and now I don't know how I ever lived without you. I love you soo much and I know that you love me more than anything in the world. Yes, you can be a huge pain and are always trying to get into things, you have eaten many shoes, tore up sweet Shadow's bed, ate Many socks, and many many more things were destroyed by you. You are such a goofball and I love to watch you roll around and play with your toys. I have also always wanted a retrieving water dog and boy did I get one! I love the way you are always so excited to see me and your whole body starts wrigling! I love your sweet funny seal bark and the way you wake me up in the morning. You are a special little guy and I know that we will share many many more years together. You are a small dog in a big dog package, you don't always realize that you aren't small enough to walk on end tables or do the things the little dogs do. I love your rough tounged kisses and I always know that if I lay on the ground I will get some loving from you! I love the way you can play gentle with little Kyra and barely touch baby Jasper but can play rough with the big dogs. Overall you are a great dog, the dog that I always dreamed of sharing my life with! I love to watch you run through the fields and do zoomies around the yard.I love the way that you will lay on the couch and lazily fall off, you put a smile on my face each and everyday, what am I ever going to do when I leave you for a month! I am dreading that day and will think of your goofy self all the time! You are my special lttle nut dog and I am sure you will grow up into a loyal companion and can't wait to start agility with you!
Love ya lots Goof!

06-30-2005, 12:17 PM
Well, after sobbing through the first two pages, I figure it's time I write my own.


Like a lot of other furmoms and dads, I BEGGED and BEGGED to get a dog. That was ALL I wanted, I even told my parents they didn't have to ever get me anything ever again. Well, they forgot that comment, I see! :p

I was only 12 when you came into my life. I remember picking you up, miles and miles away... and how daddy seemed so strong and manly and wouldn't let you know how cute you really were, until you slobbered all over his face when he picked you up. You had his heart right then, girl. You knew it too. :)

My brother and I argued the whole way home. Well, you SLEPT the whole way home, and Jake and I argued over who would get to have your head in who's lap! Eventually I won, being the big bossy sister I am! Sorry for disturbing your sleep as we flipped you over so you could lay in my lap. :)

That night you chased the kitties, chewed on the chair, and wouldn't go potty when we took you out, but I loved you since the moment I saw you.

Then the day came where Mom and Dad callled us into the living room and broke the news that mommy was moving out.

Please understand it was hard for me and Jake to comprehend, and I have never cried harder in my life, and how scared you looked to see me, Jake, and daddy all sobbing on the couch and mommy just staring at us. Mommy never even flinched as I cried, Jake cried, and Daddy cried quietly. I'm sorrry. After that I just held you and cried in my room because I didn't know what else to do. You let me hold you without complaint, something very odd because you were never a lap dog.

So mommy left, and I cried myself to sleep every night for the first two or three months, but you just stayed right there, right by my side. I know that your mommy left, and you didn't get walks as often. We were all in shock, and I'm sorry if you've ever felt scared, nervous, or afraid. I'm so sorry for anything I've ever done wrong or to hurt you.

I love you more than my life, and would put myself in harms way to make sure you emerge without a scratch. I hope you know that.

You're sitting next to me right now with your head on my lap because once again, I am crying thinking about the day we all cried on the couch. I love you, baby girl. More than you know.


*sob* That was really hard.

06-30-2005, 01:19 PM
Mom didn't want me to get a dog but I had to have you. You were going to be put to sleep and you were just a pup. So I called up grandpa (Also landlord) and we went to the Humane Society together and got you.

You were such a calm boy and you still are, surprising for a one year old lab. We have never had a dog that has been as well behaved as you. Within two weeks, you were able to sit, lay, and high five on command. Big brother Omar just loved you. I could tell how sad you were after Omar got hit by a car. You didn't have a canine playmate to run around in the backyard with anymore. After a little bit of begging and proving responsibility, Mom let me get another dog. Who knew he would be so small?? Guapo (chihuahua) only weighed 1 pound when I brought him home and I wasn't too sure how you would do with him. But you have done great, even letting him boss you around a little bit. It is so funny to see a 80 pound dog and a 2 pound dog playing together. I am so happy that you have a friend to play with.

But I don' t think I have ever told you that you are my best friend. I don't really feel comfortable talking to friends and family about certain things but you are always there for me to wrap my arms around and cry and cry when I am upset. You never judge me, and you never argue with you, you are just there to listen. I am so thankful for you friendship and I love you Chico.

:( :( Maybe when I am done bawling, I will write Guapo's......

06-30-2005, 04:47 PM
(quote) *Because of you, I got out of bed each day even when I didn’t want to because you wanted to play or go outside.
*Because of you, I went for walks in the park, because you needed the exercise.
*Because of you, my tears didn’t last long, because you licked them away as quickly as they fell.
*Because of you, I laughed again because you gave me no choice with your comical little ways.
*Because of you, I felt loved and needed again.
*Because of you, I am alive today because BEFORE you, I had lost the will to go on. (quote)

How true...Thank you all for sharring. I needed to cry and boy did I.

07-02-2005, 02:31 PM
Just bumping up this wonderful thread.

07-04-2005, 10:41 PM
Thankyou for bumping this up again Val, i have read through the whole thread again and once again the tears started to flow :(.

05-10-2006, 07:31 AM
Bumping this up again, i know when i read through again i will cry but oh well ;). Also another reason for bumping this up again is i think i'm ready to write to my precious "little Tinny".

05-10-2006, 07:46 AM
Oh my, this is the first time I've seen this thread, and my eyes are watering up a storm. All your letters are so special & beautiful! I have to stop crying now so I can go to work, but will return...

05-10-2006, 08:04 AM
To my littlest Tinny girl (Your name sure has grown in the past 5 months ;) )

I am not sure how or where to begin, all i know is you mean so much to me. I guess i did not realy want to take on another dog so early in the year but you wandering onto a neighbouring property changed that. You were only suppose to be a foster but i knew within a day you were my little girl and you wern't going anywhere.

I told people you had issues so they would stop asking if they could adopt you hehe ;), yes you had a couple of seperation anxiety problems but that went away completly once you settled in.

I believe you were always were meant to be our's (Your Nan is trying to claim you as her's ;) ). I met you and your silly brother when you were 4 weeks old and thought you were a sweet little girl, but at the time it just was not meant to be so El came home with us. What i was not to know was 2 years later you would be living with us and enjoying everyday.

You were so lucky not to have been shot when you wandered away from home, and i hope you were not to scared when your friend did not make it home (RIP Kelpie boy). Your master still misses you and does all the farm work by himself these days and cannot bring himself to get another working dog.

When i see your precious eyes shining i cannot imagine life without you. Just a couple of months ago i thought you had been cruely taken away from me when you got lost chasing a Kangaroo in the bush (Nawtee girl). I think having to leave you out in the dark and cold for the night was the most difficult thing i have ever had to do, and barely slept that night thinking about you being all alone.

You were ok though and 22 hours later we were to be reunited, i have never snapped a lead on a dog so quickly... you wern;t getting away a second time. the following days i did not leave you alone, if you had to go outside to pee i was there with you lol.

i should realy stop now, but there is so much more i would love to say. You are my precious "baby" and i love you.

Your Mama


05-10-2006, 08:14 AM
What a great thread, Val!! I'm going to do the same in Cat General.

I never realized how much pain and suffering sweet Duke had to endure. Your letter to him has me in tears. He is SO lucky to have you!!!

05-23-2008, 03:26 PM
My Dearest Dasher,
Where would I be now without you? You have helped to heal a shattered heart. I knew you were the dog for me that first day I saw you. Our sadness mingled together so we knew each other's pain. We've been through so much together. You've been cured of heartworms and conquered your separation anxiety. It hasn't been an easy road but it was one I wouldn't want to have traveled with any other dog. The joy you bring to my life and heart is priceless. The way you love to play fetch, especially when I'm getting home from work. When you're bringing me the ball with your whole back end wiggling with happiness. That tail wagging so fast. You're so proud and happy. It took a while for you to really get settled and for us to completely connect but now we're so close. I love the way you talk to me in little grunts. The way you follow me from room to room. How great you've gotten posing for pics. When I first got you, you had no idea. I'm glad you know now what it's like to be a cherished dog. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so glad we met that fateful day. You've brought so much joy to my life :love:

06-03-2008, 09:43 PM
Oh Layla, you are indeed my angel. That's where your middle name came from. My heart was broken after losing my RB Mandy, sometimes I didn't think I could go on. Getting that email with a picture of you and your littermates was all it took. Just what I wanted, a shaggy black puppy! Boy was I ever wrong! Just look at you beautiful Layla! You have the sweetest personality. So what if you're becoming a professional student at doggy school due to your lack of interest.:rolleyes: You're my angel!:)
Ah, little Jake. Where in the heck did you come from? A third dog?:confused: You're my little Christmas puppy. I've always been a 'big dog' person. Now I have me a little guy. You're such a happy little boy and I wouldn't trade you for anything. Daddy says you're a mama's boy,I don't know how that happened. ;)
Love you my puppies. :love:

Suki Wingy
06-04-2008, 07:41 PM
Dear Nio,
Fast asleep at the foot of my bed, resigned to taking a nap, I promise you'll get your walk today. Nothing ever seems to play out the way we want it to, but you put up with me day in and day out, with only a little whining as complaint. I truly do not know where I would be today without you, and I don't know what I am going to do without you this fall. I am afraid of leaving you, because I'll feel like I'm abandoning you even though you'll have everyone else who lives here and loves you. They made it clear that you can't come with me to my new house. Lets make this summer the best ever, ok?
Even though I am already talking about adopting another pup, I will come home to visit you as often as I can.
Every time I hear your song, it makes me want to cry, you are there every day to remind me of what it says.
"Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence
If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence"
Much love,
Eva :love:

06-04-2008, 09:11 PM
To Frisk, My dearest Phriskit Biscuit,
Where to begin?
I remember the first day I brought you home... my little dream come true, you were. I was so proud to be a nine year old with my very own dog! I would lie awake at night just to hear you breathe because I could not believe you were real.. and that you were mine. You slept curled up by my head and with you by my side, I felt I could take on the world.

Even before you reached your first birthday you proved your loyalty and love. I remember hiking in the deep woods of the Ozarks with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I always had my head in the clouds and ended up tripping into some thorns. Everyone left me, and continued to walk ahead. I was crying and thought I was forgotten, but I was soon brought back to reality when I felt you licking my tears away.

You and I can get through anything that is thrown our way, and we have already proved it a few times. The years have flown by and I can hardly believe you will be eight in October. It seems like just yesterday you were a chubby little puppy and I was taking home-videos of us. In the videos I was Steve Irwin and you were a gnarly Croc. Gosh, it goes to show you we make a great team.

I know I can count on you whenever and wherever.
Thanks for being my #1 Sidekick, Bubbles. Let's continue to take on the world. :]