View Full Version : Exitement continues at my house...

08-16-2004, 03:12 PM
Grrr why can't we all just get along?!

I came home for my lunch break and Remus was his usual velcro kitty self. *Headbumpies, headrubs, meows the whole nine yards* Well he decided to take a different approach to leaping onto the TV stand in my bedroom today. He usually just hops on from the floor to get some pets and licks in but today he thought leaping onto the rat cage first would be a good idea...


Cleo was none to happy about the invasion *Rogue really didn't care*. Quick as lightning she lept up out of her hidy hole and bit Remus' back foot! Poor boy lept strieght up in the air and fell off the cage. He ran to hide in the bathroom, his poor foot bleeding. I had a hard time catching him! He yowled up a storm while I checked it out and stopped the bleeding. Not too big of a bite, but enough to draw blood so I disinfected it and made sure he was all clean.

I was worried that Cleo had siriously hurt his back pawsie! But after I cleaned him up he was back playing with his mousie so I guess things are ok. The wound isn't big enough to need stiching and he's walking fine on his foot but I'm still going to keep an eye on it to make sure he doesn't need a trip to the white coats.

:rolleyes: The exitement never ends!

Oh, and sometime this week the MIL is bringing her kitten, Isabo over for a playday. She is only about 6 months older than Remus and apperantly decided to be buddies when Remus went over to the MILs for a while. Isabo misses her buddy because MILs older kitty Draco thinks that he is too good for kitten games. So I'll have TWO bouncy kittes in my house! I'll be sure to get pictures of the destruction derby...errrr I mean partee for you all!

08-16-2004, 03:26 PM
Your house sounds very typical........never a dull moment!! :D :eek: :rolleyes:

Now really.......would you want to come home to a "normal" house?????? Nah......very boring!! :D

Nothing like living with cats/pets :rolleyes:

Thanks for the laugh, though ;) :p

08-16-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Catsnclay
Your house sounds very typical........never a dull moment!! :D :eek: :rolleyes:

Now really.......would you want to come home to a "normal" house?????? Nah......very boring!! :D

Nothing like living with cats/pets :rolleyes:

Thanks for the laugh, though ;) :p

It wouldn't be lunch break without some kitty exitement. The usual, deal with cat, play with cat, attend to cat and maybe, just maybe I might have time to actually eat something before I go back to work!!

A couple of days ago *which I still have yet to find the dang disk the pics are on* I got some great shots of Remus trying to climb my roomates bedroom door! Silly kitty!

K & L
08-16-2004, 03:52 PM
At least it's at lunch time and not the middle of the night!:D Ours always seem to manage this AFTER we've settled in!:D

08-16-2004, 07:01 PM
So I'll have TWO bouncy kittes in my house! I'll be sure to get pictures of the destruction derby...errrr I mean partee for you all!

I will look forward the desrtuction derby:D :D

08-17-2004, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
So I'll have TWO bouncy kittes in my house! I'll be sure to get pictures of the destruction derby...errrr I mean partee for you all!

I will look forward the desrtuction derby:D :D

LOL I actually do too. Even though I might loose a sock or two...