View Full Version : Beautiful Molly!

08-15-2004, 12:16 AM
Congratualtions Molly on being DOTD! Right when I saw you, I was like, I RECOGNIZE YOU! You are such a beautiful collie, and you have a GREAT owner ;) I'm sure you and you sister have a lot of fun tricking Julie into things! Hehehe!:D

Toller 42
08-15-2004, 12:18 AM
Congrats on being dog of the day Molly!:D I saw you and thought, that collie looks very familiar:D it's nice to see one of our own PT doggies on DOTD! Hope your mom spoils you lots:)

08-15-2004, 03:42 AM
aaah, a "rags to riches" story....i like that kind and i just love the looks of you! congratulations on being dotd!!!

08-15-2004, 06:16 AM
Congratulations Molly on being our most beautiful Dog of the Day! :)

08-15-2004, 06:25 AM
I knew that sweet face and those beautiful ears right away!!! Our very own Molly! What a special treat to wake up and see you as our Dog Of The Day. Makes me very happy.

You are such a pretty girl, Molly.

Congratulations and Enjoy your special day!

Julie, please give that sweet girl a hug from me.

Robin :)

08-15-2004, 06:38 AM
Well look at that! If it isn't our very own Molly as Dog of the Day today:D

I loved reading your story. I know you have a wonderful forever home and a great sister to play with all the time, couldn't get more lucky than that!

I hope you have a great day today and get spoiled rotten (although I know you already are;))!

08-15-2004, 08:13 AM
Congratulations Molly, you beautiful girl! ;)

08-15-2004, 08:17 AM
Wow!!! Our very own Molly is DOTD today!!! I don't normally see the DOTD, but when I saw your beautiful face this morning, I knew who it was right away! Congrats sweet Molly, on your special day! I know Julie's going to be so excited to see you featured. :D

Holly's mom
08-15-2004, 08:29 AM
Congratulations, to Molly on being chosen as DOTD! You are a gorgeous girl! Tell your mom we need more pictures to celebrate!!:)

08-15-2004, 10:26 AM
What a great way to start my day with seeing your pretty face Molly! It's too bad your mom is on vacation and is missing your special day, but we'll be sure to let her know so you can get spoiled. hehe

Congratulations! :D

08-15-2004, 10:52 AM

What a beautiful lady you are. I have always wanted a collie.
I am so glad you have a family that loves you very much. I know you are a special friend. Hope you and your family have a long and wonderful life together.:) :) :)

08-15-2004, 11:59 AM
Yippee!! http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/happy/604.gif Our very own Molly is today's very special Dog of the Day!! Molly you were such a blessed pup the day that your loving family chose you to take home. You have such a wonderful loving mom and a beautiful sweet sister to share your years with, and I know you mean the world to them! I agree with your Mommy that your quirky ears make you even more unique and beautiful, I can't look at you without a smile on my face sweetheart!

I hope you have an EXTRA special day, and I know your Mom will be so very happy and proud to see her sweet girl as Dog of the Day! Congratulations sweet sweet Molly!!

08-15-2004, 12:59 PM
Oh, Molly! Congratulations, sweetie! I love you, honey! One of our own! Congrats sweet, sweet Molly on being our mosyt wonderful Dog of the Day!:) :) :)

08-15-2004, 01:42 PM
Molly!!! Congratulations on your special day! {{Hugs & Treats!!}}

08-15-2004, 03:05 PM
What a cutie you are Molly - so sleek and beautiful and fluffy! Molly Rocks!! :cool: Congrats for being Our Adooorable Dog of the Day! :) :D :)

08-15-2004, 04:15 PM
Oh Molly!!! I always knew what an extra special, most beautiful young lady you were. But I have to tell you Molly, it wasn't unitl I read your mommy's loving and very touching tribute to her beautiful girl that I knew just HOW special!!! No doubt about it, you and your mom were meant to be, always and forever, soulmates and best friends:) In trule Collie style, you were her rescuer, always there by her side, helping her over those tough hurdles in life. And she in turn vowed to you her unconditional, everlasting love:) I know that today your mom and sweet sister Daisy are in the midst of a very happy celebration. But I'd love it if your mom would give you a big hug and kiss for me:) We love you Molly...our extra special Sunday Dog of the Day!!!:)

08-15-2004, 04:58 PM
Oh Miss Molly, so happy to see you be DOTD today...you are such a beautiful girl! :D

08-15-2004, 06:03 PM
OMG Julie!!!!!:D I couldn't believe it when I saw Molly's picture on the website! Congrats Molly girl on being a gorgeous DOTD, I know your mommy is very proud of you!:)

08-15-2004, 07:19 PM
Wow Molly.........it seems you already have a fan club here and I sure do understand that! You are beautiful. Yes, I did notice your ears first because my own beloved Smokey Jr. who is GSD/Lab has ears similar to yours and I'll bet he is just as sweet as you! He has one ear like a regular German Shepherd and the other one tilts inward toward the other ear. He is famous for his uniqueness and we love him that way.
I'm so happy for you that you found your gentle and loving family. Congratulations beautiful, sweet Molly.
Kittenwhiskerz ~CA

08-15-2004, 09:17 PM
Hello gorgeous girl!!!

Congrats on being one of our own DOTD!!!!!
Hugs to you, Daisy and your Mummy on your special day! :D

08-15-2004, 09:38 PM
congrats molly for being DOTD!! you are a very special doggie, we luv ya!

08-16-2004, 08:25 AM
Awww Molly congratulations on being our very speacial DOTD :D. You were one lucky pup the day your Mama and family came to see you.

I hope you had a lovely day sweetie {{Hugs}}.

08-16-2004, 11:41 AM
Beautiful Molly, I'm sorry I'm a day late in congratulating you.
You must have had a great day with your mom and Daisy to celebrate being our very own DOTD.
Big hug to you.:D

08-17-2004, 06:26 AM
Molly, I'm so glad a "little bird" told me about your special day, because I missed it!!!! :) You are a lovely lady and I'm glad your life is exactly what you deserve now. Julie and her family have obviously been blessed by adding you to their family, and I know you have been too!!! :)

Congratulations, Molly, and Julie, on being the Dog of the Day!!!! :D

08-30-2004, 06:07 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :D

Even though I missed Molly's special day, we'll be sure to make it up to her! Expect pictures sometime within the next few days. :)

Thanks again, everyone!