View Full Version : Lacey - how is Mowgli, is he still in jail?

08-13-2004, 12:12 AM
I just want to know how the Mowg-monster is and if he is on parole yet. I'd also love some Mowg and Zelda pictures.

I sent you a PM earlier today but you haven't seen it yet.

08-13-2004, 07:59 AM
Mowgli is out of jail again. He had one accident the other day while I was scrubbing down the big litterbox (which seems to be the favorite box for the both of them). I'd just finished scrubbing and walked in on him while he was finishing ummm... accidenting. I fussed at him so much (and gave him a couple squirts from the water bottle) that the poor baby ran into his cage hissing, which left me instantly feeling bad for fussing. But all is very much forgiven between the two of us now. :D He still pees on my towels if I forget to pick them up, but I guess that's as much my fault for leaving them in the bathroom floor. And if I'm a little late getting him his breakfast - oh, because I'm checking PT or something first - he'll get on the carpet right in front of me and do the "I'm gonna pee!" squat. :rolleyes:

But anyway, on to the pics!

Playing on the kitty shelves!

Spooky demon eyes!

"Are you sure Ms. Edwina says dressing up is all the rage, Meowmie?"

"I feel like Super Kitty, ready to fly off in my cape."

Relaxing on the classifieds!

Mowg-ster close-up

Whoops! How'd this one get mixed in here? Ooooo! My sister will kill me if she ever sees it! :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-13-2004, 08:22 AM
Great pics!! I love the Supercat Cape pose!!!

08-13-2004, 08:36 AM
Look at how much he's grown! I know what you mean about the towel thing... Allen's been doing that in the girl's rooms when they leave towels on their floors - clothes too. Then they get mad at him... I tell them that he wouldn't have done it if the towels were on towel hooks and their clothes either in drawers or the hamper. He's merely making sure they keep their rooms poicked up! :D

08-13-2004, 08:37 AM
WOAH! Those demon eyes! I think Friday the 13th is freaking me out lol

08-13-2004, 08:44 AM
Is It a Bird Is It A Plane,no Its Zelda,the Super Cat,on a mission,to be the best Kitty,to her Guardians,and a Good Friend to Mowgli!!:cool: :cool: ;)

08-13-2004, 09:02 AM
Catnapper: And that's exactly the reason I'm not getting mad at him over the towels! Eventually I'll learn to pick them up! :D

Itty Bitty Kitty: Wow! I'd forgotten that today's Friday the 13th! :eek: I guess that makes it the perfect day to post spooky demon eyes!

Gary: Heh! I wondered who would end up using that line first! ;) :D Zelda keeps telling me that she's Catwoman when she's in the cape, but alas I have to keep pointing out to her that she doesn't quite have the figure for it even if she does have the rest of the look down perfectly. :p

08-13-2004, 11:44 AM
Oh thank you Lacey. I enjoyed the pictures, especially of Zelda in her super cape.

It sounds like Mowg is training you nicely. Wonder what the deal is with towels left in the floor? I've never had that problem here (knock on wood), I just wonder why they like them. Maybe the feel?

Anyway, I'm glad things are going well. Little Mowg has felt like such a PT group project. You've done all the hard work but we've been cheering you guys along 100%. He's another one I rank up there with Magoo and Tabitha.

08-13-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Lacey
Whoops! How'd this one get mixed in here? Ooooo! My sister will kill me if she ever sees it! :D

I have never seen a polka dot kitty before!

08-13-2004, 04:11 PM
Jazzcat: Glad you enjoyed the pictures! Mowgli is definitely getting me trained. No doubt about it! And he has definitely been a PT project. I don't think I'd have made half this much progress with him without everyone's encouragement and advice!

Tonya: That "polka dot kitty" has my first niece in there! ^_^ And in the next week or two she'll be here! :D :D :D

08-13-2004, 06:58 PM
My siamese, Tuva, would do both duties on a towel if I left him the option! I figure he thinks he is too good for walking in sand or dirt or whatever and is deserving of the best (I came home yesterday and he'd pullled the top sheet off the bed just to pull it into a ball and pee on it then ball it up tight. As soon as I saw it I knew it was dirty laundry. Why? Who knows? He just now and then will do that. The towels, no chance- I don't leave them within his reach- he did that as a teenager so I got in the habit immediatly to keep them where he couldn't pull them down (I had been gone a week when he started the bad habit).

08-13-2004, 07:14 PM
Hi there my little man Mowgli!!! I'm so glad you're out on parole again!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif
You are growing into such an adorable lyoungster. Your meowmie has done a wonderful job with you. You look so happy and so obviously well loved. You are one lucky little guy so you better stay off the towels young man! That is an order from Auntie CCL!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

Zelda you are one cutie pie in your cape! SUPER ZELDA with the spookiest eyes I think I have ever seen!! those eyes are literally glowing in that picture! I wonder if she can do that come halloween?

You have two cute as can be monsters there Lacey! :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif