View Full Version : Have you seen Trading Spouses?

08-12-2004, 07:43 PM
My friend Tara got me to watch the 1st episode with her. I thought "this is going to be sooo boring." I just watched the 2nd episode last night.....agh, I want to strangle some of those people! I don't know if I could handle living with a total stranger's family for a week!
Could you??? Even for $50,000?.....Doesn't seem like enough with some of those people you'd have to deal with!:p

08-12-2004, 11:22 PM
I've only seen one episode.

I can't ever imagine doing something like that! No way would I ever want to be mom to anyone else's kids:eek:

08-12-2004, 11:34 PM
I haven't seen it but I wouldn't do that for $100,000! I would not be able to tolerate that. lol

08-12-2004, 11:56 PM
I have only seen the British version, it was very entertaining, and NO way would I even think about such an idea.

08-13-2004, 09:55 AM
Yes, I think it is stupid. I would never do anything like that.:rolleyes:

08-13-2004, 10:00 AM
We saw one episode and wanted to strangle the obnoxious snobby wife! then she didn't get the money the way she'd hoped (it we to her MIL!) Then the previews showed a family getting a woman that resmebled hubby's sister so much that we swore we'd watch oit... we forgot. We wondered how that episode went! LOL

08-13-2004, 10:16 AM
I don't think its a good idea

08-13-2004, 10:19 AM
I would do it for the money.

08-13-2004, 01:52 PM
I'd be afraid of several things:

1. Pulling a "Homer Simpson" on a brat that isn't mine. I could just see this little debacle. Junior: You arent my mommy, I can do what I want *Junior then procedes to take a hammer to the walls or something equally destructive* Me: Why you little *procedes to choke obnoxious child like Homer chokes Bart*

2. The other "wife" trying to murder my hubby. He is a person that takes a long time to get used to lol :p. Great guy...just well...if you don't get him you kinda want to slap the crud out of him you know?

3. The other "husband" annoying me with his obnoxious habits. I finally am able to cope with the obnoxious idosyncratic behaviors of the person I'm with. I don't have the patience to learn another set of annoyances lol :D

And besides, no amount of money in the universe would be worth trading my hubby to anyone :D. Mine mine mine mine! lol.

Oh and btw I watched about 5 minutes of the show before I was tempted to throw my remote at the TV. Ugh, I am sooo not a fan of reality shows :p

08-13-2004, 01:55 PM
I would love to do it, just so my hubby can see how good I treat him!!!! :D :p

08-13-2004, 02:18 PM
in this week's episode I especially depised the west coast family.
The kids were spoiled brats, the dad was an AH and the neighbors were especially vicious.

"How big is your trailer???"

That was a question posed by one male neighbor to the visiting wife....

What do you do for a living?
One of neighbor women asked....when she found out that the visiting mom was a dental hygenist she made fun of her.....I guess being a woman who marries for money and has her hubby pay to have the lipo sucked out of her fat rear is far more noble....

I would have paid for the kids to have gone to a finishing school.
Given the neighbor's money for therapy and the husband money to learn to be a man.

08-13-2004, 03:08 PM
LMBO Richard!! Gosh that is soo funy...

08-13-2004, 03:13 PM
Oh Richard, that's too true. They were just so rude and obnoxious! I hated the west coast hubby. You could literally see him looking down his nose at his new "wife". And those kids? I wanted to "Go Homer" (thanks for the new phrase, DJ) on both of them. :rolleyes:

Toller 42
08-13-2004, 03:17 PM
I watched the last one because it was the best thing on TV at the time. I didn't really like the lady that was staying with the wealthy people, all she cared about was herself and when she left her own house the kids seemed happy she was leaving. The blonde lady seemed kinda nice though.

08-13-2004, 06:08 PM
Never heard of it..sounds neat though..can't say I could do it though lol

08-13-2004, 06:13 PM
I like it, but they always match a snobby, stuck-up family that does nothing, with a family that always eats dinner together.... etc. Get my point? And then they totally clash. :-/

08-13-2004, 07:41 PM
Gosh I sure hope we get to view the American version here, I just love these type of shows, I just finished seeing Americas Top Model, it was great, and I NEVER EVER want my daughter to become a model, over my dead body.

08-13-2004, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Oh Richard, that's too true. They were just so rude and obnoxious! I hated the west coast hubby. You could literally see him looking down his nose at his new "wife". And those kids? I wanted to "Go Homer" (thanks for the new phrase, DJ) on both of them. :rolleyes:

I notice it applies in a lot of situations lol!

08-14-2004, 12:03 AM
HAHAHA... I agree to a certain extent but the dental "cleaner" was pretty obnoxious as well.... a LOUD mouth if you will, I know someone like that! I do think that it'd be VERY difficult to stomach a person like that without wanting to punch them or something. <<NO, I'm not an agree person at all!:rolleyes: :D