View Full Version : Gotta vent about Irresponsibility!

08-11-2004, 09:25 PM
Ok folks, apologies in advance for this rant...this guy in my neighborhood has 3 dogs, and he always walks them along a busy street, that not only has lots of cars coming and going, but a TON of dogs, joggers, etc. The problem is he always walks 2 of them on leash and lets his cocker spaniel run free. He thinks he's trained the dog well, but if the cocker sees another dog, he'll ALWAYS dart over to the other dog! It's really annoying! I mean, what if my dog wasn't friendly??? Moreover, he crosses the street with his dogs, and leaves the dog offleash while crossing! GRRRR!!!

I soooo badly want to say something, but I don't wanna cause trouble. Like I said....just venting.

08-11-2004, 11:09 PM
I dont walk Happy on leash, even crossing streets.. and she is dog fear aggressive, but I also dont allow her to go after another dog, one comes into view and I am kneeling off the side holding happys scruff and muzzle. also on a busy street Happy is to stay in a perfect heel at all times, on quite streets I loosen up but Happy knows the way it works. thing about Happy though is that she is worse on leash when it comes to her fear agression, because she feels trapped so attacks far more readily and agressivly. then again Happy is also VERY well behaved, and she wont go after something no matter how intresting it looks without my permission. but I dont know how this guys dog is, could be like Happys mom, always allowed offleash, but NEVER under control while she is off(meanwhile, while her dog is running off and noone can find her she is mad at me for Happy being off leash under complete control :rolleyes: now THAT drives me up the wall!)

08-11-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by bizdevguy
I mean, what if my dog wasn't friendly???

I agree that is very annoying!

I have that problem in my neighborhood too. Dusty is not friendly unless he's off leash. If he meets a dog while his leash is on, he'll fight. There is more then one dog owner in my neighborhood who lets their dogs roam around free because they are friendly. I'm thinking "That doesn't matter, you idiot, MY dog isn't!" My only solution is to take Dusty off leash when I walk past their house which REALLY ticks me off. I've talked to them about it, explaining that I don't like my dogs off leash and how they're not friendly on leash. The least they can do is secure their dogs as I walk by. They always act like they understand, but then the next time I come buy, it's the same thing. The dog running towards me with the owner shouting "He doesn't have a mean bone in his body! He's friendly!" And I'm yelling back through Dusty's snarls and barks "My dog isn't!!!! Come get your dog!"

08-11-2004, 11:48 PM
I don't like when people walk dogs off leash period.... no matter where (unless a fenced in area)

08-11-2004, 11:51 PM
that is pretty annoying, moco can be like that, when he is walking with me and a dog runs up he can be pretty protective, there usually just a few small growls but still. He is not like that walking with anybody else. I cant stand when people come walking by with there dogs off leash and they run up to moco and there like oh he is so friendly dont worry about it..URGGGGG!!!!!

08-12-2004, 12:19 AM
I don't like when people walk dogs off leash period.... no matter where (unless a fenced in area)

I totally agree, Kay. Its just ignorant, overconfident, and stupid to put your dog at risk like that. Its not hard to put a leash on your dog. When I was helping at an adoption day at Petsmart a few months ago, this man was walking thru the parking lot in front of us with a very excited lab puppy (no more than 8-10 weeks old)... the lab puppy was completely offleash! he didnt even have a collar on! the parking lot is also part of Target and a big grocery store, and there were cars everywhere, not to mention dozens of dogs and people. The puppy was tagging along way behind the man, stopped to sniff something, and was about 3 inches from getting hit by a big SUV! I got up with my friend Jen and we ripped the dumb owner a new one :mad: I swear I was about to take that poor puppy from him! the man told us his puppy "will learn to behave and stay with him this way!".. its insane. I think he was just trying to show off. What scared me was that one of the pups hind legs was totally shaved and he was limping on it - he mustve already gotten hit by a car, or something! We told the guy to go get the puppy a leash as they went into petsmart, the guy came back out with the puppy in tow, no leash. It was horrible, when the idiot was walking off his puppy ran into an open grocery store door, and the guy didnt even notice the puppy was gone until he crossed the street.. he then had to go into the grocery store and retrieve the puppy. sorry for my rant, but that also pisses me off beyond belief! I could go on and on and on.... theres also an idiot that used to be in our advanced obedience classes, he refused to keep a leash on his Aussie (the dog would also often decide to run away from him, and into the busy street a block over), until the instructors finally had to kick him out of class :rolleyes:.

Tonya, I definately understand. Gonzo, who usually loves other dogs, hates it when offleash (and sometimes leashed) dogs aproach him when he's on his leash. Its something about the leaning forward posture because of the leash restraint.... in our obedience class, we arent allowed to let our dogs greet eachother while theyre leashed, because lots of dog fights happen that way.

08-12-2004, 12:30 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bckrazy
I totally agree, Kay. Its just ignorant, overconfident, and stupid

I am in total agreement. If I am walking Keegan she is leashed.
A dog is an animal and no matter how well trained in some cases instincts prevail.

Toller 42
08-12-2004, 12:32 AM
I hate when people do that, Tango has leash aggression and hates it when other dogs come anywhere near her while she's wearing a leash unless she knows the other dog. I never let any of my dogs off leash unless I'm at a place where I know they can't get hurt but even if I have her off a leash and another dog comes by I still call her back and put her leash on until the other dog leaves. Also when I'm walking her a guy with a pitbull and a dobie lets them run around in their yard but as soon as they see Tango they run across the street and the dobie almost got hit by a car 3 times, and as soon as I see them coming I stop because the other dogs will chase us around until he can sniff Tango and the guy who owns them always says it's okay, they're friendly and I say my dog doesn't like other dogs running at her like that and then he says I am just one of those stupid people who think of pitbulls and dobies are out to kill somebody.

08-12-2004, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by bckrazy
Tonya, I definately understand. Gonzo, who usually loves other dogs, hates it when offleash (and sometimes leashed) dogs aproach him when he's on his leash. Its something about the leaning forward posture because of the leash restraint.... in our obedience class, we arent allowed to let our dogs greet eachother while theyre leashed, because lots of dog fights happen that way.

Yeah, I think he chokes his own self trying to meet the dog, and then gets confused.

08-12-2004, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
I am in total agreement. If I am walking Keegan she is leashed.
A dog is an animal and no matter how well trained in some cases instincts prevail.

Exactly! The only time I walk my dogs unleashed is in a trail way in the woods, and we still carry the leashes the whole way just in case.(Example-rabbits, Wiggles is part terrier!)

08-12-2004, 12:41 AM

08-12-2004, 12:53 AM
I can't stand seeing dogs off leash around here. Cars, semis, buses (etc) are everywhere. I don't care how well trained they say their dogs are. It's pure stupidity (in my opinion) to have dogs off leash in this area. We also have leash laws that no one seems to respect.

I could never dream of having my dogs off leash in the city. Vancouver's way too busy and they are, after all, herding dogs. Instinct will always be there.

08-12-2004, 05:02 AM
shais_mom great story about trust, that's exactly how I feel, it only takes 'one' time and the dog is gone forever! As for mine they will be in the fence or leashed! :)