View Full Version : How Did You Get Your Cat?

08-11-2004, 08:50 AM
I don't come over to the cat boards much because I don't have a cat, so I don't know if you've had a board like this recently. I'm sure most of you have some very interesting stories!


08-11-2004, 08:53 AM
Most of The Found Cats were strays,that came either,to the door,or were brought by Friends ,or Relatives and three came from a Breeder,as they had behavior issues!

08-11-2004, 09:05 AM
2 strays and 2 adopted from PetSmart adaption.

08-11-2004, 09:10 AM
Allen was a surprise addition, and our first kitty. My aunt's cat had kittens, and the person who said they'd take him decidd not to after all. We were at my aunt's house for a family party, and they jokingly asked us if we would take a kitten. At first we said no (well I said yes, hubby said no) but we ended up elaving with a little kitten later named Allen. :)

Pouncer was a completely different story. We weren't looking for a kitten, but one found us. We ended up not getting that kitten because he had a heart problem, and the rescue prganization didn't want to give him to us sick. Sooo, we were broken hearted that we weren't getting a kitten and went to another rescue organization's kitten event the following weekend and found Pouncer. He's the best thing we ever did because he has made such a difference in Allen. Poor Allen was lonely!

08-11-2004, 09:22 AM
I went to the local shelter with the intention of just "looking" *yeah right* because I had spent a lot of time over on this side of PT. I hadn't really been around cats since I was little and wanted to see if I could find one that may be compatable. Well I walk past this one cage and who do I see trying to get out at me and meowing up a storm? My little stripy Remus bum! He was head bumping the cage and making quite a ruckus! I asked the lady at the desk about him, she said he wouldn't be available for adoption until the next day, and since he was such a cutie he might go quick, as they don't reserve pets, its first come first serve. So I show up at the shelter at 8 am when they open adoptions expecting to get some paperwork to take to the vet for his nuter. *They told me that they would nuter him, then let me take him home on Monday, I went in Saturday* Of course I had no carrier or anything because I was expecting to have sunday to shop for him. Well they said he was about old enough just to come home with me and that I could handle his nuter on my own. So here I have a cat, with no supplies at home and no carrier to take him home with! He ended up riding home on the dashboard of my car *my home is about a mile away from the shelter, not a far ride but far enough with a cat on the dash!* It was about 9 am at this point and my hubby was still sleeping. He woke up with a bit of a shock with a cat sniffing his nose! *Remus now does this on a daily basis lol*

08-11-2004, 09:28 AM
Hi Chrissy:

My last one came in March and is story is unusual. He was a stray cat. I was cooking dinner that night and waiting for my husband and two kids. When they came in, our stray (Boots), just walked in the door!

He is a very handsome cat. He is mostly black with four white feet and a bib. He likes to play with my legs when I walk down the hall in the morning. And lastly, he has a great personality. He gets along with everyone (2 kids and 2 adults).

I have two other ones, including a Siamese. Siamese have great personalitiies, better temperments than domestics (gentlier)

Goodbye for now.

Miss Tobina
[email protected]

08-11-2004, 09:41 AM
I wanted a kitty, so I was at the local petstore pricing scratching posts, litter boxes, etc. and I saw a cute little gray kitty there. He was a stray, placed in the petstore by a local humane society. I picked him up, and his sweet purrsonality won me over. I knew I couldn't leave him there one more second! So home with me he came. :)

Sophie was born under my boyfriend's dad's trailer. Her momma was a stray that hung around the property a lot. The mom and the rest of the litter died from unfortunate circumstances, but my boyfriend's dad found Sophie when she wandered into his trailer, and fed her. He called us to come get her! She was flea-ridden, underweight and only 4 weeks old then. She's completely healthy now and has a furrever home with us!!

Desert Arabian
08-11-2004, 10:00 AM
We inherited Dudley after my grandma passed away.

Sammy was found on the side of the road when he was only 4 weeks old. The lady who found him came to the pet store, and we were there buying rat supplies. She came up to us and asked if this pet store took kittens, we said no. We offered to take him to the humane society for her, because she said she could not pay the $40 surrender fee. We took him, with the full intention to give him to the humane society- but it turned out they were all closed for the night. So, we went back to the pet store and got KMR milk and a bottle and fed him and we also gave him a bath. I fell in love instantly and my mom eventually gave in and said we could keep him. :D

08-12-2004, 09:02 AM
Fister was a feral born in our back yard. When he was about 15 months old, I fell in love with him, and we slowly enticed him up into our flat. Here are some stories that can give you an idea of our trials and tribulations! :)

"Heaven on the First Floor" (

"From Rags to Riches" (

"Fisters 7 Territories" (

08-12-2004, 10:35 AM
Well, My dad is a welder for a garbage company. And there is tons of wild cats just running around some of them are sick and some of them are so wild that you couldn't even get close to them.:( My dad says that most of them are sick or wild. My dad also said the reason why there is so many cats there is because people breed there cats but don't want the kittens so the just throw them in the dumpster like they are trash.:( (I wish I could save them all but they wouldn't let me probably.:() It is very rare when you find a good and healthy house cat there. But one day my dad spotted this about 5 month old kitten roaming around so skinny it looked like it was about to die from starvation:( . My dad new I love animals so he brought it home for me. I feed it and it loved me:). I Named it Neko. After it was about a year old we let it out and it got hit on the road:( . I cried and cried. Finally a week later my dad came home and gave me a little kitten the day before Easter. And that's how I got my Kally.

08-12-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
I went to the local shelter with the intention of just "looking" *yeah right* because I had spent a lot of time over on this side of PT. I hadn't really been around cats since I was little and wanted to see if I could find one that may be compatable. Well I walk past this one cage and who do I see trying to get out at me and meowing up a storm? My little stripy Remus bum! He was head bumping the cage and making quite a ruckus! I asked the lady at the desk about him, she said he wouldn't be available for adoption until the next day, and since he was such a cutie he might go quick, as they don't reserve pets, its first come first serve. So I show up at the shelter at 8 am when they open adoptions expecting to get some paperwork to take to the vet for his nuter. *They told me that they would nuter him, then let me take him home on Monday, I went in Saturday* Of course I had no carrier or anything because I was expecting to have sunday to shop for him. Well they said he was about old enough just to come home with me and that I could handle his nuter on my own. So here I have a cat, with no supplies at home and no carrier to take him home with! He ended up riding home on the dashboard of my car *my home is about a mile away from the shelter, not a far ride but far enough with a cat on the dash!* It was about 9 am at this point and my hubby was still sleeping. He woke up with a bit of a shock with a cat sniffing his nose! *Remus now does this on a daily basis lol*

awweee! that's such a cute little story!

08-12-2004, 10:50 AM
Saphirah belonged to my husband when we got married. He got her from a neighbor whose cat had kittens. She is now 5 years old, queen of the house, and a total daddy's girl.

Chloe was adopted from an animal shelter when she was about 10 months old. She had the sweetest face that just made me fall head-over-heels for her. When I took her out of the cage, she looked up at me and touched noses. My husband said that's when he knew that she was going home with us.

Samson was dropped off in the country near where we lived at the time. We think he may have been around for awhile. When January rolled around, he moved into the crawlspace under our house. He would also come out and meow at us on occasion. He was thin, and his fur was dull and coarse. We started feeding him. Eventually, he moved into the house. As I have said before, he decided to keep us.

K & L
08-12-2004, 11:56 AM
All of ours were ferals or strays/dumped!

08-12-2004, 11:58 AM
Tigger was a stray!

08-12-2004, 12:14 PM
Lets see....

Noah: got him from a co-worker who had two cats that had kittens :mad:

Noel: looked utterly pathetic in a cat carrier at PetSmart. I HAD to have her. (SO glad I did :) )

Basie: while shopping for cat food, David wandered over to the Life Rescue at PetSmart. This time is was David who HAD to have him. (He's "MY" kitty now...funny, huh?)

Olivia: adopted her from the Humane Society we used to volunteer at.

Micah: same as Livvy, but he was sick and I was terrified someone would adopt him for his breed and then give him up again because he was so sick. This has been THE BEST decision I've ever made. :) I love that little guy to death!

Hermione: We were visiting my friend that does T-N-R (trap, neuter, release) and she had a bunch of super cute kittens. David HAD to have her. :)

Phoebe & Sami: We were doing some TNR of our own and caught 4 kittens. We kept these two because of their eye deformity, but now they've imprinted themselves on our hearts for forever and ever. They are by far the sweetest souls out there. :D

While 8 is a bit too many to take care of for me (I do everything for the cats), I do it and love them so much. I couldn't imagine my life without them, ever. They are my kids. :)

08-12-2004, 12:16 PM
I got Ripley from my sister's neighbor whose solid white Maine Coon had kittens with a stray tom cat. My niece picked him out for me. He had two solid white sisters, a long haird and a short haired, and the neighbor begged me to take them too. I've always wished I had and I pray they found good homes.

Two years ago I started wanting another dog and looking on petfinders. I found a rescue shelter had an adoption center in a nearby petstore and I went to look at a beagle but he was already adopted. I then started looking at the cats. A few weeks later I decided on a kitten but when we got there she was already adopted. There weren't many kittens left but the lady running the place put this little sickly black runt in my husbands arms and said to take her home for a few days and see if it works out. That's how I got my Jazzy girl.

Then last summer I got the kitten bug again and found an adorable gray and white male named Angus. I finally got hubby to go look at him and Angus was very sick with URI and ringworm. Since we had just gone through that with Jazz and it took months to get her healthy, hubby said NO to Angus. I kept going back to check on him and that was when I found Scout. She was so unusual looking with her markings and she was kind of shy and wild and had been there a while. After another couple of weeks of pleading with my husband I got her.

Felicia's Mom
08-12-2004, 01:59 PM
Felicia came from a pet store. I don't drive and this store was close enough for me to walk to. They had several black and black and white kittens, plus one grey tiger who sat away from the others. I told the people I would buy a black or b&w kitten. However, I had to walk home, get my carrier, then walk back to the pet store. I don't remember how long it took, but when I returned with the carrier, all the cute black and black & white kittens were gone. I took the only one still there, the grey tiger. She is my Felicia.

Beau: I have always had dsh/dmh cats and I wanted at least one purebred. I hadn't considered Burmese cats, but there was a cattery close by. They had two kittens for sale.

08-12-2004, 03:58 PM
Well...Before we got Buddy my sis was asking to my mom for cat - first dad didnt allow, but then he said - Ok Ok... so we went to pet shop ask if there are any messages from people who're giving kitties to good home.. well they gave us one number, we rang to it, and went to see kitty. First when I saw Buddy I was like - this is it. He's just so cute and sweet and right cat for us :) So we took him :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-12-2004, 04:46 PM
I got Tubby from a friend who was moving into an apartment that didn't allow pets.

I got Peanut from a friend who was killed on Mother's Day 1989 in a car accident with a drunk driver. :(

08-12-2004, 06:42 PM
Katie was a stray kitten, I found her in the motor of a school bus. She must of crawled in there to keep warm. Simba was adopted from Super Pet.

08-12-2004, 06:47 PM
Caeleigh, Chloe, and Orion were all adopted from the Humane Society.

08-12-2004, 06:49 PM
All of our cats have been strays or from shelters. Our current three came from shelters. We came upon Emily and Eliot when we were trying to find an adult to bring home after our last geriatric died of kidney failure. There were these two adorable babies that were hard to place because they had to go together - so home they came! Then, I "sort of" wanted an older orange male because I have just always loved them for their sweet dispositions. I read about a 1 1/2 year old that was left in a shelter because his owners no longer wanted him. Again - hard to place because he was "plump". I think I have a weakness for "hard to place":D That is how our current three came to live at our house. I am sure there will be more;)

08-12-2004, 07:19 PM
I had wanted a cat for a LONG time. My son had a friend with a Psycho Kitty that loved to attack people on the head from behind. He had convinced himself that he didn't like cats and was adament about not having one.
A lady at work had a nice adult female longhair that she needed to find a good home. There was another lady who was 'thinking' about it. I took her picture home with me and talked to my son. He liked the idea that this cat was very calm and gentle. So he said it might be OK if we got her...but, of course the lady decided at the last minute to say OK.
I still wanted a cat...BAD! So I asked Rich, my son, if he would just go look at the kitties to adopt at Petco.
So he did.
And he said he liked Julie...so I ran and adopted her before he could think about it. Got her bed, food, toys, litterbox and home we went.
At first he didn't like it that I went ahead and got her right then and there. But now he really loves her! He didn't know he liked cats until he lived with one. Thats all it takes. Here is her 'little girl' pic:
And 'Big Girl' Julie:
Notice she is snuggling in Rich's arm.:D