View Full Version : help!

08-06-2004, 09:32 AM
I have a 2 year old Golden Retriever, she is ball obsessed! Between throwin the ball in the park and in the river, we spend several hours with the ball. The only problem is she can be very possesive over it. When other dogs come to see her in the park when she has the ball there is almost always a snarl or a little nip. Dog owners just dont seem to get it, they think she is mean, she is really just loves her ball!! Any ideas how to stop this aggression?

guster girl
08-06-2004, 10:09 AM
can you get the ball away from her without her being agressive towards you? even if she's in the middle of being agressive about it with other dogs? i know finn would get agressive with his bone and i just took it out of his mouth and wouldn't let him have it. it seemed to work, but, i wouldn't do it if you think you may be injured. or maybe even don't take the ball if there are going to be other dogs around. is she agressive with all toys or just certain ones? maybe you could take ones with you that she's not agressive with. i'm curious to see others advice, it's part of why i replied. *bump* :)

08-06-2004, 08:48 PM
We just recently got a Rottie mix pup, and one of our other dogs, Nala was very food aggressive/bone aggressive towards her.

Over that past3 or so weeks, i've worked with them, and she's gotten ALOT better.

If Kiara (the pup) goes by Nala (the food/bone aggressive dog) and Nala growls or bares her teeth, I take the bone away. I've done this over and over, and it's gotten so far that Nala will actually let Kiara take it from her (but I of course give it back to Nala, since she was a good girl and let the pup near her)

08-07-2004, 06:59 PM
Thanks for you input, She would never bite me or any human, as far as we can tell. She is just possive over her ball with other dogs, it also just seems to be with her tennis ball, not other toys. Thanks huys for the help

08-07-2004, 07:21 PM
Great advice already! I've always worked with the "leave it" command since mine were young and persistence is the key! They have to understand that you can give and you can take it away:) And by the way, your girl is a beauty!!!:)

08-07-2004, 07:32 PM
The weird thing is, she knows the leave it command, she will leave the ball when there is not another dog around, and when we say leave it she will drop or not touch anything we say, its just weird, she is persitant that she does not anyone elses pup touching her ball, i have noticed she has been getting better at it, and is mroe tolerent of other dogs and her ball in the park, do u think this is somthing she may grow out of?!?