View Full Version : Would you Clone your Cat?

08-06-2004, 09:18 AM
This is just a hypothethical question. I just read this article and wondered what everyone else thinks. Here is a link so you can see what the cloned kitties look like (I hope it works):

Company claims it’s cloning pet cats
New method reportedly used to produce two kittens

By Maggie Fox
Health and Science Correspondent
Updated: 12:26 p.m. ET Aug. 5, 2004

WASHINGTON - Two kittens have been born using a new cloning method that may be safer and more efficient than traditional methods, a U.S. company said Thursday.

Genetic Savings & Clone promises to clone anyone’s pet — for $50,000 or so — and started with chief executive officer Lou Hawthorne’s own pet cat.

The two kittens, Tabouli and Baba Ganoush, were born to separate surrogate mothers in June, the company said.

Its report was not submitted for the traditional scientific review process and has not been scrutinized by cloning experts. But the company is less interested in the scientific questions and medical promise of cloning and more interested in its business model — helping people make copies of their beloved pets.

“These two remarkable kittens should finally put to rest the issue of resemblance between clones and their genetic donors,” Hawthorne said in a statement. “When performed by a skilled team using sufficiently advanced technology, clones resemble their donors to an uncanny degree — just as we predicted. It’s a happy day for our clients.”

Is a clone an exact copy?
Some experts have argued that cloning pets is a gamble, as non-genetic factors, such as conditions in the mother’s womb, can affect coat color and temperament.

That was the case back in 2001 when Genetic Savings & Clone produced the first cloned cat, named "cc" (which stands for "carbon copy" or "copycat"). Research published in the journal Nature cited DNA evidence that the kitten was indeed a clone, but her coloring and disposition were different from those of her genetic mother.

This time around, the company used a new method called chromatin transfer, which had been perfected by cloning expert James Robl and colleagues at Hematech LLC, based in Sioux Falls, S.D. Hematech is using the method to clone cattle that produce human antibodies in their milk.

The traditional nuclear transfer method of cloning involves taking the nucleus from a cell of the animal to be cloned, putting it into an egg cell that has had its own nucleus removed, and then triggering this egg into growing as if it had been fertilized.

It is not efficient — most eggs die — and many animals are born deformed.

How chromatin transfer works
Chromatin transfer aims to produce a cloned embryo that more closely resembles a normal embryo.

It involves dissolving the outside of the nucleus of the cell to be cloned and removing certain regulatory proteins from the chromosomes, which carry the genes, and the proteins around the chromosomes.

This entire cell with its permeable nucleus is fused to an egg cell to create the clone.

Genetic Savings & Clone said it has tried the method to duplicate Tahini, a 1-year-old female Bengal cat belonging to Hawthorne. Bengals are specially bred crosses of Asian Leopard Cats and domestic cats.

The company has contracted to produce five more clones for clients by the end of the year.

Copyright 2004 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5612603/

08-06-2004, 09:23 AM
Remus to me is a unique cat. To me, copying him would do injustice to him. He is his own kitty and I personally would like to keep it that way.
*that and two of HIM would drive me insane :D*

08-06-2004, 09:56 AM
No...Miss Julie is an original. Besides, there are too many other special little ones out there who need us more than replicating a new kitty.

08-06-2004, 10:00 AM
Do we really need 'two for one' kittens when so many are dying in the shelters?

As for cloning my existing personal cat, do you think the clone would have the personality of the original? What if it doesn't? Then you have this cat who is not like your cat, at all, but visually a reminder of the cat you knew.
Too scary for me.


08-06-2004, 10:04 AM
Well maybe cause my loss is so recent, but yes i would have him cloned. BUT not at that price !!!!!:rolleyes:

08-06-2004, 10:09 AM
Nope. I'm with rose on this one.

smokey the elder
08-06-2004, 10:38 AM
No way in h*ll!!! Not with about a zillion homeless cats out there. I think every rescuer on the planet would agree.

08-06-2004, 10:52 AM
No, I wouldn't.

08-06-2004, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by nibblets
No...Miss Julie is an original. Besides, there are too many other special little ones out there who need us more than replicating a new kitty.

I agree with you. I'm sure I would have been tempted right after losing Kuhio but even a clone wouldn't have been "her".

08-06-2004, 12:21 PM
No one holds a candle to my Moo man!!!! Absolutely not!

08-06-2004, 12:25 PM
Heck NO!! I wouldn't even do it for free! It goes completely against nature in my book but the main reason I wouln't do such a thing is because of all the reasons mentioned above. Each of my furballs are amazing individuals and I can't imagine spending lots of money to attempt to replicate them when that money could help so many more innocent already existing lives.

Actually I think the whole thing is GROSS!

08-06-2004, 12:33 PM
Not a chance! They're each individuals, and to clone them would distroy that. Plus, there is no guarantee you'll get an exact replica. I've seen cloned kittens that look nothing like the cat they were cloned from. Besides, I agree with everyone else on the whole rescue side of it. Why create more unwanted, and unnatural, kittens?

08-06-2004, 01:49 PM
Nope. As much as I have grieved at the loss of my furkids, there is just something not right about it to me.

I agree totally with Rose...we have so many (way to many) unwanted, unloved, abandoned animals in this world from very irresponsible people out there. :mad: I don't think I could justify paying or even not paying to have a cloned animal.

08-06-2004, 08:31 PM
I would clone Ron because he's so laid back and cool. He is always content and happy as long as he has food.

But I would never clone Raven. Her paranoia breaks my heart. I could never put another cat through that. She has such a hard time trusting people, even us. Everytime she walks down the hallway, it's like it's the first time. She literally creeps down it real low, with eyes darting back and forth. It takes her forever to get down it. If you make the slightest sound or movement, she freaks out and runs back into the room. The room is her safe spot. She's outgoing and secure (with just us and my brother Jeff) in her room.

08-06-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady

Actually I think the whole thing is GROSS!
Amen to THAT! It is playing God. I would not dare. It is a disgusting and offensive pursuit in my opinion! What a waste of research money:mad:

08-06-2004, 09:04 PM
I agree with everyone cloning just isn't right IMO, but a tiny tiny part of me would love to have Lexie cloned, before she goes to the RB, because she is so sweet and loving, and I don't think i will ever find another like her, and when that time comes, which will be a long long time away I hope as she is only a youngster , I will be broken-hearted, but I know in my heart she will always be and yes there probably is another Lexie out there.

08-06-2004, 09:52 PM
Absolutely not! Even if the cat looked exactly like Trevor or Andy and acted exactly like Trevor and Andy I would know it wasn't Trevor and Andy. Plus I have grave concerns about where this is all leading. :eek:

08-06-2004, 09:59 PM
I guess I sort of misunderstood the question. I don't believe in cloning. I thought the question was more of the sort "Would you want another cat just like yours?"

08-06-2004, 10:47 PM
No way. I love all of my cats personalities but I'd never want to clone them. Like others have said, there are too many homeless cats out there already that need loving forever homes. I believe in adopting cats from rescue groups not cloning them.

08-07-2004, 08:25 AM
I'm with the majority on this one. Cloning is really creepy to me. I think if we start doing this, something will (karma) get back to us. I believe the clones might start to go wrong or 'bad'.

And as far as cloning pets, the main reason is that there are way too many others that need homes. When, God forbid, my guys go to the other side, I'll decide to rescue more animals.

08-07-2004, 08:39 AM
I ahve heard that Copy cat,the first cloned Cat,like the Sheep in Scotland,has been having Health Problems,and has aged much faster,than your regular Cat! Are there not enough Cats,that need homes in sheletrs,that tnese Over Educated Souless Morons,have to try,to create more! FOOLS,Tampering,with The Lords work!