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11-08-2001, 08:12 PM
Dear 4Feline,

I was exploring your Webshots page and really enjoyed it. Is it just me, or does your Peaches:

Look like a female version of my Perspicacity "Cassy" -- seen here hoping to snare a snack?

4 feline house
11-08-2001, 10:04 PM
Yes!!! I know you've posted pics of him before, but I guess the others didn't show how much alike they do look! Cassy looks bulkier, being the manly man that he is, but it looks like they're both light blue classic tabbies with gold eyes! Wow, maybe they're long-lost siblings!

11-08-2001, 10:41 PM
Heh, heh! Separated at birth?

Actually Cassy's eyes are Thompson grape green, but they do seem to photograph amber.

I hadn't noticed how much more stocky Cassy was til I posted the photos atop one another. He's very muscular and loves to make great swooping leaps atop things or across things. (He can jump more than 6 feet from one piece of furniture to another.) I thought this was a cat thing, but more cat-savvy friends than I say his leaping is remarkable...

Seriously, your Peaches (and all your crew) are lovely! They seem to get along so well. Congrats.

4 feline house
11-09-2001, 07:42 PM
Green grape eyes - that's how I used to describe Zebo's eyes! He's at the RB now.

They do get along pretty good, except that Peaches has to keep Big in line all the time - she's gotta make sure she stays top dog, guess she feels that Big, being the only male, may try to usurp her position one day!