View Full Version : Rude house guest to Mooch, called Mooch the devil dog!!!

08-02-2004, 06:09 PM
A friend of mine from high school stoped by over the weekend on her way to Miami. She brought a friend with her, who I was told loved animals and really wanted to see my Zoo Crew. I though great, I get to see my old friend and show off my babies too. :D

Well things never seem to work out the way you hope sometimes. This woman was what I thought to be total out of line. She didn't like Mooch!!! :mad: She said she hated to look at Mooch, because of her eyes. She called them evil eyes and called Mooch the devil dog!!!!! She wanted me to lock Mooch up in our room while she was here, Mooch scared her to look at.

For those that don't know Mooch is blind, so her eyes are a little odd to look at. But to call her the devil dog and ask me to lock her up in the room, was way out of line, I thought!

So I told her that!
"I'm not locking my dog up because you can't deal with looking at a blind dogs eyes" "Just don't look and is you call her a devil dog one more time you are welcome to leave." So they left!!

Here's a picture of Mooch. It shows what Mooch's eyes look like. Yes they are different to look at, but not evil eyes. Just a blind dog eye's.


My high school friend says she understands that her friend was a "little" out of line, but she doesn't understand why I would not lock Mooch up for the short time they where here, just to make peace.

NO!! I'm not locking her up for anyone or anything, She blind!! She scares easy and if she can't smell us around her she goes nuts tring to figure out how to get back to us. I put her in the bedroom one time when we had small children over and Mooch just keep running into the door, trying to get out to us. I told myself that I would never do that to her again.

If Mooch was a bad dog and attacked people or if someone came over that was scared to death of dogs. I'd have no problems putting my dogs up somewhere to make a guest feel safe. But to lock them up because someone doesn't want to LOOK at them....NO, I won't do it.

I'm right....Right????

08-02-2004, 06:12 PM
Good for you for showing them the door! Sweet little Mooch!

08-02-2004, 06:13 PM
You are absolutely right. I wouldn't have locked my dogs up either, just because someone didn't like how they looked.

08-02-2004, 06:14 PM
That is TERRIBLE. What an evil woman :( I would have called her Devil-Woman. You are definately right. I wouldn't have locked up sweet Mooch either. Mooch is my favorite animal out of your crew. She is so sweet and special.

Reece is blind in one eye and has cataracts. Sometimes people look at him funny and say he looks weird. I have to quickly make an exit before I tell those people that THEY look weird.

08-02-2004, 06:19 PM
awww poor moochie :( I dont think her eyes are scary at all, Honey's eyes looked exactly the same, and I did not even notice because the rest of her was adorable :p

Toller 42
08-02-2004, 06:24 PM
Mooch doesn't have scary eyes at all! She is beautiful. good for
you telling them to leave I would have done the same thing.

08-02-2004, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by cali
awww poor moochie :( I dont think her eyes are scary at all, Honey's eyes looked exactly the same, and I did not even notice because the rest of her was adorable :p

See that's what I thought. Mooch is so cute that how could anyone think she was a devil dog, just because of her eyes.

I know it's wrong to say, but a part of me was thinking, I hope she goes blind and people treat her like that. Give her a taste of what it's like to be judged beause of a handicap. Not that I want that to happen to anyone, but the thought was there. :p

Cali, is Honey blind too, sense you said her eyes look the same? If so has she learned to deal with it? Mooch still has problems with it, so I was just wondering if in time they learn to adjust better.

08-02-2004, 06:41 PM
aww... poor Mooch. Stupid evil lady... how rude of her to insult someone in there own house! Im glad you asked them to leave.

People are scared of Meeka because her eyes are two different colors... but I think they are wonderful. :oAnd so are Mooch's eyes.

08-02-2004, 06:44 PM
Well good for you! I wouldn't have put up with that either. People can be so rude:mad:

08-02-2004, 06:45 PM
You are very right and I'm so glad you stuck up for poor Mooch. That was also rude of your "friend" to side with the person that she brought. Grrrrr. Poor Mooch. Give them some loving from me and all of us here at PT. Glad you stuck to your guns. Hey, I'm off this weekend. Want to meet up for some bourbon chicken and just a little shopping? Maybe some Barnie's coffee?

08-02-2004, 06:50 PM
I am not sure how I would have re-acted.
But that woman was down right RUDE!
I am glad you gave her the option by showing her
the door.

08-02-2004, 06:52 PM
Yes you were completely right to show her the door. That woman is not an animal lover. Would she lock up her child if it was blind or deformed? And good point - how would she feel if she went blind and was ostracized?

Mooch, you are adorable and much loved by mom and pet talk!

08-02-2004, 07:13 PM
Damn Straight you are right! What a stupid lady! Does she have her grandma locked up in a closet because old people look scary?

08-02-2004, 07:29 PM
Thanks everyone, I knew If I came here I'd get support for my actions. :D :D

I get so tired of people saying that it's just a dog, don't make a big deal out of things. :mad: It was and is a big deal to me. That's not just a dog, thats my baby.... just a 4 legged baby. lol

08-02-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Hey, I'm off this weekend. Want to meet up for some bourbon chicken and just a little shopping? Maybe some Barnie's coffee?

Sounds good to me, bourbon chicken. :D Let me make sure this isn't the weekend to help my sister-in-law move. If not your on. :D I'm pm you later when I know for sure.

08-02-2004, 07:47 PM
She was way out of line concidering she was not even invited to be there. Your friend should be more selective of the company she keeps as she visits people.

08-02-2004, 07:51 PM
I would have asked her to wait out in the car because you didn't like her face and her eyebrows reminded you of the devil's.

08-02-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I would have asked her to wait out in the car because you didn't like her face and her eyebrows reminded you of the devil's.


08-02-2004, 08:09 PM
Honey is 90% blind she gets along with it so well that until we found her owners we had no idea she was blind lol not to mention she went from one end of the city to another and was there for 3 days before being found, and only minor injurys. I could not believe she was blind when I found out! lol

08-02-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by cali
Honey is 90% blind she gets along with it so well that until we found her owners we had no idea she was blind lol not to mention she went from one end of the city to another and was there for 3 days before being found, and only minor injurys. I could not believe she was blind when I found out! lol

How luck for you and her that she made it across town with limited eye site.

I wish I could say the same for Mooch getting along with it that well. She uses the walls as bumper stops to head her in a different direction. She has a general idea where she is heading, she just miss aims some. :( I try to work with her, but it doesn't always work out the way I hoped it would. She knows when I yell stop though, that means we are going to hit something, so she stops on a dime. :)

08-02-2004, 09:51 PM
I think you were 100% right on! That would be like someone saying, "I don't like your daughter's hair... lock her up until I leave." It's the same thing! Love me, love my dogs... For just about all of us here on PT, our dogs, cats and other animals are like our kids. But there are those out there to whom they are just animals, who don't really have feelings. :rolleyes: Way to go on sticking to your guns!

Aspen and Misty
08-02-2004, 10:16 PM
I'm so sorry ::hugs::

My mom's dog Teddy also has cloudy eyes, it might be freaky, but it doesn't make them ANY less of a dog!


08-02-2004, 10:58 PM
You did the right thing. I more then likely would have told her off, I'm just type of person.

My Aunt (in Darthmouth/Nova Scotia/Canada) is deadly scared of dogs. But when we brought Max (RB Max now) to her home, he was 100% welcomed by her. She gave us a bunch of old blankets for him to lay on in the backyard.

I knew she didn't like him, but she prentended to like him just because he was our dog. She told me she thought he was a handsom looking dog (she looked at him through her kitchen window) & kept asking us if he was comfy & if he had enough water & if he could have a steak (that was a big no no, he would have gone mad and attacked someone, people food does that to him & it also makes him really sick).

& the day before we were at my other aunts place (in Fredricton/New Brunswick/Canada) & she was evil. My uncle even told her off, it was so funny.

Max was running around in their MASSIVE yard, playing with their 2 young kids (I think they were under 10 at the time), my dad, my sister, my uncle & myself.

Max LOVES kids & would never hurt one, not even when they hurt him (adults r different, he'll bite them if they deserve it). We were all chasing Max around having a blast & all we hear is my aunt (I never call her aunt Bev.. I hate her, I call her uncle ted's wife heheh) was WATCH OUT HE"S ATTACKING THE CHILDREN!! KILL HIM HE"S KILLING THE CHILDREN. Scream this & scream that oh & scream some more. My uncle just got tired of her & told her off & made her go into the house & leave the dog alone before we let him loose in the house!!

She ran inside (she was on the deck) & never came back out heheheh.. My uncle told us to ignor her, she hate dogs & goes way overboard. He said Max was awonderful dog & was welcomed back anytime. :)

08-02-2004, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal

what a sweet girl she is!!! :D how is that frightning? :) what a sweet girl. :D

*i wonder what she'll say when someone close to her gets cataracts. :rolleyes: *

08-02-2004, 11:32 PM
That's horrible. :( Poor Mooch.

Aww.. but how can anybody think that sweety is frightening? She's adorable! :)

08-02-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by cocker_luva
what a sweet girl she is!!! :D how is that frightning? :) what a sweet girl. :D

*i wonder what she'll say when someone close to her gets cataracts. :rolleyes: *

I wonder what she'll say when SHE gets cataracts.

08-03-2004, 07:43 AM
You were so right!! I can't believe someone would ask you that!?! She's a sweet baby who just wants to be with her people.

My theory "This is their house, if you don't like it - YOU leave!"

08-03-2004, 09:47 AM
I'm with everyone else on this!

My dog, Bear, had cataracts too. They couldn't be removed the way most dogs' can. No one knew he was blind because he could get around so well.

Now he has NO eyes. If anyone comes over and can't handle the way he looks, they better leave! He's a brave, sweet, intelligent furkid and has shown me how to handle adversity.

He still bangs into walls now and then, but loves to run in the yard and jump up on the couch to sit with me.

My dogs are my family. Treat them as such.


08-03-2004, 11:07 AM
Poor Mooch. You're absolutely right, and good for you for standing up for Mooch.

08-03-2004, 11:16 AM
people have some nerve sometimes. i have this posted at my home. you could add one about mooch!

Notice to people who visit our home

~ Our dogs live here. You do not. ~

~ If you don’t want dog hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. ~

~ Yes, they have some disgusting habits. Humans do also. ~

~ OF COURSE they smell like dogs! ~

~ It’s their nature to sniff your crotch. Please feel free to sniff theirs in return. ~

~ We like them a lot better than we like most people. ~

~ To you they are dogs. To us they are adopted kids who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly. We have no problem with any of these things. ~

~ Dogs don't judge people by what they have and don't have. They like you or they don't. If our dogs don't like you then you probably shouldn't be in our home anyway. ~

makes you wonder what she says to people who are blind!

08-03-2004, 11:22 AM
Or deformed, or who have amputated limbs...yeah, this woman sounds like a real treasure.

08-03-2004, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by rotten_two
people have some nerve sometimes. i have this posted at my home. you could add one about mooch!

Notice to people who visit our home

~ Our dogs live here. You do not. ~

~ If you don’t want dog hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. ~

~ Yes, they have some disgusting habits. Humans do also. ~

~ OF COURSE they smell like dogs! ~

~ It’s their nature to sniff your crotch. Please feel free to sniff theirs in return. ~

~ We like them a lot better than we like most people. ~

~ To you they are dogs. To us they are adopted kids who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly. We have no problem with any of these things. ~

~ Dogs don't judge people by what they have and don't have. They like you or they don't. If our dogs don't like you then you probably shouldn't be in our home anyway. ~

I like that, I think I'll have to make a sign just for that and hang it up proudly. :)

08-03-2004, 10:43 PM
Just thought I'd let everyone know I got a message from her today on my voice mail.

She said she was sorry for being so rude, once my friend explained to her how I was about my pets, she now understands how I must have taken her wrong.

I guess I should just be thankful she called to say sorry even though I still don't see how anyone could have taken her any other way then rude.

08-03-2004, 11:07 PM
I'm glad you said that to them, i mean they were been stupid! Mooch has beautiful eyes, i mean would they go up to a blind person and say that....love u mooch!!

08-04-2004, 12:46 AM
awwwww--Moochie baby--how on earth could anyone say such things about you????

You definitely did the right thing--she had no right to be there, but Mooch does.

A couple of years ago, when we had only Kito, we lived in an apartment, and rented out the spare room to a friend. This friend wasn't particuarly an animal lover, but he enjoyed the company. Well, his girlfriend came over one night, and freaked out. Kito (all 20 pounds of him) was looking at her. She was literally shreiking and backing away like he was a monster. He then started barking playfully--he was still a pup, and just wanted to make friends. I asked her to bend over and just let him sniff her hand, or pet him, and her response: "I don't touch pets. Pets are dirty." I wanted to take him in the bedroom and shut the door, but my mouth took over. I told her she had NO RIGHT in my apartment--the dog pays rent, she doesn't (we had a pet fee, lol), and to leave and never come back.
You know what? She didn't:)

I think Mooch is beautiful, and his eyes are too.

08-04-2004, 01:52 AM
You were right!!! You go girl!!!!!
TOO late to apologise ...........

I have a friend who won't visit me unless I lock away my dogs, because she is convinced they will attack her .......... so, I visit her!
Lets not mention the 1000's of other people who ONLY visit me FOR MY DOGS!!!! :D

08-04-2004, 10:34 AM
"She said she was sorry for being so rude, once my friend explained to her how I was about my pets, she now understands how I must have taken her wrong."

Too bad she couldn't have said something like, "I understand now how I might have been immature and rude" rather than implying that you took your pets more seriously than other people, but still we can hope she learned something from it.

08-04-2004, 10:37 AM
That was so rude of that lady! I guess it was good of her to call and apolagize, but it sure doesn't make up for what she said!

I can't see the picture of Mooch now, but I'm sure he (or she? sorry, bad w/ gender) is a beautiful dog.


08-04-2004, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Smilla
"She said she was sorry for being so rude, once my friend explained to her how I was about my pets, she now understands how I must have taken her wrong."

Too bad she couldn't have said something like, "I understand now how I might have been immature and rude" rather than implying that you took your pets more seriously than other people, but still we can hope she learned something from it.

See that's how I felt about it. Even when saying sorry, she still made it seem as if I was wrong in some way. Why people just can't just say sorry without havng to put a excuse behind it. Everyone wants to say sorry But........................................ What's wrong with just saying I'm sorry. :confused:

08-04-2004, 12:08 PM
Good for you!
It really hacks me off the way people think they can just say whatever they think with no thought as to whether they are offending or hurting someone.

My little bichon, Buddy is in the early stages of losing his sight. His eyes are starting to cloud. I believe I would show them the door just as you did. He is part of our family. This is his home and if someone can't look at him...well, no one is holding them hostage...beat it!

Mooch looks like a little angel to me- that person is the one that is truly blind.

08-04-2004, 12:16 PM
I would have snapped. Grrrrr, I agree with a lot of you people here: Love me, love my pets! Some jerk came over once and said my rats were "slimy" and I should be kicked out of my apartment for having them! I just about lost it! Good thing John was there to stop me from skewering the guy...

Mooch is a cutie, not scary at all! Sheesh, not all animals are "perfect" little desplay pecies and thats ok! Just because they are different doesn't mean they don't need love. Look at Magoo over on the cat side, he is easily one of the favorite kitties here on PT! And a lady like that would have said he was "creepy"

Some people :rolleyes: