View Full Version : Bandit not doing well

08-02-2004, 05:34 PM
Some of you may have read my diabetes thread. He never was regulated, really. This past week he stopped eating. he went in for his curve on thursday and it was low, but I explained the not eating to my vet. They gave me some different food. He barely ate all weekend, and whatever he ate came back up.

Today I found out he was in kidney failure. :(

We had two choices based on the tests - take him home and say goodbye tomorrow, or try to treat it with sub-q fluids and pills (to help the protein). We are trying the fluids and pills. My vet said at this stage it might get him a few weeks, but he might still not eat.

There is a whole bunch of other medical stuff, but I have a headache from crying and don't feel like typing it all out. Things are not looking good at all.


08-02-2004, 06:59 PM
OMG I'm so sorry about Bandit. :( :( I pray that the fluids and pills work and he starts eating again.
Hugs to you at this very difficult time. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you.

08-02-2004, 10:50 PM
You and Bandit will be in my prayers. I am so sorry that things are looking so bad for him. :(

08-02-2004, 11:09 PM
I am so sorry to hear such sad news.
I hope the vet is wrong and he will have months
to years.
Sending good wishes to you and Bandit.

08-03-2004, 11:16 AM
I am so sorry to hear this! I was hoping Bandit was doing well since I haven't heard anything for a while.

Hopefully the pills and fluids will help him want to eat. Don't be surprised if he bounces back.

Our prayers are with you. And PetTalk prayers are mighty strong!

Please update when you can.


08-03-2004, 01:27 PM
Oh no:(:(:( I'm so, so sorry to hear that Bandit's not doing well:( Bandit is such a precious pup and my heart is breaking for you. But hopefully the fludis and medication will make him more comfortable and give you more time with your beloved boy. Never count out a miracle. Prayers are being said for you and for beautiful Bandit. {{{HUGS}}} Love, Sandra, Cody and Star

08-03-2004, 02:41 PM
Aw, poor Bandit.:( I do hope the pills & fluids are a help
to him. Most of all I would hope he is not too uncomfortable.

I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you feel
better again soon Bandit.

Cinder & Smoke
08-03-2004, 02:51 PM
Hi God ~

We'd like to ask for a lil Help for Dear ole Bandit.

We'll all be *crossin* Pawz & Klawz fur him;
anna 2-Leggerz will be sendin Prayers.

Thanks, God!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

08-03-2004, 04:29 PM
Oh I am so sorry to hear this. I pray that God hears Cinder and Smoke's prayers and answers them. Hugs.

08-04-2004, 02:36 AM
My mom's RB sheltie, Cody, had to do the sub-q fluids and pills when he had kidney problems. He actually responded quite well. Keep your chin up - he will let you know how he's doing. I'll keep you and Bandit in my thoughts.

08-04-2004, 07:02 AM
I wish I had better news - but he's still not eating. He is losing weight rapidly. Everytime he refuses the food offered to him it breaks my heart. I cooked up a bunch of hamburgers and steaks, he refused it. I have offered him everything imaginable (excluding sugar, because of his diabetes) and he won't eat anything. He has been getting the fluids for two days now and he has been drinking and peeing. He can get up and out to pee, but I can tell he is getting very weak.

I know, in my heart, that letting him go now in peace is the right thing to do for him. My SO does not want to give up yet. I have people telling me to do the kind thing, yet Jeff wants to hang on and see if he will start eating agin. I am so torn - of course I want to do the right thing for my dog, but it is so hard to actually do it.

08-04-2004, 07:40 AM
My heart goes out to you...... *Hugs*

You need to do what is best for him, not what's best for you.
He does not have the option to make his own choices, that's where you come in. I pray everything works out for you and Bandit. You both with be in my prayers!!

isabel wilson
08-04-2004, 10:44 AM
Best wishes from the UK - I can feel the pain you are in - thoughts are with you and Bandit.
Isabel and Tag

08-04-2004, 03:05 PM
I know from first hand experience the incredible torment you are going through right now. My best friend ever, my forever Lab Jingles died from liver cancer. When she was first diagnosed,she was put on a Rx food food, low protein. Proteins are very difficult for dogs with liver cancer to digest. Jing never turned up a crumb in her entire life, but when she became very ill, she started refusing to eat anything at all. I tried everything, even the forbidden foods, just to see her eat something. At the end, I offered her anything, everything, including warmed catfood, ice cream, hamburger. Even if she would eat, she quickly threw it up and her weight was dropping steadily. It ripped my heart out to see her so sick but like Jeff, I kept hanging on, hoping that the next day she would improve. My best advice would be for you to talk with your vet and discuss all options available and the liklihood of Bandit improving.; ask her or him, what she/he would do if it were her/his dog. It breaks my heart to see you suffering and I know, you don't want Bandit to either:(:(:( Please give Bandit a big hug for me and place a kiss on that precious face. We're here for you and we all do, truly, understand what you're going through. Love, Sandra

08-04-2004, 03:46 PM
Thanks everyone. I did ask my vet what he would do if he was his dog, he said he'd let him go. :( He is pretty far gone, if he was eating anything it might be a different story. It has just been too long without eating, and I saw his labwork, the BUN, creatine and (I think) phosphorous were off the chart they were so high. I can't stand to see him starve to death in front of me.

Jeff is taking the next few days off work, and then we'll say goodbye to Bandit. It is very sad for us.

08-04-2004, 04:06 PM
:(:(:( I'm so sorry. I know you and Jefff will be loving your baby every minute you have left with him. I'm so, so sad and my heart breaks for you and Jeff. Please kiss Bandit for me. Tears...

08-04-2004, 04:34 PM
I'm so sorry, but you and Jeff are making a very brave, unselfish decision for your Bandit. Bless his heart, I hope he will feel that love from you guys every minute. I know he will. :)

You will all remain in our prayers.


08-05-2004, 07:38 AM
I know this has been a hard decision for you. I really hoped Bandit would be OK with the diabetes, but there must have been more going on.

He knows you love him. Letting him go shows how much. My heart hurts for you.

A big cyber hug coming your way.


08-05-2004, 08:14 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Bandit. Hugs to all of you.

08-05-2004, 10:13 AM
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about this:( It must be very hard for you.
Please know that you will be in our prayers as you say goodbye to Bandit.

08-05-2004, 10:27 AM
I am sorry I am just now reading this.

My heart is just aching for you. I am so sorry about this. Bandit, you and Jeff will be in my prayers. This is a terrible time for you and your family. Oh how I wish I had some magic words to make all the hurt go away. Please know that we are here when you need to talk.

I'll be thinking about you.

Hugs for you and your family and please give Bandit a kiss from me.

Robin :(

08-05-2004, 10:29 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about poor Bandit.:(
You will be in my prayers in the coming days and weeks, treasure your time left with Bandit, and know you are doing the unselfish thing for him.


08-05-2004, 11:23 AM
I will be hoping for the best!!!! Poor lil guy... and poor you,, its got to be rough!


Cinder & Smoke
08-05-2004, 06:07 PM

Originally posted by boscibo

We let Bandit go at about 10:30 this morning.
It was so very, very hard. I still can't believe it is real.
My SO held him and I stroked his head and
told him how much I loved him.

I miss him so much already.
Here is a picture I took of him yesterday morning:

** Bandit **

Rest in Peace Bandit, and know I loved you very much.

Please offer your condolences on this thread >>>

Bandit crossed the Rainbow Bridge (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&postid=789370)

/s/ :( Phred

08-05-2004, 06:59 PM
Boscibo I am so sorry.

08-05-2004, 08:50 PM
This is terribly sad. :( What a lovely picture of the sweet boy.

Rest in peace, Bandit.