View Full Version : My goofy girl (video)

Holly's mom
07-31-2004, 09:56 PM
It was raining here the other morning and I went outside with Holly so that she could do her "business". I was standing on the driveway, under my umbrella, but then I had to run inside quickly and get my camera, because she was jumping and leaping at the raindrops!! It was just hilarious, that's the first time she ever did that. I have been blowing her peanut butter doggy bubbles for her a couple of times last week, so I wonder if she thought these raindrops were tiny bubbles.:rolleyes: So anyway, here's the video, I hope you like it. You can really hear the rain hitting my umbrella in the very last part of the video.

07-31-2004, 10:01 PM
LOL...I love it!!! That is too cute!!! That Holly is one gorgeous girl.

Ok, now tell me about these peanut butter bubbles! I have never heard of these. Where can I find some? Is it something like the bubbles we played with when I was a kid?

Robin :)

07-31-2004, 10:02 PM
I'm back! I didn't have the sound on the first time so I had to play it again. LOL..did it start raining harder and that is why she came running so quick? Just adorable.

Robin :)

07-31-2004, 10:03 PM
What a beautiful girl you are, Holly! And too funny! That's a great video! :D

Holly's mom
07-31-2004, 10:07 PM
Robin, those bubbles are similar to those bubbles we had when we kids. But these flavored ones (you can get them at Petsmart and Petco) harden slightly, so they don't pop right away. They come in peanut butter and bacon flavors.

And, yes, it did start raining harder when she came running towards me. But I think maybe she finally figured out those won't her bubbles and was slightly embarrassed.:p

08-01-2004, 09:55 AM
Oh, Holly is such a card! When Hannah was a puppy, she would try to catch snow flakes (while I am standing outside in the freezing cold waiting for her to pee.) But how can one be upset with such zest for the joys of life?